The App rOfficers are meaner!

By Marcus2410, in Imperial Assault Campaign

Playing the App tonight with some Family members and the new regular Officers are meaner!

Their new abilities seem way harsh:

  • cower becomes healing and focusing others,
  • Order becomes Executive Order and without a distance limit (I can’t seem to find any answer to this)
  • But they seem to loose the ability to order figures to move.

Mercifully the still only have 3 hit points. Whew! Has anything else changed so much?

You should see some of the villains.

In general it looks like it will be potentially quite tough considering that resting won’t heal damage. Might be offset by the fact it looks like items will be given out like candy and can be sold for full price

Edited by Mattdj2002
22 hours ago, Marcus2410 said:

Playing the App tonight with some Family members and the new regular Officers are meaner!

Their new abilities seem way harsh:

  • cower becomes healing and focusing others,
  • Order becomes Executive Order and without a distance limit (I can’t seem to find any answer to this)
  • But they seem to loose the ability to order figures to move.

Mercifully the still only have 3 hit points. Whew! Has anything else changed so much?

Yep, they definitely caught me by surprise the first few times! Now they're high up as some of my top priority targets.

Probe Droids can now self-destruct mid round, so if you damage one but don't finish it off, it might blow up on you before you can kill it.

IG-88 has incorporated some aspects of his skirmish upgrade and command card, specifically that he gets to move and still get both of his attacks and he gets a 3rd action at the end of his activation but suffers 3 damage afterwards. His dice pool is randomized for each activation though and never seems to include the red dice so his individual attacks aren't that scary.

Darth Vader can also now Force Choke anybody on the map even without LoS. He will also randomly Force Push people closer to him before he activates, which can really catch you by surprise if you thought you were safe from Brutality!

2 hours ago, Tvboy said:

Darth Vader can also now Force Choke anybody on the map even without LoS. He will also randomly Force Push people closer to him before he activates, which can really catch you by surprise if you thought you were safe from Brutality!

That is how imagined Vader would be. Slower but able to pull people to him.