Any app plans?

By Dragonshadow, in Legacy of Dragonholt

Not to open up a cardboard vs digital debate, but this game seems to scream for an app. It would prevent accidentally reading the wrong entry (assuming the right choice is selected) or reading neighboring entries and getting minor spoilers as a result.

And of course it could allow custom adventure paths.

Mansions of Madness is a great game that integrates the app fully. This game certainly doesn't need that level of interactivity other than to provide a set of linked passages (and hopefully a BACK button, unlike MoM).

I think app would be a good idea and FFG is certainly moving toward more titles being digitally integrated. I guess I just need to play it before I come to a consensus. I definitely would like to see them release more quests and content down the road because the replayability SEEMS like it won't be great. Next week we'll find out!

Normally I'm rather wary of apps for board games despite their potential immersion benefits (because unlike the DVDs from a decade ago they can suddenly disappear irretrievably for good, making games that require them literally unplayable thenceforth), and I can't quite see a RtL type app for this, either, but as there is literally nothing in LoD where being digital would provide an inferior gameplay experience (other than the inconvenience of not being able to cheat, I guess), this is practically begging for a - way more easily expanded - straight video game adaptation.

Asmodee's newest digital game is an adventure set in Catan. So it's possible that they are testing the waters with a similar product to see if it works in the physical space too.

Based on what I've seen of the rules and quest books so far, it's much less complicated than what could be built with freeware tools like Twine (which is a slightly-more-complex CYoA builder). Of course, I'm not advocating that anyone convert the books to that format, but I suspect fan-expansions could be made quite easily for it.

Edited by morbusiff