Star Wars: Revan's War IC

By Rabobankrider, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

Silun looks somewhat confused as this explanation proceeds, and sends a questioning look more than once over to where his red eyed master stands. After a few moments he steps forward, bowing his head for a moment before addressing the assembled Masters, his words thick with a Sullustan accent.

"Thank you, Masters for bringing us here, but if I may ask, why are you telling me this?"

The masters glance between each other before looking back to Silun. "Truthfully padawan, the council requires your aide" master Vash replies, gesturing to the group as a whole. "Each of you have talents that the council must call upon at this difficult time. You yourself have been touted as more than a talented pilot. Padawan's Rella and Dranau are known for their lightsaber skills while padawan Djana has proven their skills of force. Padawan Tano'bi, the council has noted your aptitude with tools and repairs, and finally, padawan Zoroku. You are the remaining padawan who fought at the shipyard, and with your experience, you will lead this team of padawans".

Master Kavar continues to explain the situation to the padawans as Vash leans back. "The jedi have a duty to stop Karath and bring him back for justice. However the senate has taken a different stance to this. Our involvement in the attempted arrest of Karath has worked against us". He sighs heavily at this before continuing. "The senate is investigating the jedi for the deaths at the admiralty, and the escape of Karath. They think that we are somehow involved, and that their own force will bring back Karath".

With his fingers steepled, Zez-Kai Ell finally speaks in a low voice, a deathly serious expression on his face. "And so, we have decided-"

"Though not unanimously" Atris snaps in response to this.

"Though not unanimously, that the jedi order must not stand aside in stopping Karath. The risk he can bring to the republic is tremendous. It was the jedi who discovered his treachery, and we must finish the task of his recapture. Zoroku, it seems that your efforts at the Foerost shipyards, and they have endeavoured to repay your efforts. A ship has been delivered to the spaceport near the temple, but has been impounded by the senate".

Again Karath takes over speaking, most likely the instigator of this plan. "If we are to stop Karath, a team of jedi must be sent after him, but our better sentinels and shadows are almost certainly being watched by the senate. However a small group of padawans, in disguise, they may be able to get to the shipyards".

"That is if, we can figure out where Karath has gotten to" Vrook reminds, clearly tired of the whole situation.

' A ship would be most useful, but how to get it?' Zoroku thought as he listened to the council as they spoke. " And lead them I will. I assume you want us to free the ship from the senates grasp so that we can use it to find Karath." Zoroku said addressing the council looking at each Master in turn. " Also what are our disguises?"

"That is correct, padawan" Master Vash confirms. "Your disguises are simple enough, the temple has some garments that are not of jedi design. You will all look like citizens of Corouscant. It is the councils hope that with your relative youth, the senate security will not consider you to be jedi".

Zoroku though for a second on what Vash said, ' The civilian clothing will certainly help, but being a Chiss and the only one in the order does not help for the steal part of this mission, I will need to hid my Chiss like qualities.' He then spoke up " Do we have face paint and a pair of shaded glasses? My species is not found as a citizen of the republic, a Pantoran however is much more passable. " Zoroku said looking at Vash and then the rest of the council for an answer, " Each other Padawan is at least a member race of the republic my people are not, I could blow our disguises just by my presence ."

Edited by Shlambate

"Steal a starship?" Armatta looked curiously at the council members. She rubbed her forehead in thought, then added "I can certainly do that, although I do hope that there's someone else here who can help with any necessary slicing. It's not my forte." Nodding at Silun, she said "And I'm glad to hear that we've got a trained pilot with us."

She looked around at the rest of the padawans. "We'll need to either sneak in or come up with a cover story to explain why we're going close to the ship."

Addressing the council again, Armatta asked "Are we supposed to hide our Jedi affiliation both during the theft and afterwards, or just long enough so that we can approach the ship unremarked? What about when we arrive at wherever we're going - should we declare ourselves to be on official Jedi business or should we remain undercover?"

