Most aggressive splash for Lion?

By Sixter, in L5R LCG: Deck Building

I am moving to Lion from Scorpion (my games are taking too long, I will visit Scorpion later). I am looking to make my Lion deck as aggressive as it can be, maybe somewhat simular to red aggro in MtG. What would be the best splash to take Lion the furthest in that directon?

Sorry, we don't take traitors. :rolleyes:

Ikoma and shosuro families have been working since the Dawn of the Empire to manipulate the historical records. Good idea to marry into the lion :)

Aggressive splash? I don't see any splash being more aggressive (not in a red MTG way anyway).

Aggressiveness comes naturally to the Lion, so splash would be more looking for complementarity.

If you play with honor focus and political balance, splash crane

If you play with military focus, I'd splash Unicorn.

Edited by Nitenman

Crab to help to your guys hang around could be another option

I splash unicorn for 3x Captive Audience (switching a political conflict to military is always good for the Lion) and 2x Spyglass (So I can bid low and press honor).

Spyglass always in Steadfast Samurai, which tends to stay in the board a lot of time. Just don’t buff him too much, so he doesn’t become a juicy Assassination target.

Also, don’t put Fate in any character that cost less than three. With Staging Ground you can swarm the board every turn, so don’t mind letting your characters go.

Edited by Tabris2k

I like a Crane splash with the Lion. I haven't had a chance to play with cards from the Imperial Cycle yet, but....

Political Rival, Admit Defeat, and Steward of Law are nice cards. People don't expect political rival in the face, Admit Defeat MESSES them up when the under defend, and Steward protects against dishonor and works great with For Shame - especially if you go courtier heavy

I think Crane is the best splash for Lion, especially the deck that generates value by cheating out it's big guys and then keeping them around with FGG. That deck can just turn the game on it's head and create board states that are flat out ridiculous. That being said, I don't think that makes Crane the most aggressive splash as the deck is not a pure aggro build.

If you're going for a straight aggro build with Lion, then I would probably lean towards Unicorn. Wayfinder to scout provinces, captive audience to keep things military, favored mount and/spyglass, to round out the number of cards to make Gaijin Customs reliable. This seems like a good place to start......however all this could change once all the cards from the first cycle are out. Phoenix might be an interesting option as well.

Currently, I have my Lion deck splashed with Dragon: 3 x Let Go, 3 x Mirumoto's Fury. It gives me answers to attachments and shuts down pesky attackers early in the game, or against clans with lower glory characters. In my last game, it was effective against a rampaging Kisada.

3 hours ago, kpsmith said:

Currently, I have my Lion deck splashed with Dragon: 3 x Let Go, 3 x Mirumoto's Fury. It gives me answers to attachments and shuts down pesky attackers early in the game, or against clans with lower glory characters. In my last game, it was effective against a rampaging Kisada.

I've been playing the same and it is super effective against pretty much everyone but I think I'd like to try other splashes.. going to go crane splash for a bit now. Kinda hard to move away from Dragon splash as I've really been relying on Let Go & M's Fury! Jump with both feet i guess!

I second Dragon for an aggressive splash. Mirumoto's Fury is a beast of a tempo card, just attack all out then bow one of their attackers. It's brutally effective early game.

Just splash more Lion!

Edited by Mirith

I'm splashing myself mostly.


16 hours ago, Akodo Tetsuo said:

I'm splashing myself mostly.


Would have been 10/10 with Magikarp instead of a monkey.

4 hours ago, Ser Nakata said:

Would have been 10/10 with Magikarp instead of a monkey .

"A monkey" he says. That's no ordinary monkey, that's Curious George and he's the O.G. Splash Champ that Magikarp wishes he could be.

5 hours ago, Ser Nakata said:

Would have been 10/10 with Magikarp instead of a monkey.



Careful when posting pictures of carp..............Shoju could be nearby, waiting to poke it.

I'm just getting into the actual gaming of this edition of L5R, so I'm definitely not an authoritative voice on what works or not, but I'm having fun working a Crab splash. It's still a single core + the first dynasty pack at the moment so its very slim, but I run Hiruma Ambusher to help deal with abilities, Watch Commander to help an honor run, Reprieve to avoid discards, Mountain Does Not Fall to keep a fresh body for conflicts, and Levy to get a quick shot of fate or honor. As I get my full set of 3 cores, plus the other dynasty packs over the Holidays, I will adjust this and probably drop Levy to add another WC and 2x Reprieve.