Space Marine Chapters

By Kerrahn, in Deathwatch

Drais said:

Don't the Spacewolves hace some newly rediscovered fleet that was lost in the Eye of Chaos?

Lost fleet? Oh, you must mean the 13th Great Company. The Wulfen disappeared into the Warp during the Heresy, hounding the Thousand Sons. During the 13th Black Crusade there were some reports of mysterious feral Space Marines engaging the Chaos forces. The description fits the long lost Wulfen.

Ultramarines (They will be the generic Chapter)

Space Wolves (Feral, Close Combat)

Dark Angels (Brooding, Dark Secret,)

Relictors (Radical faction, the Space Marine Character from Inquisitor was I believe a member of the Relictors Chapter).

Iron Hands (Tech Orientated)

Raven Guard (Stealthy)


Hammers of Retribution (Simply because they were introduced in Purge the Unclean)

Actually scratch Relictors I think in present fluff they are completly renegade.

The Space Wolves don't have many successor chapters but they are far larger than most other chapters, organizing themselves as a bunch of Great Companies. Six of one, half dozen of the other.

Cynical Cat said:

The Space Wolves don't have many successor chapters but they are far larger than most other chapters, organizing themselves as a bunch of Great Companies. Six of one, half dozen of the other.

The Space Wolves only canonical founding was the Wolf Brothers, who were later expunged due to "genetic deviance." It is believed they suffered a far greater incident of the Mark of the Wulfen than their brothers, and may have been purged by the Space Wolves themselves in an effort to hide their own genetic flaws. Doesn't mean there aren't others though.

Grey Knights already a chapter tied to one of the Ordos, one which would very likely NOT tithe members for stints in the Deathwatch. The Exorcists, a founding from the Grey Knights could very well be a possibility.

Personally, I'd like to see the Death Spectres pop up, even though the Ghoul Stars are Galactic Northeast, and the Calixis Sector is Galactic Northwest. After all, their sole purpose is containing some of the most feared Xenos species ever encountered by man. A job they reputedly do quite well.

-=Brother Praetus=-

I woudn't be surprised if instead of Ultramarines we got one of their successor chapters, just to mix it up a little.

Visitor Q said:

Actually scratch Relictors I think in present fluff they are completly renegade.

Yes, but they were declared reneaged during IIRC 13th Black Crusade, 999.M41, and most of the 40kRPG setting is set in first half of 9th century of 41st Millenium. And again, IIRC, Brother-Sergeant Artemis from Inquisitor was originating from Mortificators chapter.

Where do people get the idea that there will be only 6 chapters? I cannot find anything in the anouncement saying anything like that.

Personally I hope that we get different "Gene Seeds" as a background trait and can combine that with a homeworld type. That would allow making our own successor chapters.

Man I hope the Iron Hands are in this.

Sister Callidia said:

Where do people get the idea that there will be only 6 chapters? I cannot find anything in the anouncement saying anything like that.

Because we read the whole description. gui%C3%B1o.gif

A Chapter is a self-sufficient and largely autonomous force of Space Marines, usually made up of roughly a thousand Battle-brothers, each one a mighty hero and veteran warrior. There are roughly a thousand Chapters within the Imperium, and each Chapter possesses its own unique traditions, specialties, beliefs and practices. The core book covers six of these celebrated Chapters , including amongst their number some well-known and honoured names.

I'm sticking with:

Blood Angels (one of the pictures at the Deathwatch site has a BA in it)
Dark Angels (one of the pictures at the Deathwatch site has a DA in it)
Space Wolves (we've seen the pic with the SW Deathwatch Marine)
2 FFG invented Chapters.


rules for making chapters: a must!

How else am I going to out in the legendary Black Adders Chapter lead by the slimy chapter-master rowan.

Howdy. First time poster, and really first real foray into the world of RPGs(outside of Battletech waaay back when).

Anyways, here's my take on the Space Marine Chapters(if they're going to give us actual Chapters, rather than breaking it down into the traits that define each Chapter):

We'll see the Ultramarines and their Successors, being the good little poster-boys of Imperial cooperation they are, and the vast number of men they second to the Deathwatch due to their familiarity in combating Xenos of all kind.