Krios glanced at Kel, wide eyed. Kel had a bit of a smirk on his face.

"So the council is doing things the Jedi Watchmen way now, huh?" Krios mused to himself.

"I will do the Council's will and help bring Karath to justice." Krios bowed, not sure how one was expected to behave with the Jedi Council. "If we're to requisition this ship then some non-lethal weaponry might also be in order...?" Krios tapped the pommel of his belted lightsaber.

Krios stroked his sizeable chin. "Faking an impound transfer order might be the simplest solution" , Krios offered.

" We are not against the republic, we are trying to aid it, despite their lack of want of help from us." Zoroku would start to reply to Krios, " Using any force is to be avoided, faking Identification or any other means of convincing them to release the ship to us is preferred." Zoroku said while stroking his beard.

Master Atris is the one to respond to Zoroku's question. "I am sure that the temple will have something that can help to mask your species, padawan. Truthfully I do not hold faith in the local lawn enforcement being able to differentiate between a chiss and pantoran. Still, you are right to raise this".

At Armatta and Krios's suggestions of theft and violence, Master Atris leans forward in her seat. "You are not stealing a ship, and you are certainly not to use violence! The ship was delivered to the order by the shipyards, but was intercepted by the republic authorities. Not to mention those who are working at the docking bays are merely doing their jobs. They are not to be harmed".

Vrook adds to the conversation with his usual dower tone. "It is likely that Karath left through the same spaceport. It is possible that it may be possible to find evidence of his destination there".

"If the ship has been impounded by the Senate, and you're asking us to regain it without taking it up with the Senate or revealing ourselves to be Jedi, then it will be seen as 'theft' in the eyes of the planetary authorities," Armatta pointed out.

"However, the subtle way is still to be preferred," she continued. "I'm definitely not a fan of unnecessary violence. The faked impound order sounds like a promising plan - if we have the skills to pull it off."

Atris looks disgruntled at Armatta's definition. It was clear that she was uncomfortable with this whole situation. Those who had heard of Master Atris before would know that she was a scholar and archivist. Such activities were certainly not something she was accustomed to. "The temple will provide whatever it can to help you in your mission, are resources are not meagre".

“By the Force, You all act like you’ve never stolen a starship before.. What..?”

An’Djana spreads her hands out before her.

”Okay, kidding, kidding...” No sense of humor... “Well come on, let’s do this.”

Silun had been looking somewhat unsure of just what to contribute to the conversation, and stood back to watch the obviously more experienced padawans ask their questions. Upon hearing An'Djana joke about the whole situation, though, his face breaks into a grin, although he still stays silent, watching the rest of the meeting unfold until he has something to contribute.

"Dataspikes, and lots of them," Armatta stated succinctly in response to Master Atris. "If we're expected to be subtle and discreet, then we need all the tool-based help that we can get in order to bypass security and other computer systems," she went on to explain.

Armatta paused in thought.

"Maybe a small selection of blasters and the like? Sometimes a good disguise requires looking the part and some roles are expected to be armed with conventional weapons, not lightsabres," she added. "Even a trunk full of various disguises would be helpful. Most padawans don't have the necessary clothes to look like a grimy mechanic, a well-off noble or executive, or an easily overlooked beggar."

She shrugged. "But dataspikes primarily. The rest would be gravy. Useful gravy, mind you."

Krios looked at Atris with a perplexed expression.

"So not the Watchman way, the Jedi Council way." , Krios thought. "Do what needs to be done but hampered with enough restrictions to make failure much more likely."

"Violence is not the plan Masters but if our uh, 'subtle' efforts fails then we will encounter resistance and then we can choose to give up or work through the resistance. Non-lethal weapons make this possible while still preserving life and limb." Krios said, unsure of himself. "But Armatta seems sure of our first approach, maybe we don't need a backup...or maybe the other Padawan's are more skilled at influencing the minds of others than me...." Krios trailed off looking at Armatta wrapping himself up more in his cloak.

"I can manipulate machines, not minds," Armatta said.

