When can we buy this game ?

By fatmax66, in Battles of Westeros

BoW appears to be On The Boat and At the Printers at the same time according to the Upcoming Section.

Is this a new concept in getting games out quicker - printing at sea or is it a ploy to reduce Corporate Tax, by working in International Waters happy.gif

This reminds me the episode of south park. The one in which Cartman was waiting for release of new Nintendo Wii.

"Come on... come on... COME ON!!! How much longer!!! Come on..."

This is exactly how I feel, and what is worst is that i know it's kind a stupid.

George, you realy had to wrote all this books... Yes, you realy can't resist it, don't you? So many hours of reading... AND NO ENDING!!!

Man, this is realy uncool.

rings said:

I am going to put my $$ on GenCon (early August). They love to release stuff then, when they can get a ton of buzz off something (see last year: Warhammer LCG, which sold out and was arguably the most popular new game released). Plus, FFG sometimes has a hard time getting Game of Thrones products finished when they say they will :)

Hopefully! And maybe FFG will sell out again. Warhammer LCG is deep, yet accessible to everyone. BoW looks like it could be the same.

So close you can taste it I'm sure!

Mid next week available in Europe according to Esdevium Games! That usually means the shops they supply will have them as well.

I check the Esdevium site ( www.esdeviumgames.com ) every friday so I know what webshops like GamesLore will have on sale the next monday, so if Esdevium says in the middle of next week it will be possible to order them at the same time from every shop they supply to (in Europe that is)...

Too bad I pre-ordered it at a Dutch webshop which is on holiday for the next 2 weeks, arghhhhhh happy.gif

PS. BL: Horrific Hordes will be released on the same day cool.gif

I just take a quick look at Alliance Distribution's website, it just added the following as today's new release for Fantasy flight game.

FFG BL12 Battlelore: Horrific Horde Goblin Army Pack $39.95
FFG BW01 Battlelore: Battles Of Westeros $79.95
FFG WHC09 Warhammer Invasion: The Burning Of Derricksburg Battle Pack $14.95
FFG WHF06 Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay: Winds Of Magic $49.95

So, we probably will see Battle of Westeros in store next week in the stores in USA

Just got my Shipping Notice from CoolStuff-Tracking Shows I get delivery on 6/30/10 aplauso.gif

Coolstuffinc is sold out.

I hope they have enough copies to cover my preorder.

At the rate the books are published, I fear the HBO series will stop after 4 seasons ;)

It's ARRIVED gran_risa.gif Alas I have to get back to the office llorando.gif Come on 4:30 babeo.gif

I'm still waiting for my FLGS to get this. Usually they get things pretty timely, but maybe I should have ordered online.