Advantages and Disadvantages Embedded in 20 Questions Instead of its Own Section?

By Agasha_Kazusinge, in Rules Questions

It seems like a bit of an odd decision to me to build character creation around the 20 Questions model and then have the answers to most of the last half of those questions involve flipping back and forth to the Advantages/Disadvantages sections that correspond to each question.

In previous editions Advantages and Disadvantages were optional rules that used a point buy system so it made sense for them to be off on their own. But when you ask a question like #11 "What activity makes your character feel at peace?" and then direct them off to a subsection of Advantages called Passions on page 77--you could easily just rewrite most of those Passions as a bulleted list right there in the text of the question.

The same with Distinctions and Question #9, Adversities and Question #10, Anxieties and Question #12. #13 "Who has your character learned the most from during their life" feels like a great chance to bake the idea of Allies and Rivals right into the fabric of the game so everyone starts with one. I would love that.

In fact it seems like the strongest Questions, the ones where the answers feel most satisfying to me, are the ones where the output is in the form of an Advantage or Disadvantage you get. They're super flavorful and the mechanics feel heftier and more important than a +1 in a skill or a Ring. Other than the big central choices of Clan, Family, School and Giri I would sort of love if all the rest of the questions gave you something like an Advantage or Disadvantage. I really love them.

4 hours ago, Agasha_Kazusinge said:

In previous editions Advantages and Disadvantages were optional rules that used a point buy system so it made sense for them to be off on their own. But when you ask a question like #11 "What activity makes your character feel at peace?" and then direct them off to a subsection of Advantages called Passions on page 77--you could easily just rewrite most of those Passions as a bulleted list right there in the text of the question.

I'm very much in favour of creating custom ones to match your character's backstory, but I definitely agree the order of stuff in the book could do with a look - the need to flip back and forth is an issue!

Yeah the book format is evil lol.

I prefer they come up with better direction to create custom advantages / disadvantages and provide mostly "examples" that illustrate the concept rather than a long list of prefabs.

I love the advantages and disadvantages they offer. I think they're great. A mechanic for creating custom ones would be awesome mind you, but I think I could make characters forever based on what they have here. Besides pretty much every Question ends with the line: "If you want to create your own ____, consult with your GM using the guidance in Creating Custom Advantages and Disadvantages". So I feel line with it.

I just think the 20 Questions model would be strengthened and the book flipping could be reduced a lot if they consolidated the Distinctions, Passions, Adversities, Anxieties, Allies and Rivals right into the Questions they pertain to.

The guidelines for customizing are on page 77, left column, bottom of page.

Yes, the flipping back and forth on that section of character creation are terrible. I understand why they did it in regards to the "techniques" but for the Advantage/Disadvantage system it's a major PITA.

On 10/26/2017 at 6:00 PM, Suzume Chikahisa said:

Yes, the flipping back and forth on that section of character creation are terrible. I understand why they did it in regards to the "techniques" but for the Advantage/Disadvantage system it's a major PITA.

It's not like they're hard to remember.

12 hours ago, AK_Aramis said:

It's not like they're hard to remember.

Thank you for implying cognitive disabilities or lazyness. Clearly, every single player, even new ones, should immediately memorize and remember every single advantage or disadvantage in the rulebook, and their effects.

That's how real men do it.