As An'Djana makes her joke, Master Zez-Kai Ell quickly looks away, while Master Kavar stifles a smirk. Perhaps a glimpse into the masters past. "The situation is, fluid. Our hope is that you will not need to steal the ship to leave the planet, but truthfully we cannot see what the future of this endeavour holds" Master Ell explains in a reasoned tone.

At the mention of dataspikes, the seasoned master nods approvingly at the train of thought. However at the mention of blasters Kavar leans forward in his seat to speak.

"If we can find weapons for you, they must not be used to wound of kill. Stun settings only, and if possible not used at all. In response to Krios, Kavar adds "you are not dealing with mandalorians, padawan. If you are discovered, the worst that will happen is that you will be taken into custody by the senate forces. They are not out enemy, and we cannot treat them as such".

As the council talks, there is a hiss as the double doors to the room slide open. A temple guard is seen, stood in the doorway. "Apologies masters, but the senate representative has arrived".

"Very well, we will see them shor-"

"She is insisting on seeing you now, masters".

Master Vash sighs before standing. "I am afraid we must cut our meeting short, padawans, and you must not be seen by the senate officials". She gestures to the door, and the masters begin to file out, being followed by your padawans. "If you need anything else, speak to your masters. They will help you find the equipment you need, and will help you prepare any other way you need for your mission. Law enforcement will be watching the temple and the spaceport so you must be careful. May the force be with you".

With that the meeting is over, and the padawans are left alone with their masters. Collecting the equipment from the temples supply stores is done easy enough, giving the padawans a little time to speak to their masters and make their final preparations. Finding where Karath went would be difficult, as would evading the republic forces.

Despite his earlier trepidation at being summoned by the council, Silun seems quite enthusiastic now that the meeting is over and the padawans are making preparations. After collecting his clothing, a spare backpack, and a simple blaster pistol, he heads to his quarters and changes, also picking up his few other pieces of equipment while there. He emerges looking more or less like a normal Sullustan spacer, complete with a blaster holstered at his side and a full pack containing his armored robes, lightsaber, and other odds and ends.

After completing his change, he makes a point of seeking out his Master before gathering with the other padawans. Upon finding Master Garsa, he eagerly approaches the tall Duros, remembering to nod a respectful greeting before beginning to speak. "Master Garsa, thank you for allowing me to go on this mission. I've been anxious to leave again, but I promise that I spent time doing what you asked this time, I actually meditated, and I've been patient in trying to listen to the will of the Force."

As he talks, his thoughts quickly wander from the last few weeks in the temple to the assignment ahead. "So, what exactly is going on here? Why is the council so worried about some republic admiral?"

Before even getting an answer to this question, another thought seems to come to him, and an ill-concealed hint of excitement creeps into his voice as he rapidly asks an additional question. "Also, do you know what kind of ship I'm going to be flying? If the Council provided it, it must be a beauty, especially if the Senate thought it was important enough to impound."

As the Council ushers the Padawan and their masters out Zoroku bids his master farewell and heads straight for his quarters. Once there he first changed into Civilian Clothing, it was a casual set of clothes that shouldn't raise any eyebrows. He then used the Disguise Kit that the council provided him, taking the time to apply the face paint in a convincing manner he would apply the yellow paint in traditional Pantoran Tattoo patterns in order to hide the fact he was Chiss, Finally he donned the pair of shaded lenses that he had asked for to hide his eyes from view. With the disguise prepared he packed his armor and Lightsaber into a bag as to hide them until they were needed.

Once Done Zoroku heads to a small courtyard garden outside the Jedi Temple where the group had decided to all meet up once the group was ready to head out and start their hunt for where Karath had head off too. Sitting on a bench and placing down his bag he waited for the rest of the group.

Armatta returned to her quarters and changed into her already less-than-pristine workshop coveralls. She then looked at herself in the mirror.

I need to tie my hair up - no mechanic wants to get their hair stuck in something, be it machinery or goop. And check my tool kits before heading off.

