How many figures in each unit?

By pomakli, in Battles of Napoleon

Does somebody know how many figures will be in each unit ?

I mean, will a cavalry unit have 3 figures?

or a infantry unit 4 figures?

I tried to get some impressions from the pictures on the website; but sometimes there are 5 infantry figures in a hex and sometime only 4!

I think, there is a commander support fact!

Your thoughts?

Infantry are 4 figures per unit, cavalry 3. In addition, a commander is represented by a figure, and can be freely grouped with a unit.

That would explain why sometimes you see 5 figures in the same hex.

Look at the scenario.

The strengh of units its historicaly based.

This is one big issue I have with FFG... Their pictures and descriptions of their games are too vague. Great products, but lousy advertising.