
By MGChrist, in Legends of the Alliance

Hi all. I am brand new to the game, and have only played with the app running the game so far. My question has to do with Vader and his Brutality ability. Does it take up his whole turn? The app presented it with the move and attack icons together, which separately would take an action each and end an activation. All of the other imperials just state to move X and attack X whereas Brutality specifically had both of the icons listed for the ability. My fist thoughts were that this would use up both actions as it specifically used those icons and is a crazy powerful attack. Does he get to move on to his Force Choke or moving X spaces, or is he spent after brutalising my heroes? Thanks.

Edited by MGChrist


43 minutes ago, MGChrist said:

In my first campaign mission my old buddy Vader showed up.

Don't spoil the gaming experience, please!

As for your question, I don't know.

Edited by angelman2


Legends of the Alliance Rulebook, page 14:


An instruction costs one action for each (arrow symbol - action) or (attack action) icon preceding it.

If Brutality was meant to be a single action, the app wouldn't pair an attack action and an action icon together.

That was my first instinct but most of the info online doesn't have to do with the app, and most of it seemed to imply Vader could brutalise and choke people in on activation. Thanks for the clarification.

Edited by MGChrist

The "normal" Brutality doesn't get to perform two attacks that often. So, in the app it gets other bonuses.