Star Wars: Revan's War IC

By Rabobankrider, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

Armatta looked up at Shu with pleased surprise.

"Shu! I was beginning to think that everyone else had left the Temple or was hiding from me!" she said and smiled. "As for this morning ... yeah, I was there." She lost her smile. "Lots of things happened, which is why you're probably hearing different stories. Personally, I'm surprised that a group of padawans beat the knights and masters to Karath's office. And I really hope that someone finds him before he tries to flee off-planet."

She shook her head as if to shake off the thoughts of that not-so-lucky morning mission. "But what of you? What are you up to these days, and how's your master doing?"

14 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

It is a strange journey for Zoroku as he makes his way back to the admiralty building alone. It was not too long ago that he was on the same route with very different purpose. When he arrives at the building he sees that it is still swamped by republic personnel. Courscant law enforcement, investigators, government representatives and actual military forces were everywhere the jedi looked. No other jedi were here from what he could see.

As he approaches, a sergeant approaches to stop Zoroku but instead pauses as he listens to his com. Nodding to someone unseen the sergeant steps back and lets the jedi through the doorway. The building interior is filled with investigators, literally removing consoles and carrying the entire thing out to trucks just outside. Zoroku can feel many eyes watching him as he makes his way unmolested up to the turbo-lift.

Upon reaching the right floor, he again finds himself alone. At the far end of the corridor, carbon scarring marks the floor and walls from the earlier battle. However the dead and unconscious were gone, and the door to the office had been sealed with a magnetic lock.

Before that door, Zoroku reaches the door of Admiral Ovitom, and just as he is about to knock, the door hisses open. Zoroku is almost bowled over as a pair of law enforcement officers march out of the room. The pair barely look at the jedi before shoving past him with a slight grunt.

Zoroku's gaze would follow the two men as the roughly brushed past him wondering what they were up to, ' Clearly they were here to see the Admiral, but with Karath revealing himself to have betrayed the Republic the investigation into the Admirals should be over.' He thought and then turned back to enter the office he would stop himself just before the Admiral's desk and wait for him to answer.

14 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

Zoroku sees the devaronian admiral sat behind his desk. The room was as cluttered as before, and now had a large bottle of something purple sat on the desk. The admiral knocks back the same liquid from a glass in his hand before sighing heavily. He looks at Zoroku and lets out an audible groan. "You again? Haven't you caused enough damage today Zoro?"

" I am not here on any Investigations Admiral Ovitom." Zoroku said and nodded his head, " I agree we have caused a lot of damage today, I wish to aid the Admiralty with enemy we now face." He said matter of factly " I believe that with my experience of the Foerost Attack and my knowledge of the Unknown Regions and my knowledge of warfare that I can be of great use to the Grand Navy of the Republic." He waited patiently for an Answer.

The jedi nods slowly as he listens to Silun's plight. "It is good to remain occupied padwan, but a jedi must be able to remain calm and collected whenever possible. When a jedi is not carrying out their duties, it is often prudent for them to meditate, to find calm and connect with the force. Has your master not taught you of this?" The jedi looks puzzled as he asks the question.

In the cafeteria Shu looks physically stunned as Armatta speaks. It would seem that news of what had happened in the morning had not travelled so far yet. "Wait wait, Karath? That admiral guy from the war? What were you doing there? I thought he was some kind of hero?"The shock of what Shu had gleaned here showed on her face as she glances around.

Meanwhile, away from the temple Zokoru hears the admiral stifle a belch after taking another drink. "Enemy? Karath was my friend, jedi. He saved thousands of lives, tens of thousands. How can that be our enemy?" Ovitom clearly seems troubled by the events of the investigation, and had not taken it well. As Zoroku makes his offer the admirall looks up from the glass. "What, you take part in one fight and suddenly you see yourself as an admiral? What can you offer the republic?"

