I agree, the thread title and to a lesser extent the first post were a little over the top (and the threat title would seem to suggest the original poster does actually know the lore reasonably well), but the conversation has moved on since then. It's not the original poster being told to stop whining, he hasn't been involved since the first post; it's other people making a perfectly measured point about how addressing the OPs concerns, however minor you may think they are, would be a) nice and b) harmless, who are somehow being accused of whining, soapboxing, trying to change the lore, hypocrisy because they're not complaining about other games, and other such nonsense that makes so little sense it's not worth individually responding to.
On a side note - I only just realised the like button could be clicked directly rather than waiting for the pop-up menu and then selecting something from it! I'd been doing trophies until now as I didn't realise there was a simple like option - doh!