Unicorn Tempo Deck. Give Me Your Thoughts.

By Blu3key, in L5R LCG: Deck Building

Hey all, I just got my hands on "Into the Forbidden City" and looking to redo my Unicorn deck to give my wife a run for her money (she plays Crane). Up till now, I've played a UniCrab Dishonor deck that focuses on pressuring the opponent through low bids and Watch Commander. Here is my previous deck list.

Deck Created with CardGameDB.com Legend of the Five Rings Deckbuilder

Deck Clan: Unicorn

Total Cards: (85)

Total Conflict: (40) Total Dynasty: (40)

Total Influence: (13/13)

1x Golden Plains Outpost (Core Set #7)

1x Keeper of Void (Core Set #218A)

Province: (5)
Air (1/1) Earth (1/1) Fire (1/1) Void (1/1) Water (1/1)
1x Ancestral Lands (Core Set #15)
1x Endless Plains (Core Set #14)
1x Manicured Garden (Core Set #19)
1x Meditations on the Tao (Core Set #20)
1x Shameful Display (Core Set #24)

Character [Dynasty]: (38)
3x Border Rider (Core Set #112)
3x Giver of Gifts (Core Set #115)
3x Ide Trader (Core Set #116)
3x Meishōdō Wielder (Core Set #113)
3x Moto Horde (Core Set #119)
3x Moto Youth (Core Set #109)
3x Shinjo Altansarnai (Core Set #121)
3x Shinjo Outrider (Core Set #114)
3x Utaku Infantry (Core Set #110)
3x Utaku Yumino (Core Set #118)
2x Warrior Poet (Core Set #117)
3x Keeper Initiate (Core Set #124)

Character [Conflict]: (3/10)
3x Iuchi Wayfinder (Core Set #190)

Attachment: (16)
2x Cloud the Mind (Core Set #202)
3x Favored Mount (Core Set #192)
3x Fine Katana (Core Set #200)
2x Ornate Fan (Core Set #201)
3x Spyglass (Core Set #193)
3x Watch Commander (Core Set #133)

Event: (21)
1x Assassination (Core Set #203)
3x Banzai! (Core Set #204)
3x Captive Audience (Core Set #196)
2x Cavalry Reserves (Core Set #199)
3x Charge! (Core Set #210)
3x Court Games (Core Set #206)
1x I Am Ready (Core Set #197)
2x Rebuild (Core Set #136)
3x Way of the Unicorn (Core Set #198)

Holding: (5)
3x Favorable Ground (Core Set #128)
2x Imperial Storehouse (Core Set #129)

I've done very well with this deck and have a record of 12ish-0. But I like to experiment, and so as the title says, I'm trying to make a Unicorn Tempo deck. Here is what I have so far (Lion Splash).

Deck Created with CardGameDB.com Legend of the Five Rings Deckbuilder

Deck Clan: Unicorn

Total Cards: (85)

Total Conflict: (40) Total Dynasty: (40)

Total Influence: (11/13)

1x Golden Plains Outpost (Core Set #7)

1x Keeper of Void (Core Set #218A)

Province: (5)
Air (1/1) Earth (1/1) Fire (1/1) Void (1/1) Water (1/1)
1x Ancestral Lands (Core Set #15)
1x Endless Plains (Core Set #14)
1x Night Raid (Core Set #21)
1x Tears of Amaterasu (Tears of Amaterasu #2)
1x Manicured Garden (Core Set #19)

Character [Dynasty]: (34)
3x Border Rider (Core Set #112)
3x Giver of Gifts (Core Set #115)
3x Ide Trader (Core Set #116)
3x Meishōdō Wielder (Core Set #113)
3x Moto Horde (Core Set #119)
3x Moto Youth (Core Set #109)
3x Shinjo Altansarnai (Core Set #121)
3x Shinjo Outrider (Core Set #114)
3x Swift Magistrate (Tears of Amaterasu #10)
3x Utaku Infantry (Core Set #110)
2x War Dog Master (Into the Forbidden City #49)

Character [Conflict]: (2/10)
2x Iuchi Wayfinder (Core Set #190)

Attachment: (10)
2x Favored Mount (Core Set #192)
3x Fine Katana (Core Set #200)
2x Ornate Fan (Core Set #201)
3x Spyglass (Core Set #193)

Event: (28)
2x Assassination (Core Set #203)
3x Banzai! (Core Set #204)
3x Captive Audience (Core Set #196)
3x Cavalry Reserves (Core Set #199)
2x Censure (Into the Forbidden City #60)
3x Charge! (Core Set #210)
2x Court Games (Core Set #206)
3x For Greater Glory (Core Set #168)
2x I Am Ready (Core Set #197)
2x Ready for Battle (Core Set #165)
3x Way of the Unicorn (Core Set #198)

