App campaign replayability? SPOILER

By IanSolo_FFG, in Legends of the Alliance

Started the campaign last Friday with a friend. We both loved the experience ... played until 3am!!! Now for the question :

We played the tutorial (one mission) then after the encounter we played the second mission on Ord Mantel where we must rescue captain Darvik(? Mon Cal we were inserting a "It's a Trap" quote after the end of each of her speech

:D ) Now the map had us investigate some inhabitant in a cantina that finally led us to open one of the 3 possible doors on the map (based on some ability check results). We never had to open the 2 other doors. Now I can't help but think that other results on our ability checks might have led us to another door with other map tiles/other imperial figures. Had anyone tried that mission more than once? Do you always open the same door? If not was it different ... without spoiling too much ;)

Edited by IanSolo_FFG

After playing the tutorial you can start a new campaign, and get a new first mission.

A lot of the missions have slight differences in them. There are also story clues in the flavor text that are useful later in the campaign. The clues are different in different plays of the campaign.

And, of course the random deployments will often be different.