yea yea i know im a newbi but it stinks... right when i find that my favorite game has a card game i go and find out that its been discontinued...
Ouch, bad timing boya.
Welcome to the boards anyhow
We're a friendly bunch and we're always happy to help new players.
Hey wats up and yea i know it sucks lol.
Well ive always been a fan of the game and i find out that it has a trading card verison two months before it closes down... Well hopefully the fans of the game can keep it alive untill they (hopefully) revive it... If its still going strong in Japan then maybe after things get fixed here they can start it back up...
apsithj said:
If its still going strong in Japan then maybe after things get fixed here they can start it back up...
It died in Japan several years ago.
well who knows they might start it back up again there, because it has been going in order kh1 and final mix, maybe COM, and they just got done with the cards from kh2 so they might start making new cards with the Birth by Sleep and the Keyblade wars that will come out eventually.
but this is just a guess and there is still no chance that it will come back here. and i know how you feel i just heard about it this year so i was ready to get some cards but then learned it was discontinued. but don't worry there are still stores out just almost nobody who plays it.
Well i know of atleast four players in my area countin myself and i know of a bunch more that are wanting to learn how to play as well. If they make the rules simplier and start it back up with set 5, they might be able to make a comeback in america and japan both! Expecially if they relase it with the kingdom hearts Birth by sleep. Maybe give out the main three characters as promo cards with the game. Yugioh, pokemon, magic the gathering, and other surviving card games done that and they are still at the top of the TCG world.