Holding: (8)
3x Favorable Ground (Core Set #128)
2x Imperial Storehouse (Core Set #129)
3x Windswept Yurt (Tears of Amaterasu #11)

I know that everyone is poo poo'ing on the War Dogs (including myself), but I want to try it nonetheless. The fact that the War Dogs look to be Tibetan Mastiffs may be what's influencing my decision here, but hey, those dogs are beast. The Yurt and Swift Magistrate inspired the deck. I added another Assassination because of the additional honor I'll have from Yurt. I haven't gotten to play a game with this deck yet, but the idea is to, "win before you lose" in the extreme sense. Glass Cannon is another term commonly used for these types of play styles. Let me know what you think fellow ponies. The Tempo archetype might be a bit premature, but I don't really want to hide behind Crab Dishonor forever.

Crab splash without Reprieve seems wrong to me somehow, but, if you're having success with it, congrats. I loved the interaction Crab has with Unicorn. Crane is my preferred splash at the moment, but, Crab is a close second. I really just want to try Pathfinder's Blade with the pONIs, but, no seeker role so that's out of the question for the time being.

As far as Lion splash goes, I just don't know if it's there yet. I want to do the same thing, but, every time I build the deck I find that the Lion with a Unicorn splash is just better than the other way arouns. The War Dog Master is just all kinds of bad and your influence gets sucked up so fast with all the great quality cards Lion has at their disposal. As much as I think Unicorn wants to try and be a tempo deck, I don't think they are good at it. I have had much more success with them by just playing a solid splash that gives you a well rounded deck that can change your strategy on the fly and keep your opponent guessing. Sure the Unicorn player at world's has success with a Lion splash and I don't want to take anything away from him, but, FGG and Cavalry Reserve is just so easily broken up. If you are going to stick with the Lion, War Dog Master has to come out and Yumino needs to be back in. Censure should go up to a 3x card since you always want to have it to protect your big bomb events. I think that new earth province that has to be destroyed twice could be helpful in preventing you from dying first, especially when the Talisman becomes legal. Even then, I just don't like how inconsistent the Lion splash is.

1 hour ago, Ishi Tonu said:

Crab splash without Reprieve seems wrong to me somehow, but, if you're having success with it, congrats. I loved the interaction Crab has with Unicorn. Crane is my preferred splash at the moment, but, Crab is a close second. I really just want to try Pathfinder's Blade with the pONIs, but, no seeker role so that's out of the question for the time being.

As far as Lion splash goes, I just don't know if it's there yet. I want to do the same thing, but, every time I build the deck I find that the Lion with a Unicorn splash is just better than the other way arouns. The War Dog Master is just all kinds of bad and your influence gets sucked up so fast with all the great quality cards Lion has at their disposal. As much as I think Unicorn wants to try and be a tempo deck, I don't think they are good at it. I have had much more success with them by just playing a solid splash that gives you a well rounded deck that can change your strategy on the fly and keep your opponent guessing. Sure the Unicorn player at world's has success with a Lion splash and I don't want to take anything away from him, but, FGG and Cavalry Reserve is just so easily broken up. If you are going to stick with the Lion, War Dog Master has to come out and Yumino needs to be back in. Censure should go up to a 3x card since you always want to have it to protect your big bomb events. I think that new earth province that has to be destroyed twice could be helpful in preventing you from dying first, especially when the Talisman becomes legal. Even then, I just don't like how inconsistent the Lion splash is.

Have you had any luck combining Child of the Plains with Hiruma Skirmisher as a UniCrab? Thought about it as I looked through my cards. Seems like it could be a good combo for surprising your opponent and taking advantage of the first action as an attacker. Here's a sample deck that might utilize it (simply for discussion).

Deck Created with CardGameDB.com Legend of the Five Rings Deckbuilder

Deck Clan: Unicorn

Total Cards: (85)

Total Conflict: (40) Total Dynasty: (40)

Total Influence: (13/13)

1x Golden Plains Outpost (Core Set #7)

1x Keeper of Void (Core Set #218A)

Province: (5)
Air (1/1) Earth (1/1) Fire (1/1) Void (1/1) Water (1/1)
1x Ancestral Lands (Core Set #15)
1x Endless Plains (Core Set #14)
1x Manicured Garden (Core Set #19)
1x Night Raid (Core Set #21)
1x Tears of Amaterasu (Tears of Amaterasu #2)

Character [Dynasty]: (38)
3x Border Rider (Core Set #112)
2x Child of the Plains (Into the Forbidden City #48)
3x Giver of Gifts (Core Set #115)
3x Ide Trader (Core Set #116)
3x Meishōdō Wielder (Core Set #113)
3x Moto Horde (Core Set #119)
3x Moto Youth (Core Set #109)
3x Shinjo Altansarnai (Core Set #121)
3x Shinjo Outrider (Core Set #114)
3x Swift Magistrate (Tears of Amaterasu #10)
3x Utaku Infantry (Core Set #110)