" Karath is not the enemy I speak of, and no I do not wish to be an admiral. Simply an advisor, at most my training in the Ascendancy was preparing me to become a Lieutenant.” Zoroku said Looking to the Admiral and shaking his head. " Karath I am sure was being used by the Sith Empire, our true threat, an enemy my people know all too well. It is them who I wish to give information on.”

Silun looks a little ashamed as the Jedi explains this. "He has taught me that, and I know that's what I'm supposed to be doing. I'm just... I don't know what good it's doing me to sit and meditate if I'm not seeking answers to anything or trying to find enlightenment or something like that. There's so much I haven't seen, and I can sit and meditate when I'm older and..." His sentence drifts off when he realizes he's arguing against a much more experienced Jedi's suggestion to him, and he lowers his head in embarrassment.

Dranau meditates in the back of the small transport, listening to the low hum of the Hyperdrive and contemplating his mission. He feels the ship drop out of hyper space and opens his eyes. Dark green and framed by a lighter shade of green tinted skin, marked with a symmetrical pattern of black geometric tattoos. His brown hair tied back loosely save for a short braid on the right side of his face. He collects the outer segment of his robes from where he had them folded on the ground, cradling his light saber. After donning his robe and hooking his light saber back onto his belt, Dranau checks the fit of the plated armour underneath. Making his way to the front of the ship, his only companion a navigation droid that has seen better days. It was not an overly long trip from Dantooine to Coruscant, but Dranau already wishes to return. While receiving his first off-world mission from the council was an honor, he wishes he was still on the planet, combating the enemy directly.

"What do you say W4? Why don't we finish what were here for and get back home, destiny pulls me back to Dantooine."

The door to the small ship opens, stalling at the halfway point for a moment before whirring back to life. Dranau steps off the ramp and onto the Coruscant Temple dock, eager to meet with the council.


2 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

In the cafeteria Shu looks physically stunned as Armatta speaks. It would seem that news of what had happened in the morning had not travelled so far yet. "Wait wait, Karath? That admiral guy from the war? What were you doing there? I thought he was some kind of hero?"The shock of what Shu had gleaned here showed on her face as she glances around.

Armatta mentally kicked herself for even saying that much. Seltash was always on my case about operational security and things like that, so why the stars did I open my big mouth now and give even that much detail?!? Out loud she just sighed.

"I'm sorry, I thought that that detail had been included in the rumours flying around. I've had my head down over the workshop bench all afternoon and never got the chance to find out what the rumours are actually saying."

Ovitom sets the drink down on his desk as he steeples his fingers, watching Zoroku closely. "A lieutenant? You couldn't even make it as a private. Jedi don't hold military ranks, they're 'impartial' when it comes to war, remember?" This last statement was clearly a dig regarding the mandalorian wars. At the mention of the sith empire, Ovitom stands up slowly. "What are you talking about, sith empire? There haven't been sith for, what, forty years? For that matter why are you here making this offer, and not your council? What aren't you telling me?"

Silun would feel a firm pat on his shoulder as the jedi smiles down at him. "You sound like Master Karath in his youth. However I suspect that you may find that The answers to why meditation is important to a jedi may be revealed through the act itself. Perhaps a little time in the meditation chamber will calm your spirit".

As the jedi finishes speaking, a young knight approaches the pair and shouts out to the nameless jedi. "Master Ell!" The balding master would turn to face the knight before turning back to Silun. "I hope to see you soon, padawan". With that he would turn and begun to walk away.

Meanwhile Dranau feels the shuttle bump down onto the ground before he disembarks. The droid trundles ahead with a cheery chirping sound. The flat-headed astromech wobbles a little courtesy of a misaligned wheel. As the pair make their way down the loading ramp they are struck by the size of the landing area. Big enough for half a dozen shuttles on this platform alone, and all made of white stone and pillars. The area was mostly deserted, but there were about five masked temple guards at regualr intervals along the temple wall.

