anyone? lol im looking for people that play....i might get some friends into it but a larger group would be nice
Players in southeastern Wisconsin then......sad
Prob still pick up the minis....but thats dissapointing...owell
Hey! Come down to Rockhead's Comics and Games in Kenosha, WI on Fridays, we will start playing Anima there that day!
Wow, not sure who posted that but I was just about to say it as well.
This Friday, April 16th at Rockheads in Kenosha. We'll be playing the game for our first time. A group of about 4 of us.
There is a decent group of players at Rockhead's in Kenosha, corner of 23rd ave and 63rd st in Kenosha WI. I don't know if you've made contact with this lot yet, but it seems they've answered you. I play a few different games with most of them, and plan on picking up Anima myself in short order.
neeto there are some people! ill have to get some figs then...i started playing Hordes because i didnt know...but with my new job..i can afforded to hope on both
Wonderful! If you're a SE Wisconsin Gamer, I have to assume you've been to/know of Rockhead's yes? I tried sending you a private message but got a server error instead. If you were to swing past Rockhead's on a friday, there's a very good chance you'd find most of us. Just ask the owner about Anima and he'll be able to point you at us.
Which friday are we talking about, this coming friday im open, the 31st.
Every Friday! MWAHAHA! (Friday is open game night at Rockhead's.) You'll generally be able to find folks to play just about anything. I myself have trouble making it on Fridays, however the rest of the gang is just about always there. Allen, (the owner of Rockhead's) is playing Anima as well. If you show up on Friday and ask for a game of Anima, or ask him to point you at the folks who're currently playing it. You'll find us.
sounds good! what time?
Fridays people are there from 4 till 10pm typically. A chunk of the Anima players will be absent this Friday (May 1st) though due to a birthday party.
Errr, this Friday is April 30th Bran. Are you at a bday party Friday or Saturday?
The birthday party will be this Friday, April 31st. However, I'm sure we'll be at Rockhead's on Friday, May 7th. As a bonus, Rockhead's stays open until midnight on the first Friday of each month.
So, Farin, where are you from?
So it seems this Friday is a bust Farin. However, next Friday (the first Friday of the month) should be a winner. As Nick said, Rockhead's is open until Midnight on the first friday of the month. Should be able to get a good bit of gaming in at that point.
Hopefully, I'll have a model or two painted by that time.
thenickbeast said:
The birthday party will be this Friday, April 31st. However, I'm sure we'll be at Rockhead's on Friday, May 7th. As a bonus, Rockhead's stays open until midnight on the first Friday of each month.
So, Farin, where are you from?
Im from Burlington so its not a long hall at all. May 7th should be dandy
sorry for missing out guys, had to go pick up a friend from college cuz his dad got called into work
No worries. We're normally there anyhow. We'll catch you sometime soon I'm sure.
For sure, ill be getting some figures maybe, i wana see the game in action and ill deside
I will start playing on Fridays as well, just picked up a small force of Samael.
Also, I play a ton of Warmachine, so feel free to bring your Hordes army around to Rockheads on Fridays too.
Sorry to Necro This one but just wanted to make sure you guys still play are Rockhead's. I lost my job and finally got a new one so Im getting back into the hooby I can def be there this friday if you guys still play
Two of us still have our models and a third player is back for the summer but we haven't played in over a year. I'm definitely still interested in playing at some time though.