Kabuki Hero Ability

By AradonTemplar, in L5R LCG: Rules Discussion

Kabuki Hero's ability reads:

"Action: Spend 1 fate -- this character gets +X Mil until the end of the conflict. X is equal to its Pol skill."

There is no timing restriction on this, so you could activate it outside of a conflict, but the second half of the ability refers to 'the conflict.' I presume this means until the end of the current conflict.

If activated during the Dynasty phase, does it immediately turn off since there is no conflict?

The rules for lasting effects say you can only initiate an ability within the same period as the effect, so this could only be initiated in a conflict and last till the end of that conflict.

Edited by LuceLineGames

Oh interesting, missed that one.

Interesting - too bad they didn't make it more clear by stating "Action: During a conflict..."

2 hours ago, Soshi Nimue said:

Interesting - too bad they didn't make it more clear by stating "Action: During a conflict..."

Definitely a missed opportunity to show that FFG can be clear about things.