Battlefront II: Squadron up

By Darth Sanguis, in Star Wars: Armada Off-Topic

Suddenly I hear that narrator's voice from the old Superfriends cartoons:

"Laterrrrr... at the Legion of BOOOOM!" :D

Not sure how to do spoiler tag.


If all you saw was the game trailers, you wouldn't know this already but Iden and Del were already starting to waver near the end of the undercover mission to exterminate the Dreamers partisan cell in the novel. Iden doesn't kill the senator in hiding and just stuns him after arguing with him and Del got close with the Chadra Fan since both were brilliant engineers and was sad by his death. Hask was the only one that didn't show any remorse during or near the end of the mission. So the the novel laid down the backstory and a little groundwork for the defection to occur in the future.

Edited by shillis05
Spoiler tag

Never read the novels, but it is cool, the connectivity you mentioned, Shillis05.

As I understand it, this game is supposedly considered canon.

Yeah, they had a novel for the first one too but I haven't read it so I am not sure how connected they are. I don't think it was that much but someone who has read it could say better then me. Any games from the revamped battlefront and forward are canon.

I think before Disney bought LFL, the Force Unleashed games were also supposed to be considered canon, but I also think after the LFL purchase by the House of Mouse, that status got walked back.

Edited by martok2112
8 hours ago, martok2112 said:

I think before Disney bought LFL, the Force Unleashed games were also supposed to be considered canon, but I also think after the LFL purchase by the House of Mouse, that status got walked back.

When Disney bought the IP they more or less nuked the EU. So the Unleashed games which had previously been the same level of canon as The Thrawn Trilogy and such also got jettisoned to "Legends" status. The current FFG games have one foot in "Legends" and another foot in "Canon." Dash Rendar is Legends but Hera Syndulla is canon.

They're doing a great deal of what I think is properly called "retcon" with Battlefront II. The new ships from Rogue One are ubiquitous in cut scenes and as scenery. It seems like they're laying the ground work for answering a major question hanging from Force Awakens. They're falling all over themselves to try and retcon Force Awakens into something that makes sense with the new novels and such. I just read a comic story that tried to "redeem" and rationalize Phasma. Almost made lemonade out of one of the many stupid things in Force Awakens.

I'm rather enjoying the contortions actually.

The new comics set in the OT era have all been pretty enjoyable though and have a nice continuity and fit and flow with each other. Credit to the authors of those because the constraints they're undoubtedly working under have to be enormously difficult.

"Redeem" Phasma? I read the Phasma novel and she is all about surviving and bettering herself which was why Cardinal was trying to oust her out of the First Order since he was a by the books person, though you could also call him being petty too.

Haven't read any of the comics if that wasn't apparent already.

edit: I think I understand what your talking about, why is there a shiny storm trooper in this movie that doesn't really do anything.

Edited by shillis05
20 minutes ago, shillis05 said:

"Redeem" Phasma? I read the Phasma novel and she is all about surviving and bettering herself which was why Cardinal was trying to oust her out of the First Order since he was a by the books person, though you could also call him being petty too.

My impression is she will be in the next film. The survivor aspect is also the theme of the comic. They have to clean her up after TFA because she caved pretty easily so we get these stories about how she's a survivor to maybe excuse her cowardice or set her up to switch sides or maybe be scared of her because she'll do anything or something. On the one hand the comic story was as entertaining as all of these new Marvel comics efforts are. On the other it exists because they didn't bother to put anything in the armor in the first place.

On a certain level I'm finding the puppeteers more interesting to watch than the puppet show at the moment. The other interesting thing is I feel I have strings on me that I can see with all of this. To cross the streams, "Fascinating."

I would like to see Phasma ultimately become a good girl. If the Republic had a sci-fi Brienne of Tarth on their could they lose? :)

Well, tried online multiplayer, and sure enough, it sucks. Starfighter Assault has horrendous control. Sensitivity adjustments are for one stick only, not both, which completely throws off my ability to control the craft. a factor of utmost importance that EA/DICE needs to address. If it handled more like Ace Combat, I'd be a lot happier, and feel like I might actually stand a chance, but as it is, sucks.

31 minutes ago, martok2112 said:

Well, tried online multiplayer, and sure enough, it sucks. Starfighter Assault has horrendous control. Sensitivity adjustments are for one stick only, not both, which completely throws off my ability to control the craft. a factor of utmost importance that EA/DICE needs to address. If it handled more like Ace Combat, I'd be a lot happier, and feel like I might actually stand a chance, but as it is, sucks.

Opinion pieces are nice too.

I disagree.

The flight controls have been smooth and easy to use for me. I enjoy them thoroughly.

Try turning advanced flight off, and bring the fighter sensitivity to around 35% (seems to be around where most people get comfortable).

I may give that a try, Lord Sanguis. The term "Advanced Flight" in this game is quite misleading.

I will say this: It's games like this (and plenty of others) that make me a complete advocate for fully customizable controls. I hate presets. "Oh, our control configurations are the only ones you'll ever need".... says the programmers who seem to think it's a good idea placing either "crouch" or "melee" on the R3 button. That's just double talk for "We're too lazy to make controls fully customizable."

Sorry, but presets in FPS games are not for those of us who have problems in clinching the controls. Try to fire, and you either duck, or you end up taking a swing....neither of which fires your weapon, and both of which usually gets you killed.) It'd be nice to have the heartbeat of a zombie when playing a twitchy FPS multiplayer game.

I may end up looking into a mouse/keypad controller that I saw is available as a licensed controller for the PS4. That may well be the ticket for me. It's a bit expensive....around $150, but it'll be worth it if it functions like I hope it would. I've used mouse/keypad controllers on PC's before, and they were quite handy. Since it's programmable, there goes the "preset" controls problem.

Edited by martok2112

And sadly, as I expected, a couple of reviews I have read about the controller in question were less than stellar in the performance area. It is about like the experience I had with a mouse/kb combo I bought for my PS3 a few years ago, and took it right back to the store after a few hours of frustrating use.

The mouse is basically the "right stick", and as such, you are subject to the quirks of the in-game sensitivity functions. While the controller itself has its own sensitivity adjustments, it may take some time to get the right feel. I have read reviews from other commenters who have said the controller works perfectly for them, so, I guess your actual mileage may vary.

There are also options that allows one to set up other gaming mice and full gaming keyboards for the PS4, but I'll have to investigate those further as well. From what I saw in one tutorial, you still had to leave the mouse and full keyboard connected to a PC (if one has a PC, which, thankfully, I do). Some of the PC Master Race snobs are like "Well, why do you need a PS4 or Xbone if you already have a gaming rig PC?"

Umm...well, duh, there are things called "console exclusives" that do not get made for PC's.

More research is warranted before I commit.

All this talk about how consoles are getting closer to PC' a lot of ways, this is true, but they still have not decided to implement mouse/kb/keypad functionality natively into the consoles would be a step in the right direction for FPS games. For the most part, I still prefer a DS4 controller, but sometimes, a kb/mouse/keypad combo is nice. :)

Disheartened by reports that Battlefront II will NOT have any VR content coming out for it, according to developer Criterion.

Of course, I'd like to remain hopeful that this is just a ruse by EA and Criterion, so that they will eventually spring some VR content for BFII as a "big surprise" for everyone. Then again, EA does not have the greatest reputation in the world as a game distributor/developer, so.....

4 minutes ago, Noosh said:

Don't worry about it we all collectively embarrassed our engrish teachers..... constantly.

Yes, well I rather liked her and credit much of my success to having the ability to write competently. One need only look at the rules questions forum to understand the importance of writing properly.