What's in the box?

By pomakli, in Battles of Napoleon

The contents of the book are:

-4 game boards, printed on both sides

-200 plastic figures

-150 plastic stands

-120 cards (unit cards, commander cards, event/reaction cards)

-2 ten-sided dice

-20 order markers

-150 counters

-2 player reference cards

-one scenario booklet with 10 scenarios

-48 pages rulebook

- a lot of different terrain features tiles

I understand that there are 3 French Commander in Chief cards in the box. Why is Napoleon not one of them? The sample cards I have seen on the internet show 3 French Commander in Chiefs but Napoleon is not shown on the portraits. He doesn't show on the box cover art either. Why is that? Will he be in a next set?

Well, that would make sense if the first set is going for just the engagements between the French and British in the Peninsula. Or if the game has the players in command of just a brigade instead of the whole of the army.

If you look at the scenarios in the first set you will notice that the battles not only take place in Spain but also in Italy and Belgium (Quatre Bras and Waterloo). That's why I was wondering why Napoleon is not included in the game. I hope that Napoleon will take part in some of the scenarios.


I think that Napoleon is the MASTER piece of the game.

A Napoleonic game without Napoleon will be ...

joke; impossible; something new!!??
