Lion's Pride Deck

By OokamiGauru, in L5R LCG: Deck Building

Did you only test against 1 Core+6packs decks? Or did you pit this against 3 Cores decks?

2 more Cores would do wonders for this deck. At least get more Spirit Callers and Lions Pride Brawlers.

How many test games did you play? What did you play against? What is your strategy for playing these cards?

It's difficult to evaluate your list and provide feedback without knowing the purpose behind building the deck like this.

Does it provide you some sort of way to combat the local meta game? Are you building it to try and compete in a big tournament?

I think we need more than a decklist before commenting further.


I recently played against someone who did the same thing (build a deck with single core and just the cards from the booster packs). While I cannot be certain the list was exactly the same as yours or that he played it the same way, I completely dominated him with my casual Unicorn/Crab deck, two games in a row. The second game was more brutal than the first as I knew I didn't have to play around LFB and FGG and I could get more aggressive.

Of course, if you are just playing with what you got, then your options are limited, but, there are a lot of cards out of the core set that you are missing when you only play with one core, and by not splashing other clans conflict cards you are also missing out on other options to maximize the cards you do have.

Unless you are playing vs people who are using the same deckbuilding limitations as you, then you will always be at a disadvantage, in terms of card quality. You might get some wins here and there, but, don't fall into the trap of thinking the deck is optimal and able to compete in a major tournament. It could be that you are just a better player than the people you are playing against and able to win with a sub-optimal deck.

Edited by Ishi Tonu

I've tested against single core and 3 core decks that use splash, but you're all right, I probably did just get lucky.

I'll be getting another core here in the next few weeks and will try to get the third before the Phoenix clan pack comes out.

I've created this deck for the intent of going single clan, similar to Old5R, and I've found that using the amount of conflict cards I have in there has given me a balanced hand in every game I've played, able to deal with anything from the other clans: dishonor, military, political, discard.

My main intent is to hit either an honor win or military, and when I have splashed a single core 30/30, I used Lion/Crab which helped those two conditions.

I think at some point a single clan deck is certainly possible and potentially just as competitive as any deck that is splashing other clans, but, I still think you'll want to have 3 cores. LPB is just so good, as well as other cards that the Lion and other clans have for them.

If you just wanted to make a deck with just one core and the dynasty packs, I'd say Unicorn or Phoenix would be the clans to try this with. Phoenix got a ton of great stuff in the dynasty packs, potentially enough that they could be competitive with other constructed decks and not have to use the 3 cores. Unicorn was lacking so much in the core that just about anything would be an improvement, but, doubtful that it would be as competitive.

I was taking the same approach by buying one core and the dynasty packs, but, then a friend who works as a game store got a great Black Friday deal for core sets and he got some of my friends together to hook me up for an early Christmas present. Now that I'm rocking the 3 cores it's very hard to go back to anything else, but, I do still dabble with more casual homebrew formats from time to time.

If you do stick with the one core and dynasty pack decks, I'd recommend a Phoenix Imperial deck

13 minutes ago, Ishi Tonu said:

I think at some point a single clan deck is certainly possible and potentially just as competitive as any deck that is splashing other clans, but, I still think you'll want to have 3 cores. LPB is just so good, as well as other cards that the Lion and other clans have for them.

If you just wanted to make a deck with just one core and the dynasty packs, I'd say Unicorn or Phoenix would be the clans to try this with. Phoenix got a ton of great stuff in the dynasty packs, potentially enough that they could be competitive with other constructed decks and not have to use the 3 cores. Unicorn was lacking so much in the core that just about anything would be an improvement, but, doubtful that it would be as competitive.

I was taking the same approach by buying one core and the dynasty packs, but, then a friend who works as a game store got a great Black Friday deal for core sets and he got some of my friends together to hook me up for an early Christmas present. Now that I'm rocking the 3 cores it's very hard to go back to anything else, but, I do still dabble with more casual homebrew formats from time to time.

If you do stick with the one core and dynasty pack decks, I'd recommend a Phoenix Imperial deck

The intention is always to go 3 core, but getting the extra cores aren't the priority at the moment.

I will be trying out a few games with the other clans here soon using this method until I can get the other core sets.

You could always proxy the extra core cards until then.

Either way, as long as you are playing the game and enjoying yourself, who give a flying flop what anyone else thinks!

Can confirm, you can go a long way with the Phoenix cards from the boosters. Kaede + Prodigy of the Waves is pretty much a game plan, but you'll be missing some stuff, like Against the Waves, Supernatural Storm, Forgotten Library, and Shiba Yojimbo. But it should hold together pretty well overall.

On 22/12/2017 at 9:09 PM, Ishi Tonu said:

I think at some point a single clan deck is certainly possible and potentially just as competitive as any deck that is splashing other clans.

If somebody can pull this out right now, is Lion. I have a friend who plays a 3-cores no splash Lion deck and he’s pretty competitive (in our casual local meta). Mind you, this guy doesn’t even use Ujiaki because he think “he’s not that great”.

Lion relies heavily in Dynasty cards, so Conflict cards act more like a support, but what win games for the Lion is still its Dynasty deck. While splash certainly can help any Lion deck, is not as necessary as in other Clans.

Edited by Tabris2k
On 12/22/2017 at 1:25 PM, OokamiGauru said:

The intention is always to go 3 core, but getting the extra cores aren't the priority at the moment.

I will be trying out a few games with the other clans here soon using this method until I can get the other core sets.

3 Cores allows for more consistency and purpose in the dynasty deck. You can plan for certain combos to hit more often and you can save fate for unique units.

Personally, that's why Unicorn YURTS are so good, because they refill face-up - effectively trimming the dynasty down to 37 cards = more consistency and purpose.