My problem with the Cloud/Aerith thing is if they make a Shield and Sword deal for this game...Aerith will see more play time to kill Cloud with 5 Support. At that point you'll be using Cloud because he's dead anyway.
Cloud or Sephiroth
I'd say that most people can agree that palying Aerith is risky. While she does give Cloud the nice boost, she could scew him over just as easily.
Cloud's Pros:
Doesn't get discarded after battle (suck on that behemoth!)
It's stats are
, good for killing dark cards and casting a wide array of magic
Great support with Peter Pan. Pan and cloud can demolish everything in their way.
Keeps resources on the board.
Can clear worlds with ease.
Great Synergy with Jack+Beast/Herc
Useful in every match-up.
Cloud's Cons:
He's a lvl 4, so some invest is required to get him out, whether it be moogle or level ramping.
Has a direct answer (Aerith) but also beefs him up (seems nice in coliseum).
Sephiroth's Pros:
Doesn't get discarded after a challenge
Helps to maintain board presence
Great Synergy with Owl and other control cards.
Wins challenges easily.
Doesn't have a direct answer
Big stats, beats and magic are nice
Sephiroth's Cons:
Only useful against other Aggro/Control decks, World racer isn't usually concerned with it.
He's a lvl 4 so again, investment is required to get him out.
That seems about right.
Well, there you have it. Pretty much the full analysis of pros and cons for both. Much appreciated Roxas_Lawliet.