Typical numbers and types of units in a battle?

By perthling, in Star Wars: Rebellion

Brand new to the game. Appreciate some feedback on what number/type of units would be in a "typical" battle in the game.

Like, 1-3 Star destroyers, 3-4 tie fighters, 2-3 x-wings, 2-5 ground troops... ?

I appreciate the will be quite a diverse range on answers, and that's good! There's a reason behind this question... :)

You are right, that is a difficult one to give a straight answer to.

It would be rare to have more than one Star Destroyer or AT-AT in a battle, as these units are difficult to produce, and the Empire can't afford to concentrate its power too much.

Some battles are only just one or two troops against each other unless the Empire comes to wipe out a Rebel strong point.

If the Rebels have been turtling, and the Imperials work out the base's location with time to spare, the game is set for a larger battle with maybe a dozen Rebel units and perhaps twice that many Imperials. That is a rare occurrence though, maybe two or three times that's happened in games I've seen.

As empire I have mostly only one star destroyer in each fleet, but with the expansion I like having variety to give tactic card options. For rebels I have one big fleet with most of my cap ships and many small 1 fighter 1 bomber fleets.

Thanks guys. I had posted this as a starting point for substituting Imperial Assault and Armada battles in lieu of Rebellion combat. However, now I've played Rebellion a couple of times, I'm fine with it as it is! I don't know what all the complaining is about the combat being "broken".

I do not believe there is some typical battles occurring every game, each game is quite different from each others in term of locations of units and battles.

I do love the new combat with the RotE units and tactic cards.

The U-Wing brings a lot of movement capabilities to the rebel, enhanced by the tactical card that can add an extra triangle ground unit. usually as a rebel, I try to keep my fleet of big ships together to create a real threat and force the Empire to regroup his own units and thus cover less ground, while putting one U-Wing and one rebel trooper in different systems to harass subjugated systems...

As for the Empire, your fleet composition at the start really depends on your initial setup (RotE style or regular game style), as the RotE setup spread your units more but with the benefit of an extra planet in your probe deck from the start, but it makes you more vulnerable to a strong rebel attack in the first turns. With RotE setup, my Star Destroyers always start with an Assault carrier, one tie fighter and one tie striker to limit the temptation for the rebel to attack early. So this only three fleets plus the death star in construction with the remaining fighters, and I leave 2 imperial planets (not subjugated) with token ground defenses.
I like to deploy my At-AT sin Utapau, Corellia and Mon Calamari to protect these blue square planets once they are secured.