For those of you who like to do your list building with an army builder program, I updated my BattleScribe files for Legion with the Wave 1 expansion spoilers from FFG's news articles. In this case, that means I added the AT-ST and T-47 Airspeeder units, along with some new upgrade cards (Grappling Hooks and Comms Jammer).
If you don't use BattleScribe already or if you use BattleScribe for other games but don't have files for Legion yet, I left instructions in my original post in early September:
(This post also has a lot more general info on what BattleScribe is and why I think it's such a great army-building program.) If you download the files from the links there, you'll always get the most recent version.
If you are already using my Legion files for BattleScribe, you should just need to update your data to get the most recent files.
Obviously, I've only added what was spoiled in the announcement articles, which means we're still missing some things:
Hardpoint upgrades for the AT-ST (DW-3 Concussion Grenade Launcher, 88 Twin Light Blaster Cannon, AT-ST Mortar Launcher)
Hardpoint upgrades for the T-47 (AX108 "Ground Buzzer", Mo/DK Power Harpoon)
Grenades in the Stormtooper/Rebel Trooper expansions (Impact Grenades)
Comms upgrade from the Speeder Bikes (there's a third Comms card besides Long-Range Comms and Comms Jammer)
Pilots for the AT-ST or T-47
If any of those get spoiled, I'll add them to the files.
If you find any bugs or typos, please drop me a note and I'll get them corrected. Also, feel free to reach out if you've got any questions.
Have fun!