New FAQ is a joke....

By CaramonMS, in X-Wing Mission Control Technical Support and Feedback Forum

Ok, so apparently, all you need to do to make FFG change stuff is cry and whine about it for months? Imp players, Soontir Fel is cheap as ****. He is literally the industry standard for offensive abilities. You ask yourself, "Yes, but how will this work against Soontir Fel?" Bombs were only as cheesy as they were because Soontir Fel is so cheesy. With double focus and Evade, trying to hit him with anything but Feedback array or bombs is an exercise in futility. How about FAQ him FFG? Instead of just making counters to him that work too well against everything else. And with Jumpmasters, I really dont undertand how you justify taking away their whole offensive prowess with nothing in return? Like ok, they have done well at tournaments, I get it, but the, I think 2016? worlds, where Nand flew Dengaroo, that Justin or Kevin maybe, the guy who flew Corran and Miranda, just flew like absolute ****. Yes Zuckuss being broken at the time was part of it, but the rebel player didn't get any meaningful shots off at all, that isn't a reflection of the ship, more a reflection of him just over thinking it because it was worlds or idk what, but I could've flown better and I'm a total noob. Anyway, instead of removing yet another of the current 3 total ships that equip astromechs from scum, and taking away all their offensive capability, because let's face it, a two dice primary turret just isn't cutting it, just make them 5 more squad points across the board? Seems like a much more elegant and easy fix. Then no more triple scouts, and listsincluding Tel, Manaroo, or Dengar have to change points around. I mean, the K-wing is already a comparable, if not superior ship IMO, even without advanced slam. They have so many upgrade slots you can't fit EPTs on the card. =l They have bombs, torps, Turrets PLUS the 2 primary turret. And are comparable price point. I swear you are closet Rebel fan boys. Just looking at the current FAQs, it's a lot of Imperial and Scum nerfs, not much rebel nerf... Idk, I've spent a lot of money on this game thus far, but I have no real interest in playing anymore if the devs are just going to fan boy on one faction. That's why I quit playing 40K, space marines and tyranids were always way the best when I played, and for the average player, rebel is way the best IMO. They have consistency, they don't rely on greens. They get a built in 4 point mod upgrade on a bunch of their ships in shield regen. I really don't understand how you feel it's anywhere near fair or balanced?

I would like to state that the K wings dial, lets just say it people, it is the worst dial around people! Now lets take a look at the Jump master dial shall we..... WOW that is a dial all right! so to sum up your "the K wing is the same as the jumpmaster" that is completely insane! the jm5k's also have the punishing one title ability. Do you see a k-wing title that can up its primary to 3 and if at range one 4, as well as a pilot who can double attack with it as well? Nope neither did I!