Character [Conflict]: (6/10)
3x Hiruma Skirmisher (Into the Forbidden City #50)
3x Iuchi Wayfinder (Core Set #190)

Attachment: (11)
2x Favored Mount (Core Set #192)
3x Fine Katana (Core Set #200)
3x Reprieve (Core Set #132)
3x Spyglass (Core Set #193)

Event: (23)
2x Assassination (Core Set #203)
3x Banzai! (Core Set #204)
3x Captive Audience (Core Set #196)
2x Cavalry Reserves (Core Set #199)
3x Censure (Into the Forbidden City #60)
3x Charge! (Core Set #210)
2x I Am Ready (Core Set #197)
2x Rebuild (Core Set #136)
3x Way of the Unicorn (Core Set #198)

Holding: (8)
3x Favorable Ground (Core Set #128)
2x Imperial Storehouse (Core Set #129)
3x Windswept Yurt (Tears of Amaterasu #11)

Edited by Blu3key
Added Sample Decklist

I like Child of the Plains quite a bit. Helps smooth out Cav Reserve plays, cheap body to power up Utaku Infantry, and can grab you that first action.......the question is, what action is so pivotal that it can turn the battle on its head in your favor as the first play? There really isn't one but its better than nothing and it's another step in the right direction for pONI. Even though the stats aren't good, it's on par with other Unicorn cards in terms of skill to fate cost ratio. Of run three of them just because I want to make sure I see one before I flip my opponents provinces and shut him off.

I'm still not sold on Hiruma Skirmisher. Covert is strong and can pick off a key blocker, but, it really leaves you strapped for characters with high skill. Stoic Gunzo has been such a good fit and if you're going to swarm with cheap characters you need something to bring a good amount of skill for a cheap cost. 5 military for 2 fate is a great value and sacrificing someone that was going to die anyways is not even a real cost. If you have too many tricks and not enough beats you're not really winning battles. Plus (-) skill characters become a liability because you can't declare political with them. Horde is a great Charge target so he gets a pass but most others are a liability.

I'm not against WAR DOGS as a rule but I am against them when you upped your holding count from 5 to 8. You have a 20%/1:5 chance of getting nothing from your draw.

Edited by kraken78
1 hour ago, kraken78 said:

I'm not against WAR DOGS as a rule but I am against them when you upped your holding count from 5 to 8. You have a 20%/1:5 chance of getting nothing from your draw.

To me, the potential value of War Dog is not in its stats, but in its effect. And the value of its effect isn't even in its ability to buff, but in its ability to mill (for Cavalry Reserves). If you look at the holdings, 3 are Yurts which basically accomplish the same thing (milling). Subtract the 3 Yurts and you have 5 non-mill Holdings (an acceptable amount). If you happen to mill a Yurt, you've just gotten rid of something that would have been sacrificed to accomplish the same thing, though admittedly it isn't as efficient as if you flopped a Yurt and then milled. Milling effects can be very powerful, that's why Imperial Storehouse is so popular (free draw basically equates to a lower minimum deck count requirement). War Dog definitely has weaknesses, but I think there might eventually be a niche place for him if we ever see a greater need for quickly placing things in the discard pile, or if we get cards that help to mitigate his weaknesses (i.e. dash political, effect limited to attacking, etc).

9 hours ago, Ishi Tonu said:

I like Child of the Plains quite a bit. Helps smooth out Cav Reserve plays, cheap body to power up Utaku Infantry, and can grab you that first action.......the question is, what action is so pivotal that it can turn the battle on its head in your favor as the first play? There really isn't one but its better than nothing and it's another step in the right direction for pONI. Even though the stats aren't good, it's on par with other Unicorn cards in terms of skill to fate cost ratio. Of run three of them just because I want to make sure I see one before I flip my opponents provinces and shut him off.

I'm still not sold on Hiruma Skirmisher. Covert is strong and can pick off a key blocker, but, it really leaves you strapped for characters with high skill. Stoic Gunzo has been such a good fit and if you're going to swarm with cheap characters you need something to bring a good amount of skill for a cheap cost. 5 military for 2 fate is a great value and sacrificing someone that was going to die anyways is not even a real cost. If you have too many tricks and not enough beats you're not really winning battles. Plus (-) skill characters become a liability because you can't declare political with them. Horde is a great Charge target so he gets a pass but most others are a liability.

I was thinking about Child of the Plains + Hiruma Skirmisher some more and I think I made a mistake. For some reason, I imagined declaring with Child and plopping down Skirmisher to block a defender before they declared their defenders, but action opportunities take place after defenders are declared. Sorry about that. I've taken into consideration some of your recommendations and gone back to Crab. Also, I took another look at the Battle Maiden and I think Warrior Poet beats her out. If they have even two persons in conflict, Poet's effect creates the same swing in math without a discard, plus she has less glory than Yumino. Thoughts? Another updated Decklist, because, why not?

