Last session - AoI, Duels, skills, stances

By shosuko, in Legend of the Five Rings Roleplaying Game Beta

13 hours ago, shosuko said:

I thought it was going to really go places, then the beta hit and I saw the Art of Investigation basically doing the same thing and I love it. I'd love for Sentiment to go away, and to have a method of influencing and interacting with characters that utilized common skills between them as a method of opening them up using the approaches to determine how you are engaging them.

Sentiment actually does not require the other character to open up. In fact, it does not even require an interaction of any sorts. You can use Sentiment on anyone in your LoS or probably even in cases when the Sentiment'd character is in a whole different place but a third party is willing to give a fair description of them.

Also, as a side note, I don't think that Command and/or Courtesy need to be even more loaded than they are as of now. In fact, these two might be up to some "Art of Courtesy/Command" action because they are thoroughly covered by the Social Approaches.