impressions from the first sample scenario..

By pomakli, in Battles of Napoleon

After studing the sample scenario on their website my first impressions of the game:

there will be a lot of game boards which could be combinated together! (according this scenario 8, maybe more!)

I couldn't see any additional/special terrain hexes on the board, but don't forget, that's only a pdf file of a sample scenario!!


The units are defined through each separeted unit card numbers, not through colours!

In the first sample scenario there are blue, green, red, white and black colours; but different units could have the same colour; like french cavalry and infantry have the red one.

The length of the game is determined through turns and the winner is the best terminator!


Each scenario has his own special rules , like depleted groups and special formations for some units and there will also optional rules .

The producers tried to make a unique game with some original ideas.


I guess FF don't have a lot of influence about the layout of the scenario printing


c'mon wargame designers - set-up time is lost gaming time and often responsible for games staying on the shelf, in preference to games that are easier/quicker to start playing.

Not colour coding the opposing units is the first mistake, and worse than using the same color for different unit types. This is a wargame, we're almost certainly going to set up on opposite sides of the table, print the set-up charts so we can see them from each side of the table. The designer (or printer) need to run these pages past inexperienced players and rectify any questions that cause a stumble in the setup set-up including two players being able to clearly see what they need to do to get their forces on the board.

I like the system.

Especially, that you can identify single units, for example the french green infantry unit as 23rd ligth infantry regiment...

That is fantastic