Deck Created with CardGameDB.com Legend of the Five Rings Deckbuilder

Deck Clan: Unicorn

Total Cards: (85)

Total Conflict: (40) Total Dynasty: (40)

Total Influence: (11/13)

1x Golden Plains Outpost (Core Set #7)

1x Keeper of Void (Core Set #218A)

Province: (5)
Air (1/1) Earth (1/1) Fire (1/1) Void (1/1) Water (1/1)
1x Ancestral Lands (Core Set #15)
1x Endless Plains (Core Set #14)
1x Manicured Garden (Core Set #19)
1x Night Raid (Core Set #21)
1x Tears of Amaterasu (Tears of Amaterasu #2)

Character [Dynasty]: (37)
3x Border Rider (Core Set #112)
3x Giver of Gifts (Core Set #115)
3x Ide Trader (Core Set #116)
3x Meishōdō Wielder (Core Set #113)
3x Moto Horde (Core Set #119)
3x Moto Youth (Core Set #109)
3x Shinjo Altansarnai (Core Set #121)
3x Shinjo Outrider (Core Set #114)
3x Swift Magistrate (Tears of Amaterasu #10)
3x Utaku Infantry (Core Set #110)
2x Warrior Poet (Core Set #117)

Character [Conflict]: (5/10)
3x Iuchi Wayfinder (Core Set #190)
2x Stoic Gunsō (Core Set #131)

Attachment: (11)
2x Favored Mount (Core Set #192)
3x Fine Katana (Core Set #200)
3x Reprieve (Core Set #132)
3x Spyglass (Core Set #193)

Event: (24)
2x Assassination (Core Set #203)
3x Banzai! (Core Set #204)
3x Captive Audience (Core Set #196)
2x Cavalry Reserves (Core Set #199)
3x Censure (Into the Forbidden City #60)
3x Charge! (Core Set #210)
2x I Am Ready (Core Set #197)
3x Rebuild (Core Set #136)
3x Way of the Unicorn (Core Set #198)

Holding: (8)
3x Favorable Ground (Core Set #128)
2x Imperial Storehouse (Core Set #129)
3x Windswept Yurt (Tears of Amaterasu #11)

On 11/24/2017 at 2:39 PM, Blu3key said:

that everyone is poo poo'ing on the War Dogs (including myself), but I want to try it nonetheless. The fact that the War Dogs look to be Tibetan Mastiffs may be what's influencing my decision here, but hey, those dogs are beast.

Looks like 17/40 Dynasty cards would be terrible for the War Dog Master to flip. You should probably cut that number down if you want to use him successfully.

This is the Crab splash I am currently using for Unicorn, at least until they get a seeker role and I can bring in Pathfinder's blade:

1 Watch Commander

3 Rebuild

2 Reprieve

2 Stoic Gunso

It's a subtly sneaky deck that allows me to threaten all three win conditions depending on what my opponent gives me. A lot depends on timing and reading your opponent correctly, but, the combination of Rebuild with Yurt just leads to so many interesting options. Either it pushes your honor higher to allow for higher honor bids and use of 3x Assassination. Or you can low bid when you have Spyglass and movement to refill your hand so as not to appear obvious about going for an honor victory and then close the last 4-8 points of honor with Yurt/Rebuild shenanigans as long as you are within striking distance of the honor win and ahead of your opponent on honor.

There are more consistent ways of playing Unicorn with other splashes, but, after exhaustive testing, every one of them ends up lacking in some way, so I decided to go with the one I have the most fun playing and gets me the most "WTF" moments.

@Ishi Tonu

Add in WAY OF THE CHRYSANTHEMUM and I think your WINDSWEPT YURT/REBUILD combo has some legs. It could stall out against some denial/permission decks but I really like the idea.

I have a feeling that this is just the type of minimal activity that they were trying to avoid concerning the old honor run style deck.

I hate to say it but this could create a first turn/pre-first conflict honor win with the perfect hand and dynasty.



1 to 5 Honor Dial Bid = 4 honor + CHRYSANTHEMUM 4 honor + 2 honor YURT + 2 honor YURT + 2 Honor REBUILD/YURT + 2 Honor REBUILD/YURT = 26 Honor Pre-Conflict first turn.

I think I'm actually a bit concerned about how reasonable this might be to pull off. The statistical probability of this draw is not nearly low enough, even though it is low.

I do have a single copy of WotCh in my list. I'm not a fan of the all in honor approach, but, I like for it to be an option and to give my opponent something to think about when they read my decklist and I pass my dynasty with 2 or more open fate.