Techniques and advancement Questions

By SavagePanda, in Rules Questions

Ok So first off joined late for the beta, better late than never...

Q1: I am making a Kakita duelist and saw a few things that confused me. In the updates for the beta they changed a few things, replacing "crescent moon style" on the advancement chart to "Iaijutsu cut: horizontal blade", and splitting the Iaijutsu into two new Techniques.. both techniques have a prereq of skill rank 2 so how can one of these be on the rank one advancement chart? Am I just not understanding how to read the advancement charts or is there a mistake?

Q2: am I correct to assume that as per page 44 that you have to not only purchase the technique but its activation and its opportunity activation's as well?

Can anybody help me with understanding this?

Edited by SavagePanda

1. the school overrides any prerequisites on a Technique, so if the school gives you one that has a Rank 2 requirement you ignore it.

2. No, the chart on page 44 is differentiating between two type of Techniques

a) Technique (Opportunity activation): are Techniques that activate when a trigger occurs.

b) Technique (Action activation): are Techniques that you can activate with an action.

13 hours ago, tenchi2a said:

1. the school overrides any prerequisites on a Technique, so if the school gives you one that has a Rank 2 requirement you ignore it.

2. No, the chart on page 44 is differentiating between two type of Techniques

a) Technique (Opportunity activation): are Techniques that activate when a trigger occurs.

b) Technique (Action activation): are Techniques that you can activate with an action.

thank you very much.

The rule about schools overriding prerequisites is on page 44, but it's very easy to miss. There's also a mention on page 33 for the starting techniques.

Both of the Iaijutsu techniques are Action techniques, which would normally cost 3xp. However, both techniques are listed as costing 2xp (the normal cost for an Opportunity technique). It's not clear if they wanted to create a discount for the split technique, or if this was just an error. In any case, you only have to pay once for each technique (whether it ends up being 2xp or 3xp).