One of them approaches the pair, producing a datapad from their belt. "I'm sorry" she says as she activates the pad. "The temple is off limits to visitors at this time. What is your name?" The voice is muffled by her mask. Upon seeing the saber hanging on her belt the guard looks back to the datapad. "Oh, I see. What is your name?"

Almost before Armatta finishes talking Shu leans forward over the table. "Come on, you can't just leave it like that! Tell me everything, what happened over there? We don't know what the council is planning, but no jedi are getting in or out of the temple. We need to know as much as we can".

11 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

Ovitom sets the drink down on his desk as he steeples his fingers, watching Zoroku closely. "A lieutenant? You couldn't even make it as a private. Jedi don't hold military ranks, they're 'impartial' when it comes to war, remember?" This last statement was clearly a dig regarding the mandalorian wars.

" Not all Jedi who didn't join the fighting did not think it was the proper course of action, my Master and I were quite Vocal on how not joining the conflict wasn't the correct move. But much like a Good soldier a Good Jedi Follows Orders." Zoroku responds to Ovitom's first question watching his movements just as closely as he followed him, " Not to mention I saw my fair share of fighting in the outer rim defending those who had been in between the battles of the Republic and Mandalorians, Settlements that needed to be rebuilt were often a target by the Mandalorians."

12 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

At the mention of the sith empire, Ovitom stands up slowly. "What are you talking about, sith empire? There haven't been sith for, what, forty years? For that matter why are you here making this offer, and not your council? What aren't you telling me?"

Zoroku simply watches Ovitom as he approaches, " Most people in the republic think me some weird Red eyed Pantoran." He says as his eyes lock with the Admiral's " I am not Pantoran, my home is not Pantora, I am Chiss my home Csilla, a planet the Republic has yet to discover within the Space you call the Unknown Regions." He pauses a second as he lets Ovitom process the information, " Within the Unknown Regions lies both my home the Chiss Ascendancy and the Sith Empire, What I offer is First Hand Information of an Enemy you do not yet know, and the Skills imparted on me by my people of Warfare. I am not your average Jedi." Zoroku says calmly in his Monotone voice waiting now for a response.

On 3/16/2020 at 1:52 AM, Rabobankrider said:

Almost before Armatta finishes talking Shu leans forward over the table. "Come on, you can't just leave it like that! Tell me everything, what happened over there? We don't know what the council is planning, but no jedi are getting in or out of the temple. We need to know as much as we can".

"No Jedi are being allowed in or out of the Temple?!? I have no idea what that's about, or what the Council is up to, sorry, planning." She glared at the remains of her dinner for a moment before looking up again more calmly. "Shu, how about we book a salle for the second hour after dinner? I feel the need to release some frustration into the Force through a moving meditation like a kata or five, and maybe some open sparring afterwards. Until then, I need an hour for some solitary sitting meditation to gather my thoughts." Armatta coughed a moment, "And of course to digest dinner."

I have no idea what's going on in this uptight, crazy Temple. Kai-Wan's to be disassembled despite having been obviously sliced, Oola going overboard and possibly Dark Side, that Mandalorian who was here then gone again just as suddenly, and Jemech - Force, I hope that he's alright if he's tracking that crashed shuttle.

Edited by Bellona

Silun sighs and decides to follow Master Ell's advice. He tries to calm himself as he makes his way over to one of the areas of the temple set aside for meditation and reflection. As he does so, he wonders what pressing matters could have pulled the Master away so abruptly. He ponders this to himself as he walks, also trying to remember just what it is that Master Ell has responsibility over in the temple. These concerns pursue him all the way to the meditation chambers. When Tell gets there, he looks around to try and find a vacant chamber to sit and meditate in to attempt to find some of those answers that Master Ell was so certain would benefit him.

