Star Wars: Revan's War IC

By Rabobankrider, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

The young Sullustan grins widely as he moves to leave. "Thank you, Master, for the information and for your trust. I'll make sure it's not misplaced. May the Force be with you."

He bows once more and then leaves Master Garsa's chambers to head to the rendezvous with the others. Upon getting to the courtyard, he looks around to try and get a feel for the assembled padawans. As he sees Zoroku, his dewflaps lift into a small smile as he remembers the extreme concern the Chiss had over concealing his species.

Silun bows to the group a as he finishes looking around. "Hello, everyone. I'm afraid I didn't get a chance for introductions back at the meeting. I'm Silun Tell, apparently I'm going to be flying us on this outing."

As the group begins discussing ways to get out of the temple unseen, Silun recalls a service door he'd often considered exploring, and decides to mention it. "If we're looking to sneak past any lookouts, there's this door tucked away in a less used section of the temple. I've never explored it, but it's possible it connects to the lower levels of Coruscant. Of course, it might also be a broom closet, but it's worth investigating at least."

"Yeah," Armatta said, "I remember seeing a door like that myself. Come to think of it, it just might be that 'secret exit' which my master talked about in his stories of his own padawan years here. We should check it out."

Zoroku gets up from his relaxed position looking at the whole group of Padawan's before him he addressed them after taking off his sun glasses, " Let's check it out, either way we should all move as a group." He was back to his serious self as he addressed the group, " I suggest we try and change our mannerisms from what we do normally, as I was demonstrating earlier. We have all lived at this temple for sometime and if there is any chance that any one Republic Guard or security personnel knows us we would be easily found out, especially myself and Armatta who were most recently seen by Republic forces during Karath's escape." He said locking eye contact with each Padawan in turn, he then cleared his throat with a single cough and relaxed his normally rigid posture a great deal, " For now you may call me... The Dude." The Dude said and put on the shades and donning his persona.

The group dressed in their new garb make their way back into the temple. No longer looking like jedi they get a few odd looks from the knights and padawans that they pass, but no comment is made. It takes a little for the padawans to find their bearings as they descend into the rarely visited storage levels of the temple. Passing by the rooms stacked with boxes of equipment, food supplies and even stores of deactivated droids, eventually they find the door they are looking for. A large dull metal double door marked with yellow warning markers. A console sat by the side of it, presumably to allow for the door to be unlocked.

Armatta unpacked her newly made slicer gear and connected it with the door's console. She ran a system check, then - after a quick consultation with the Dude - started to slice the door controls.

It worked shockingly easily, and Armatta wondered about that even as she laid in some extra code to facilitate similar actions in the future. It can't hurt to have easy access to the Temple at a later date.

"Got it," she said as the surprisingly thick and sturdy door slid open. A reinforced blast door?!? Well, I guess that it makes sense from Temple Security's point of view.

Beyond lay a short tunnel half-choked with the detritus and trash normally found on the lower levels of Coruscant. A breeze whistled past the tunnel opening, bringing with it the unique aromas of the underlevels.

"Let's hope that there's no perilous drop at the end of that tunnel. I didn't bring any climbing gear."

Edited by Bellona

Silun smiles and starts forward, looking with curiosity at the tunnel around him as he advances. "Will you look at this? Even after years in the Temple, there's always something new to explore."

He eagerly delves into the forgotten exit, ignoring Armatta's mention of a potential fall in his haste to uncover a new and exciting discovery.

As the team of young jedi trudge through the lower levels tunnel, it is something of a surreal experience. The tunnels litter is comprised of old crates, packing materials and various other scraps and rags that could be found kicked under the feet of the citizens of the capital. Still, for the most part the tunnel is clean and try, and is certainly large enough that you could fit a speeder down here. Eventually the dull yellow of the artificial lights of the tunnels is changed for natural lighting as vents and grates appear above them. It would appear that the jedi tunnel had been built into a rain runoff tunnel. The quiet of the tunnel was now replaced by a loud echoing of hundreds of footsteps running above them. Through the regular holes in the roof the padawan's could grab a quick view of the world outside. It was a rather intimate experience, seeing so many people going about their lives while being completely unseen.

The tunnel is made of long straight stretches punctuated by sharp ninety degree turns here and there. Eventually the rain runoff system begins to branch out into other tunnels. Ladders can be seen leading back up to the surface, but the tunnels still disappear into the distance.

As the jedi make their way through the dry storm drains, in a dark back alley near the spaceport there was a very different scene. Zalen now with the equipment, armour and weapons that he had 'recovered' from the jedi captures had taken cover from the eyes of passers by. They still did not take kindly to mandalorians, and the last thing he needed was that he was caught up in an altercation with while being wanted. Peering out of the alley, he could see the entrance to the spaceport. A grimy and bustling space crammed with civilians, engineers and security. The security was the problem, with Karath scarpering, getting off-world was going to be very difficult without help. The last communique that Zalen had sent was to that jedi padawan Zoroku, he still hadn't heard from any other members of his clan for a long while.

