So, I've been playing Daqan for a while, looking for a list that really caught me. Played Spearstar for a while, played Calv for a while, tried MSU, nothing really felt like it was the list for me. Then Crossbowmen came out and I started playing around with them, and I struck upon the following list that I really liked:
Lord Hawthorne
-Unique: Sweeping Strikes (5)
--Total Unit Cost: 39
x6 (40)
-Champion: Lance Corporal (6)
--Total Unit Cost: 46
x6 (40)
-Champion: Lance Corporal (6)
--Total Unit Cost: 46
Heavy Crossbowmen
x3 (27)
-Equipment: Tempered Steel (3)
-Training: Rank Discipline (4)
--Total Unit Cost: 34
Heavy Crossbowmen
x3 (27)
-Equipment: Tempered Steel (3)
-Training: Rank Discipline (4)
--Total Unit Cost: 34
I found this to have a very flexible playstyle that I really like. The Spearmen with Lance Corporal can do many things, ranging from long-range charges, enhanced early melee attacks, or melee with a defense modifier. The Crossbowmen are suprisingly lethal, being able to toss a ton of damage out reliably. And Hawthorne with Sweeping Strikes is able to both provide support through inspiration, as well as go into melee without fearing return strikes.
I was wondering, though, if the forum hivemind has any improvements that I may not have considered.