On 3/15/2020 at 6:52 PM, Rabobankrider said:

Meanwhile Dranau feels the shuttle bump down onto the ground before he disembarks. The droid trundles ahead with a cheery chirping sound. The flat-headed astromech wobbles a little courtesy of a misaligned wheel. As the pair make their way down the loading ramp they are struck by the size of the landing area. Big enough for half a dozen shuttles on this platform alone, and all made of white stone and pillars. The area was mostly deserted, but there were about five masked temple guards at regualr intervals along the temple wall.

One of them approaches the pair, producing a datapad from their belt. "I'm sorry" she says as she activates the pad. "The temple is off limits to visitors at this time. What is your name?" The voice is muffled by her mask. Upon seeing the saber hanging on her belt the guard looks back to the datapad. "Oh, I see. What is your name?"

Dranau stands with his hands clasped in front of himself, gesturing with his right hand when he speaks.

"I am Padawan Dranau. I am here on behalf of the Dantooine Enclave. I have an urgent request from Master Ihari for the Council."

Dranau reaches into his robe and pulls out a datapad with Master Ihari's signature. He speaks again after returning the datapad to its place under his robe.

"The Temple is currently closed to Visitors. Has something happened?"

The admiral listens in taught silence as he slowly takes in what was being told him by the chiss. Finally after what felt like an age, Ovitom sits back down behind the desk. For the first time he gestures for Zoroku to sit down in the cluttered chair in front of him. "Just move the datapads to the floor, I'll deal with them later".

The admiral pours another drink before sliding it towards the jedi. Topping up his own he speaks again. "Alright then, you want to help the republic, and you want to get in cosy with the navy, I can buy that, Zoro. Here's the thing though, my old man always said, you never get nothing for nothing. You want this, you need to 'buy in', as it were. You say you've got information for us, let's hear some".

In the temple Shu would laugh as she leans back in her seat. "Ok, hold your horses. Let me finish my food and I'll meet you there, alright?" The rodian begins to tuck into her meal with gusto, clearly excited at the thought of a sparring match with an old friend.

She waves as she watches Armatta make her way to the meditation chambers. The chambers were one of the oldest parts of the temple, made of dull grey stone with low rooves and curves walls. Each one was almost the same shape as a flattened pebble, with a single door to each of the chambers. There were a few still unoccupied rooms for those looking to meditate. Some still had objects inside of them, books and chairs that some jedi added to the meditation practice. The centre of the chambers was flattened out for jedi to sit on the ground, bathed in a pale blue light that emanated from a large ring that circled the room, it was supposed to soothe the mind.

As Silun makes his way to the meditation chamber, he would arrive a little after Armatta, and would see them making their way through the chambers, searching for an open one. It was possible that the pair had seen each other before, though they may well have not spoken before.

Outside of the temple, the guard nods after checking the datapad a second time. "Of course, they must have been unable to contact you when you were on your way here. "The temple has been closed due to an incident with the republic navy and members of our order. I am afraid I cannot say more than that".

Looking down at the datapad the guard would nod again. In her muffled voice she would say "Unfortunately the council is locked in a meeting, and have asked they are not disturbed. They may make an exception for your message, but if not it will have to wait till tomorrow".

On 3/19/2020 at 4:25 PM, Rabobankrider said:

In the temple Shu would laugh as she leans back in her seat. "Ok, hold your horses. Let me finish my food and I'll meet you there, alright?" The rodian begins to tuck into her meal with gusto, clearly excited at the thought of a sparring match with an old friend.

She waves as she watches Armatta make her way to the meditation chambers. The chambers were one of the oldest parts of the temple, made of dull grey stone with low rooves and curves walls. Each one was almost the same shape as a flattened pebble, with a single door to each of the chambers. There were a few still unoccupied rooms for those looking to meditate. Some still had objects inside of them, books and chairs that some jedi added to the meditation practice. The centre of the chambers was flattened out for jedi to sit on the ground, bathed in a pale blue light that emanated from a large ring that circled the room, it was supposed to soothe the mind.

