Any chance of posting a "digital content" tentative release date list?

By lee.frank.94, in Legends of the Alliance

FF Games and Forum Users (both Rebel and Imperials),

Any chance of a page or forum post listing the tentative release dates for digital content in the Legends of the Alliance App?

It would certainly guide which expansions / packs I plan to buy next if I knew ahead of time what was most likely to get added to the app next.



Just a place that is easier to see what is coming up app wise that is easier than going to the app, and then going to the Library, and clicking on each and every possible expansion individually....

FFG doesn't use public release dates. FFG doesn't usually give advance information.

If you follow the FFG's News page, these forums, or Imperial Assault forums on BoardGameGeek, you are sure to find out as soon as new content is announced or appears in the app.

Well.... poop!

Here's what is supported so far as of 12/17/2017.


App Support.xlsx