“I wonder what’s going on... something’s up... I feel it.”

The mandalorian would mutter as he watched the shipyard quietly.

”I need to find my way off this place now... maybe I’ll be able to find her somewhere out there...”

The jedi are quick to find a latter leading back up onto the streets of Corouscant, and after a slight heave to move the manhole cover they are able to clamber up. There are a few noises of surprises for passers by as the ragtag group climb out of the ground, unsurprisingly so. Splitting into two groups, Zoroku and Krios melt into the crowd. The pair allow themselves to be swept along, and for a moment they get an idea of what it is like to live through the hustle and bustle of this sleepless planet. For the first time in a long time, they are not in their robes, nor are they carrying the authority of the jedi. Right now, they're just people.

It does not take long for them to bring the spaceport into view at the end of the street that they are carried to, but it is the diner at the start of the street that is their target. Named 'the Overpass', it looks fairly quiet at this time of the day, populated primarily by people waiting for shuttles to arrive at the spaceport to take them away. Most people are nursing large back or packs as they eat their meals or hover around the occasional holoterminal set up against the wall of the diner.

However, as they are heading for the door, Zoroku sees a glint of metal from one of the alleyways near the spaceports entrance, and after a moment realised what it was. He is quick to recognise the armour of the mandalorian prisoner that the jedi had, the same that had escaped from his captivity during the battle with Karath's forces. It looks as if the warrior was looking for a way to escape from the planet now that he had slipped his bonds.

The team comprised of Armatta, A-Djana and Sillun is less fortunate however. As the strange looking group breaks out onto the street, it is not long before they hear a shout from behind. 'Oi! What do you think you're doing?" A pair of humans dressed in the garb of the Corouscant police force are rushing towards them, pushing through the crowd to get to their target.

Looking in the direction, perhaps by pure luck (or misfortune depending on your point of view), there is also a familiar face heading in their direction. Karth Onasi, captain of the republic navy was heading towards them from the direction of the spaceport. He was not dressed in the uniform of an officer, rather he was wearing a padded orange jacket with a pistol hanging from his belt. There is a moment when he looks up at the sound of the shouting, and makes eye contact with Armatta. It is clear he recognises the from the battle earlier. He looks very surprised to see the jedi, especially in their current attire.

As the two Jedi make their way into the diner with their disguises Zoroku takes the lead when looking for a table, Taking a seat at one of the first empty booths near a window he sat down on the side of the booth that let he keep his eyes on the Doorway into the diner. While they waite for one of the wait staff to notice them Zoroku whispered to Krios out of character from his cover as The Dude, " I spotted the Mandalorian Zalen just outside this Diner. He has his gripes with Karath and may choose to help us. I have means to contact him, do you think it wise?" He conferred with his fellow padawan for a second opinion on their mission and involving an outside party.

Krios looked around, and leaned in a bit and in a low husky voice said to Zoroku: "If you think we can trust him...go for it. Having outside allies is always good."

Nodding as Krios gives his answer Zoroku pulls out his communicator and dials up the contact info he had for the Mandalorian he had met, " Zalen, this is Zoroku, the Jedi are on the hunt for the escaped Karath, I know you are still on Coruscant, if you wish to help us I am sure we could clear your name as far as the republic is concerned. I will be in the Overpass Diner in Disguise, should you wish to help us, find me here." He recorded a message and sent it, then relaxed his posture as to better portray his cover identity as The Dude.

Zalen’s eyes widened slightly as the message came through his comlink.

”Should have changed my number.”

The male sighed to himself as he looked around, wondering where the Jedi Padawan was. Hearing the diner’s name, his attention immediately turned to it, trying to discern out the signature blue skin tone of the Chiss.

”How would I know you’re not going to just throw me back into jail after that?”

He replied.

”Just like what you were going to do if I had stayed earlier I bet.”

Edited by Von3679

" If you help the republic, I can argue for a pardon. I cannot if you do not." Zoroku typed into the communicator he couldn't risk looking suspicious and the one whispered call, " If you choose to help us, join us at the diner, Disguised preferably to blend in with crowds." He put down his communicator and waited for both a waiter and a response.

Police!! Andja follows the Sullustan’s gaze to a nearby speeder, and knows what he’s thinking. “I was kidding earlier, about the whole ship stealing thing..” Didn’t think I’d actually be doing it...

”I’ll get it started, you just be ready to get us out of here!” In truth, it is the first time she has attempted such a thing, though she has a head for most tasks she sets her mind to. “There!! Now drive!”

