Defend the Wall timing

By Andrew.Taon, in L5R LCG: Rules Discussion

I know that Defend the Wall is initiated in 3.2.3 during conflict resolution, but do you also resolve that ring effect in 3.2.3 or do you wait until 3.2.6 to resolve it?


As written, I would assume you resolve the ring effect right away. It's not like Display of Power which needs to cancel the attacker's ring trigger, where a delayed effect must be created.

Does the "as if you were the attacking player" means that you are supposed to resolve it when the attacking player would have resolved it if winning?

41 minutes ago, Nitenman said:

Does the "as if you were the attacking player" means that you are supposed to resolve it when the attacking player would have resolved it if winning?

"as if you were the attacking player" means that the defender can resolve the ring, which also grants you the 'may' option to resolve the ring as well. This card does not create a delayed effect to resolve at 3.2.6, you would resolve after 3.2.3.

That makes sense to me. THIS explanation of why Display of Power doesn't resolve the ring effect until 3.2.6 was very helpful to helping me understand why it works differently than Defend the Wall.