Armatta checked the Temple intranet on the way to the meditation chambers, and made a one-hour booking for a salle in a bit over two hour's time. She sent off a quick text message with the details to Shu, apologising for the change in time slot but not explaining why. I do need to meditate - and I will do so for an hour. But I'll also need an hour in my quarters for constructing that amulet in peace and quiet.

When she found an empty chamber, she changed the sign on the door to indicate that it was in use and settled down to meditate.

Almost an hour later she opened her eyes and unfolded her legs from the lotus position. Much better. I really needed that after this morning's craziness and the afternoon's noisiness. Feeling refreshed, Armatta left the meditation chamber, nodding at the same young sullustan padawan whom she'd passed on the way in.

She made herself a cup of tea back in her room, and considered something a bit ... unorthodox. Time to try crafting that protective talisman again. With all the chaos going on these days, I wouldn't be surprised if I actually need it some time in the days to come. She locked the door and looked down at the odds and end which she'd grabbed from the workshop recycling boxes earlier that day. Yes, I can use this. Not ideal, but ...

Armatta pulled out her tool kit and set to work. An hour later she had something which was only marginally a success. A heavy, round medallion cushioned with a softer material around the edge, and engraved with the Jedi Order’s ‘sabre bird. It hung on a sturdy necklace. Sithspit! That’s going to be a heavy piece of jewellery! she grumbled to herself. But at least it worked this time.

A glance at the chronometer threw her into swift motion. Time to get a move on, or I'll be late for that evening kata/open sparring session with Shu!

The booked salle was well-lit, high to the ceiling, and big enough to have a couple of rows of observation benches. The previous users were chatting with Shu as Armatta hurried through the door. She waved at them on her way into the small changing room, and quickly returned in her training clothes.

"Ready for some katas?" Armatta asked with a smile.

Shu nodded with a grin as the others left. "Shall we do the first levels for all six forms? That'll limber us up for the open sparring afterwards."

"Moving meditation, here we come!" Armatta grinned as she took the opening stance of Shii-Cho's level one kata, training 'sabre in hand. Her younger Rodian friend fell into position beside her.

Close to an hour later, Armatta flopped down on an observation bench and grabbed her water bottle. "You and your sneaky Shien moves!" she mock-accused Shu, then winced. That last fall's going to produce a spectacular bruise.

"They're valid enough," Shu replied smugly, twirling her 'sabre.

Edited by Bellona

Silun finds a meditation chamber to use, and tries to settle down into the techniques taught to him by his Master. He spends nearly an hour just trying to get into the right frame of mind to properly meditate. After nearly giving up in frustration, the young Sullustan forces himself to keep trying, and eventually manages to find the peace necessary to properly connect with the force. After some time spent in calm meditation, he leaves the chamber, feeling much less agitated and impatient than before.

A wry smile quirks An-Djana’s lips as she passes the meditation chambers. She had never been able to truly meditate, a great failing in the eyes of the Jedi establishment. When one of her brains started to relax to the proper state, the other would inevitably interject with some random inane thought, some unbidden query birthed by her boundless curiosity. She was willful, a not uncommon trait in those the Force works through, but in all the wrong ways some might say- but not her master.

The gentle and patient Cosian who had accepted the challenge of her training was what brought her to the temple. A great disturbance in the Force, a feeling of loss. And then the summons, while others were being kept away. What she feels in her hearts, but does not know, is that Tura Nubis had fallen during the conflict earlier. An ill-fated attempt to diffuse the situation has left him grievously wounded, and his fate hangs in the balance.

As the young Cerean woman wends her way deeper through the temple halls, she finds the sounds of clashing training sabers too tempting to resist. Meditation might not work for her, but the traditional sword dance of her people, the Shyarn-Ado, has always helped her to clear her head. The temple guards did state that the council is in closed session and not to be disturbed, all appointments on hold...