Skullduggery : 3eA+2eD 2 successes, 2 advantage
a-s-a.png a-a-a.png a-s-a.png d-th.png d-th.png (2 Strain suffered for 2nd Maneuver, pass Boost to Silun @Mikeyfett7 )

Zalen’s eyes scanned the diner under his visor, catching sight of and discerning the identity of Zoroku.

”I will still need... something to assure me that you will not turn back on your words...”

he replied, but there was less hostility and a more curious tone in his voice. The male was testing the padawan, to see if what he said, he would do.

" You have that I will fight for your pardon, by my Honor." Zoroku responds into the communicator, " If that is not enough then I understand if you cannot aid us but it is all I am able to promise. I will not be one to overpromise and underdeliver."

Edited by Shlambate

Silun quickly follows behind Andja, jumping over the side of the speeder into the pilots seat. "It's not stealing, its commandeering!"

As Andja brings the speeder to life, he grins and takes the controls. "Good work, now hold on tight!!" He guns the engine, accelerating away from the approaching police, hoping that such a dramatic exit draws the attention of the officers off of Armatta.

Edited by Mikeyfett7

Armatta held Carth's gaze for a moment, then pointedly looked towards an unattended speeder parked nearby. Hoping that he would understand her message, she then made her way hurriedly through the crowd towards the same speeder.

As soon as she reached it, she grabbed her tool kit from one of her packs, dropped both packs into the passenger footwell, and frantically started to hotwire the speeder's ignition sequence. This feels like something straight out of Master Seltash's "new Knight working undercover" stories! By the time that Carth arrived at the speeder, she had it ready to go and was already moving over to the passenger seat.

"We need to ditch the fuzz now, explanations later!" she whispered to him, pointing in a direction away from Silun and Andja's own speeder-assisted escape.

Carth slipped into the driver's seat, gunned the engine, and took off. Armatta gave a sigh of relief as she settled more comfortably into the passenger seat.

Edited by Bellona

As Andja and Silun tear off down the street, one of the officers slides to a halt. Almost falling as he changes direction, he rushes back down the street, shouting after the speeder. Of course on foot and so encumbered by the crowd he stands no chance of catching up with the jedi.

The second officer continues to try and run down Armatta, shouting as he goes. "Oi, oi! Stop right there!" It is too late however for him to run them down. With a look of shock and confusion, Carth breaks into a run as he moves to catch up with Armatta.

"Lose the fuzz? I am the fuzz!" he exclaims as he leaps over side of the speeder. Slamming through the controls the speeder lurches into life and rallies down the street. Cutting through the crowd like a professional racer, Carth leaves the side behind in a matter of seconds. Still keeping at speed he turns to half look at Armatta. "Ok, you better tell me what this is about or out next stop is a police station. The last thing I need is to be wanted for stealing a speeder!"

Carth Piloting Check : 3eP+1eA+2eD 1 success, 2 advantage, 1 Triumph

p-a-a.png p-tr.png p-s.png a-s-a.png d-th.png d-f-f.png

Silun pilots the speeder around the Coruscant streets for a short while, switching back every so often to try and catch anyone that might possibly be tailing them. Once he's fairly certain that all is well, he turns the speeder towards the diner and relaxes, talking to Andja as he flies. "Looks like we're in the clear. Now we can head to our rendezvous, and since it's within walking distance the owner will pretty easily find their speeder. Still, I've never had to run from Republic police before, so that's definitely a new one in my book."

5 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

The second officer continues to try and run down Armatta, shouting as he goes. "Oi, oi! Stop right there!" It is too late however for him to run them down. With a look of shock and confusion, Carth breaks into a run as he moves to catch up with Armatta.

"Lose the fuzz? I am the fuzz!" he exclaims as he leaps over side of the speeder. Slamming through the controls the speeder lurches into life and rallies down the street. Cutting through the crowd like a professional racer, Carth leaves the side behind in a matter of seconds. Still keeping at speed he turns to half look at Armatta. "Ok, you better tell me what this is about or out next stop is a police station. The last thing I need is to be wanted for stealing a speeder!"

Armatta looked slightly askance at Carth.

"I thought that you were Republic Navy, not Coruscant Police," she replied. "Anyway, feel free to ditch the speeder somewhere safe enough for the owners to recover it. If you're not interested in finding and arresting Karath, then we'll just go our separate ways."

"I, ah, well, I am, but I may have been put on leave after the, incident at the admiral building. I wasn't trying the investigate the spaceport!" Carth clears his throat and stares ahead as he manoeuvres through the traffic. Listening to Armatta, he eventually twists a little as he can see her through the corner of his eye. "You're going after Karath? I thought the jedi were moved away from this whole thing by the senate?"