We'll see the Space Wolves due to...well, they've never really explained why the Inquisition is willing to cooperate so well with the Space Wolves for the Deathwatch. Maybe they just value the sheer ferocity of the Wolves.

We'll see the Dark Angels and their Successors, because turning down seconding troops to the Deathwatch would raise suspicions...and invite a deeper look into the Unforgiven and their terrible secret.

Now, the other 3 are a bit harder to figure out. I'm going out on a limb with these, so bear with me:

We'll see the Raptors OR Raven Guard Chapters due to their familiarity with the more covert side of Astartes warfare(say what you wanta bout the Ultras, Dark Angels, and Wolves...subtle they are not).

We'll see the Iron Hands OR another Techmarine-heavy Chapter due to their familiarity with technologies arcane and common.

And last? Well, this is the kicker in my opinion.

We'll either see the Scythes of the Emperor OR the Crimson Fists.

Both of these are Chapters that were so devastated by warfare against the Xenos that they're in the process of being rebuilt(I don't have my exact timeframes right in regard to Dark Heresy and the timeframe of the Scythes' massacre by the Tyranids), and both are extremely bloated in regards to Aspirants/Scouts that it would be silly of them *not* to volunteer some for seconding to the Deathwatch, if only to get them more training and experience.

I really don't see Blood Angels or their Successors as plausible, just because the Inquisition has always been a wee bit more wary towards them due to the whole Black Rage problem. I could see Blood Ravens being brought in, if only to flesh them out more.

Kanluwen: While your logic is sound and I agree with your choices of chapters, the artwork for the Deathwatch clearly shows Blood Angel insignia.

Then dagnabbit, I hope it's artistic licensing!

Maybe remove the Scythes/Crimson Fists from my list then and go from there.

i really hope the salamanders are included, it would be nice to see a lesser talked about chapter added.

Hopefully some of the major founding chapters (ex-Legions) and ways to make second founding ones.

Would love to see Blood Ravens.

H.B.M.C. said:

Sister Callidia said:

Where do people get the idea that there will be only 6 chapters? I cannot find anything in the anouncement saying anything like that.

Because we read the whole description. gui%C3%B1o.gif

A Chapter is a self-sufficient and largely autonomous force of Space Marines, usually made up of roughly a thousand Battle-brothers, each one a mighty hero and veteran warrior. There are roughly a thousand Chapters within the Imperium, and each Chapter possesses its own unique traditions, specialties, beliefs and practices. The core book covers six of these celebrated Chapters , including amongst their number some well-known and honoured names.

Found it, It was cunningly hidden under a tab called Description. Instead of following links found in the article. Reading now :)

Kanluwen said:

We'll either see the Scythes of the Emperor

I was actually with you up until this. I can't see why they would use that chapter, they're fairly unknown and have been totally devastated by the Tyrannids. We'd probably see Blood Angels due to popularity.

Yanma said:

Kanluwen said:

We'll either see the Scythes of the Emperor

I was actually with you up until this. I can't see why they would use that chapter, they're fairly unknown and have been totally devastated by the Tyranids. We'd probably see Blood Angels due to popularity.

That's actually precisely WHY I picked them. They're a fairly standard Chapter, but with the additional aspect of the fact that they're trying to redeem themselves for their perceived failure against the Tyranids(or in the case of the Crimson Fists: the loss of Rynn's World to the Orks) and in halting a Hive Fleet's advance.

But I can't predict exactly how FFG goes either way. That's how I'd do it, giving a good mix of well-known Chapters and lesser known Chapters that have a potential wealth of RP potential/background material to add into the rich tapestry that is 40k.

Kanluwen said:

I really don't see Blood Angels or their Successors as plausible, just because the Inquisition has always been a wee bit more wary towards them due to the whole Black Rage problem. I could see Blood Ravens being brought in, if only to flesh them out more.