Spontaneously deciding that this is just what she needs right now, she enters into the salle d’armes. The will of the living Force led me by this route. “Ah.. I see I am too late,” An-Djana says as she sweeps in and spies the others. They are breathing and perspiring heavily, training sabers set aside. They see a tall Cerean woman.. well, no- not really so tall- but the conical shape of her head is misleading. She has auburn hair, swept back into a topknot and falling to her shoulders, with eyes to match. Currently she is wearing simple robes, but an elongated lightsaber hilt is at her side.

”Mind if I share the space, all the same?”

"Not a problem," Armatta told the Cerean woman. "As far as I know, no one's booked the salle after us this evening. If you're willing to wait for a short while, one of us might even be ready to spar again. My name's Armatta, by the way, Armatta Tano'bi," she added with a polite bow.

"Or," she said, looking over at a lasat sitting on the the far observation benches who'd been following the sparring with some interest, "that fellow might be willing to join an open spar."

Edited by Bellona

Earlier in the dojo:

Krios swung downward hard, the other Padawan deflecting the strike with a grunt, Krios raised his lightsaber again menacingly then slammed the his partner with his armored shoulder. Another grunt and his 'partner' scowled and sliced upward with her green saber at great speed.

Krios jumped out of the way, sensing the shift in aggression, counter-attacked from various angles with quick shallow strikes to take his 'partner' off guard as she withdrew backwards and stumbled to the ground as she tried to shift to a more defensive stance. Krios held his white-blue lightsaber pointed down at her. "Heh, you almost got me there" , Krios tried to compliment her as she deactivated their lightsaber. She frowned and got up.

A third Padawan watched the match from the perimieter, arms folded, watching with some concern. It was unusual for Padawan's at the Temple on Coruscant to spar with real lightsabers, training sabers was the custom, but Jedi who studied elsewhere brought their own customs and peculiarities.

"Ah, we've all learned something, I think," the Padawan from the perimeter observed, getting his friends cloak and handing it to her. "I'm afraid we have other duties, good day, Krios was it?" he intoned diplomatically.

Krios waved, "See you around!"


Krios tugged on his battle armor repositioning it, "Yeah, I'm up for some sparring" his deep voice turning to a smile.

"I'm Krios Rella" , he nodded to Armatta and An-Djana. "My master and I are here from the Outer Rim and I've been..itchy ever since we've arrived."

Krios walked over to his cloak that was balled up in a corner and dropped his scarred lightsaber on top of it.

"How about training sabers?" he asked, walking over to the rack of training sabers and picking one out.

Krios held his arm out towards the middle of the floor, inviting any who wished to spar with him...

Edited by Jedi Ronin

“An-Djana-Jiness, a pleasure. Call me Andja.” Taking up a training saber for herself, she activates it and swishes it through the air with a flourish, executing a fencer’s bow. “If you’ve an itch, I shall endeavor to scratch it.”

Cool Initiative : 1eA+2eP 3 successes, 1 advantage

a-a.png p-s.png p-s-s.png
17 minutes ago, Edgehawk said:

“An-Djana-Jiness, a pleasure. Call me Andja.” Taking up a training saber for herself, she activates it and swishes it through the air with a flourish, executing a fencer’s bow. “If you’ve an itch, I shall endeavor to scratch it.”

Cool Initiative : 1eA+2eP 3 successes, 1 advantage

a-a.png p-s.png p-s-s.png

“Andja. Nice to meet you”. Krios ignited his saber and stepped forward holding it out in front of him.

Cool (Initiative) : 1eP 1 success

On 3/19/2020 at 9:25 AM, Rabobankrider said:

Outside of the temple, the guard nods after checking the datapad a second time. "Of course, they must have been unable to contact you when you were on your way here. "The temple has been closed due to an incident with the republic navy and members of our order. I am afraid I cannot say more than that".

Looking down at the datapad the guard would nod again. In her muffled voice she would say "Unfortunately the council is locked in a meeting, and have asked they are not disturbed. They may make an exception for your message, but if not it will have to wait till tomorrow".