After packing her armoured robes and primary lightsabre in the extra backpack and her usual mission gear in her own backpack, she tossed her new training lightsabre into her mechanic's tool kit (where it just looked like an esoteric tool among the others) and looked around the spartan quarters. A sudden - but urgent - thought struck her.

Oops, I do need to send a ... slightly cryptic ... message to Master Seltash. He's still on the Outer Rim, so I probably won't get a better chance than now to tell him that I've been sent on a mission.

Armatta sat down and quickly composed a cryptic message to Seltash, leaving out the details except for the fact that the High Council had ordered the mission and knew its parameters. She carefully ensured that the message had a time delay which would send it two days later, so as to keep as much operational security as possible under the circumstances.

Finished with that task, she picked up her backpacks and headed to the courtyard garden to find the others.

Edited by Bellona

Krios shuffled out of the council chamber with his head down, his master walking down the hall with him.

"You did fine, apprentice. And you'll do fine. May the Force be with you." Master Kel nodded and smiled at Krios, letting his Padawan enter his chambers alone then walking on with the other Masters.

Krios carefully doffed his battle armor and puzzled over how to best pack it into his backpack. After several minutes all of his essential belongings were stowed away in his pack - except his lightsaber in the inner pocket of his jacket. He pulled at the jacket. Civilian clothing was oddly uncomfortable compared to Jedi robes. Odd that humble, simple robes could be so comfortable.

Krios made his way to the courtyard where everyone would meet before finally heading out.

Andja sighs as she stows her lightsaber and utility belt away. I suppose the formal council armor would be less than discreet. The ornate armor was an heirloom, and more ostensibly “Jedi” than any modern robes. She stows that in the case as well, donning instead a simple dress and boots. She briefly considers carrying her sword, but quickly discards the notion. Though the shyarn is a cultural weapon, and not a Jedi one, the mission will have failed if it comes to that. Sliding the sword and scabbard free, she girds herself with the belt and packs the ancient weapon away in its case.

Master Tura Nubis is still in critical condition, and the order will not let her visit him, but she can still sense his gentle presence in the Force. It is faint, but the patient and affirming Cosian is still with them.

The Cerean woman appears to trip over her own feet, as she stumbles out into the courtyard, struggling with her luggage. It is not particularly heavy, but it is a bit bulky, and An-Djana can be rather awkward on her feet under even mundane circumstances. Catching her balance before she falls outright, she looks around at her partners in crime. Wow.. taking this whole incognito thing pretty seriously... “So! Are we ready to do this?”

Edited by Edgehawk

Zoroku watched as all the other Padawans were making their way into the Garden rendezvous, he was waiting to address the group when everyone was there. He looks over to Andja, his head turning slowly, " We aren't all here Dudette. Relax Andja we still got time. " It seems that he was assuming a persona along with his disguise, one that would fit his new more casual clothing. " We are missing two" He holds up two fingers then takes a comfortable position on the bench to help him further get into character.

Edited by Shlambate

Master Garsa would glance across at his padawan from where he sat within his chambers. Sat in front of him was a large ceramic cup and saucer, still steaming with heat. The master had been sat cross legged, resting against the wall a little during meditation which sometimes looked suspiciously like sleeping at times. "I know Silun, I was worried that keeping you here much longer may result in some kind of arson or mass theft". The master chuckles a little at his joke before continuing. "I am glad to see you are improving, you just have to take time, be patient. A jedi master was never bult overnight". At the question on Karath, Master Garsa opens his eyes fully to look at his padawan. "Admiral Saul Karath was one of the most highly decorated officers of the mandalorian wars. A formidable leader, and one of the few soldiers that the mandalorians paid respect to after the war. Since then he has done much for the republic and its veterans. He was also responsible for a number of security measures for space stations and shipyards. As a traitor, he could betray hundreds of republic installations and thousands of citizens. He must not get away. As to your ship, I cannot say, but I know you will prove a competent pilot. Just as long as you don't crash it".