New Pilot Packs (baseball cards sans bubblegum)

By JediPartisan, in X-Wing Mission Control Technical Support and Feedback Forum

Why doesn’t Fantasy Flight sell pilot packs? New pilot cards (tokens too) for existing ships, sold like baseball cards (without the gum).

This way there can be a Scum pilot who flys a yt1300, or a rebel pilot that flys a JumpMaster.

Not all waves need to have new ships and this would only cost Fantasy Flight pennies to make with a much higher return dollar value.

Then Fantasy Flight could add more employees to the X-Wing team.

Just a thought.

As long as the pilots are within reason. Like... no Sabine on a GUNBOAT.

I dunno... not having gum in the pack feels... un-American somehow.


I don't think they're allowed to sell ship components (upgrades & tokens) without a ship per some agreement with Lucasfilm Licensing, LLC.

Or at least that's what people have been saying since I've been here---and now I'm perpetuating the story.

Does anyone have evidence of this arrangement?

Edited by Force Majeure

This would actually allow Fantasy Flight to reprint cards that have changed from errata as well.

Granted they wouldn’t be able to do the “No one knows what’s inside the pack, collect them all”, if they added reprint cards.

Or could they?