Dranau nods.

"Very well, the matter on Dantooine while urgent is not an emergency. Am I able to access the temples facilities at this time? It is my first visit to Coruscant and I would like to acquaint myself with the temple while I wait."

An-Djana activates the training shoto and begins her sword dance, the seemingly erratic movements making her traditional Niman technique more difficult to read. Telegraphing a thrust to the shoulder, her saber drops to engage her opponent’s blade, and with a twist of her wrist she sends it clattering to the floor behind him.

Executing a draw cut on the Lasat’s arm on the withdrawal, her adversary’s powerful forearm jerks in an unexpected direction, sending her own saber flying. Andja’s awkwardness in scrabbling to recover her weapon is in stark contrast to that of the graceful Lasat.

“Well. I landed a touch, but that is my first time being disarmed by an unarmed foe. Well played!” She was accustomed to facing stronger opponents, but the sheer athleticism of this Krios was astounding! “So. Unless your itch happened to be on that wrist, we’re not finished here!”

And so they weren’t. An-Djana gives the bout her best effort, and is covered in a sheen of sweat, by the time the next combatants arrive for their session. ”You are marvelous, Krios! Without relying too heavily upon any particular form, your raw ability with a saber is amazing!”

Deactivating the training shoto, she reaches in to clasp his hand.

Training Shoto vs Krios w/aim : 2eA+2eP+2eB+2eC+1eS 2 successes, 4 advantage, 1 Despair

a-s.png a-a-a.png p-a-a.png p-s-a.png b--.png b-s-a.png c-d.png c-th.png s-th.png (2 Advantage to disarm w/Sum Djem, 2 Advantage to add 1 Setback to incoming attack, + Despair)!

Edited by Edgehawk

Still panting from the exercise, Shu smiles at the newcomer and offers her a breathless nod. "Yeah, you can take the square if you want. I could do with sitting down for a bit. Not because I'm tired or anything, I just, want to sit". She gestures to Armatta with a jerk of her head while half-limping to the benches. Resting against the seat behind her, Shu would glance at Armatta. "You know, I don't get it. I'm surly good enough with my lightsaber to defend myself, but my master won't let me out of the temple on missions yet. You get to do missions though? I don't get it".

Listening in silence for a moment the temple guard nods to Dranau. "All areas of the temple are still open to jedi, with the usual restrictions for padawan's of course. The sparring rooms are still open, as are the meditation chambers. Guest quarters will also be made ready for you".

On 3/26/2020 at 4:58 AM, Rabobankrider said:

Still panting from the exercise, Shu smiles at the newcomer and offers her a breathless nod. "Yeah, you can take the square if you want. I could do with sitting down for a bit. Not because I'm tired or anything, I just, want to sit". She gestures to Armatta with a jerk of her head while half-limping to the benches. Resting against the seat behind her, Shu would glance at Armatta. "You know, I don't get it. I'm surly good enough with my lightsaber to defend myself, but my master won't let me out of the temple on missions yet. You get to do missions though? I don't get it".

Armatta resettled herself more comfortably on the bench, avoiding one of her bruises.

"Missions don't depend on 'sabrework alone. I can't count the number of times that Master Seltash saved our behinds by knowing some obscure fact, or when being able to fix a broken piece of equipment myself was what was needed. Just being able to talk with people without insulting them or seeming high-handed - those are good skills too. 'Charm and diplomacy can get you a lot further than a lightsabre', Master Seltash always says."

Edited by Bellona

Shu let's out a moan of annoyance. "I know, but tat stuff takes forever! If I don't get out in the field soon I'm going to go crazy. Anyway, I can talk to people! I am very sociable". She would draw herself upright to strike a formal pose before flopping back down with a laugh. "I just wish they'd stop treating us like children, you know? If they don't take risks and let us out, we'll never learn, not properly".