How many Core 2.0 sets needed to get started with some good decks?

By DJRAZZ, in Android: Netrunner The Card Game

Like the title says. Should I buy more than one core 2.0 to get some good decks going? I know this has been overdone.

Netrunner isn't a new LCG like Lot5R and buying a couple cores won't get you started like it does for a new LCG. The core is fine if self contained but not competitive when played with a deck that has access to all cards in the game. If your goal is only to play decks from the core then one core works,

You do need 3 cores to have one of every card. TBH you are better off getting one core and then buying terminal directive, creation and control and some data packs before buying up 3 cores. You'll find yourself spending $30-40 to buy a dozen or so cards you will play with from the third core. There isn't much value there even if those few cards complete a play set and may be important to a competitive deck. You just get more options for the money buying other things first than another core.

Another thing you can look for is the old data packs that rotated out but still have cards in them from the new core that will be on clearance. You might complete a core set, or at least the cards you want 3 of, by getting a few data packs under $10 each. Clearly just buying 3 cores is less messy but that is another option.

Your best option, maybe, is to buy a used collection. However before you buy into anything, I suggest watching some videos of the game being played on youtube to find out if you even like the game and then seeing if you have a local play group to make sure you'll even get to play the game.

"Good" is relative.

One core set will get you decks that function and teach the game. You'll have some choices, but you'll also notice significant constraints in terms of card variety and card counts.

Two core sets will start to give you some more muscular options--for example in Shaper you'd then have access to a full set of Indexing and two copies of The Maker's Eye. As Mep said, if you want a third copy of all 43 cards (not counting IDs) that the core set only has one copy of, then you'd be looking at a third set. You will know if and when you need to take this step; one is a good base of a collection and two will be more than sufficient for most purposes and your money is almost certainly going to be more fun if spent on new and different cards.

However, if by "good" you mean "competitive," you're not going to get there with Core Set only cards. As Mep said, you will want to branch out into Deluxe Sets and Data Packs.


Another thing you can look for is the old data packs that rotated out but still have cards in them from the new core that will be on clearance. You might complete a core set, or at least the cards you want 3 of, by getting a few data packs under $10 each. Clearly just buying 3 cores is less messy but that is another option.

I don't see how this will ever be the cost effective option unless you already bought some original core sets that need to have cards swapped in and out to turn them into Revised core sets. I don't recommend it.

To answer your basic question of "what do I need to get started," a good starter collection will probably be one core set, 2 boxed sets (Terminal Directive and/or Deluxe), and 3-4 data packs. At that point you'll know if a second core set is right for you.

I recommend starting with one core and whatever the most recent data packs are that have most recently come out. Don't be afraid to be choosy about older cycles; research what cards you want, and then on that basis make choices about what to buy. I would recommend passing Lunar and SanSan cycles entirely unless you identify specific must-have cards.

Also an important method for growing your collection: Proxies! Try before you buy. I had a fat stack of paper cards in my early days of Netrunner and Game of Thrones, and it facilitates deciding what packs are worth owning for real--if you have 3-4 cards from a pack that are worthy inclusions in decks, then sure, buy that pack. If you have friends or a local play group, don't be afraid to borrow cards as well.

Sounds good. I will buy 1 revised core and learn the game.


To find a local group of players, the best places to look are basically to ask around on Facebook's Netrunner Dorks community or on reddit's r/netrunner page.

The Revised Core Set should be shipping anytime now, with a release probably the first or second week of December.

Edited by Grimwalker

Awesome!!! I mostly play games with my girlfriend. She is new to Starwars Destiny where I am not. So she wants us to start a new game together where everything is new to both of us. This is a great time for brand new players to get on board playing Android Netrunner.

agreed! never a better time since the game started.