The 'Inquisition' hasn't been 'a wee bit more wary' towards them, individual Inquisitors have. There isn't really a single institution that can be labled the Inquisition. It is known that the Blood Angels and some of their successor chapters definitely contribute to the Deathwatch.

macd21 said:

Kanluwen said:

I really don't see Blood Angels or their Successors as plausible, just because the Inquisition has always been a wee bit more wary towards them due to the whole Black Rage problem. I could see Blood Ravens being brought in, if only to flesh them out more.

The 'Inquisition' hasn't been 'a wee bit more wary' towards them, individual Inquisitors have. There isn't really a single institution that can be labeled the Inquisition. It is known that the Blood Angels and some of their successor chapters definitely contribute to the Deathwatch.

Are we talking C.S. Goto knowledge of the Blood Angels contributing to the Deathwatch or some other references?

I have to admit though, not really up to speed on Blood Angels. Always been a bigger fan of the Dark Angels and their Successors.

If there's 6 chapters then 4 of them will be the four chapters that everyone knows Ultramarines, Space Wolves, Dark Angels and Blood Angels. Given most chapters are successors to the Ultramarines you could easily just switch the name Ultramarine out and be done with it. At a guess I'll say Imperial Fists might make an appearance or perhaps Black Templars because of how close they are to the sector followed by a new chapter native to the sector.

Though I'd hope they would give us rules to incorporate any major space marine chapter though because even with 6 options it won't please everyone.

Lanowar said:

If there's 6 chapters then 4 of them will be the four chapters that everyone knows Ultramarines, Space Wolves, Dark Angels and Blood Angels. Given most chapters are successors to the Ultramarines you could easily just switch the name Ultramarine out and be done with it. At a guess I'll say Imperial Fists might make an appearance or perhaps Black Templars because of how close they are to the sector followed by a new chapter native to the sector.

Though I'd hope they would give us rules to incorporate any major space marine chapter though because even with 6 options it won't please everyone.

I figure the list is the 5 that have had separate army books. Space Wolves, Dark Angels, Blood Angels, and Black Templars are the Chapters whose organization and traditions differ enough from Codex Chapters to warrant their own book. Most other Chapters are some variant of a Codex Chapter. Their inclusion in 40k has been perhaps a special character fig or a variant list in the Space Marines (Ultras) Codex. As stated, these can be used as templates (with the exception of Space Wolves) to all you to use just about any Chapter. The description page tells us that it covers 6 Chapters, including "amongst their number some well-known and honoured names." That leads me to believe that at least 1 of the 6 will be a not so well-known Chapter.

The differences will make for some nice RP opportunities. The description page says that the Deathwatch has for years guarded the ruins of the Jericho Reach, but now they are on the forefront of an new crusade, so BT fit right in. The Blood Angels must constantly strive to control the Rage, which may outwardly appear similar to the berzerker attitude often adopted by Space Wolves. Remember, the "defects" in the geneseed that each Chapter suffers from are not widely known, rather they are closely guarded secrets. One battle brother may see another as tainted by Chaos. Not a good thing when you are working for the Inquisition. The Dark Angels are constantly vigilant for signs of the Fallen. That's a ready made scenario right there. The Kill team comes across evidence of one of the Fallen. Imagine the DA character's internal conflict.

The reason for a custom made chapter rounding out the list is again, for the RP potential. They can create whatever fluff for it they want and not have to worry about conflict with other published material. They're free to write their own dark secrets of the Chapter, including many plot seeds. Proximity to the Jericho Reach (making for quicker replacements) is a rationale for inclusion of so many them vs. other Chapters in this particular setting. However, I think you'll be able to play any "class" from any of the Chapters, so the new Chapter won't need to be psyker heavy or tech marine heavy in its fluff. It'll be interesting to see what they come up with.

You can't really play as any "class" from any Chapter because some Chapters don't employ certain parts.

The biggest example I can think of for that is Black Templars don't have Librarians or Scouts(with the Aspirants of the Chapter being rolled into mixed squads with the actual Battle Brothers).

On that note, I really hope they leave Black Templars out. They irk me to no end, fluffwise. Oooh look at us we're Crusaders! And we burn people! Ooooh!

But yeah. I'd rather see Templars left out and replaced with a lesser known 'Crusader' Chapter.