Star Wars: Revan's War IC

By Rabobankrider, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

Reaching down to grab the stick, Zalen quickly pokets it as he throws himself backwards, his jetpack flaring to life and carrying him away from the conflict.

Try to play me huh...

He muttered to himself as he easily shot a slug with his rifle, the slug slamming into the woman who had just jump out.

Zoroku takes the blaster fire to his knee and his chest unable to bring his blade to deflect any of the shots in time, recovering quickly he jumps onto action going straight for the man who stabbed Zalen. Letting out a combat shout he strikes with all his might at his opponent, aiming to incapacitate not kill. When the big man falls to the ground after Zoroku's attack he retorts " You should have gone for the Head."

As the shots come at Kataddik, he deflects each in turn only allowing one past that grazes his arm.

Edited by Tramp Graphics

"Boss!" The woman cries out in horror as the lightsaber slices through the masked man. As he hits the floor with a heavy thud, the woman spins on her heel to open fire on Zoroku as she backs away from him. The shots are wild, uncoordinated as she panics seeing the man fall, but they still do some damage to the jedi. One of the shots smashes into the hilt of the lightsaber, almost taking off Zoroku's hand as the lightsaber is sent clattering to the ground. "Quick! Finish him off" the woman shouts to the others.

Unknown Woman Combat Check : 2eP+2eA+1eD 2 successes, 3 advantage

p-s-a.png p-s-a.png a-a.png a-s-s.png d-f-f.png Moves to short range, does 9 base damage to Zoroku, advantage spent to disarm him.

Edited by Rabobankrider

With a mighty roar, Kataddik rushes headlong at the thugs that just fired on him, and slashed at them with his blade and lightsaber, cleanly missing them, but also scattering them and putting them off balance.

The masked attackers dive out of the way of the violent swings from the wookie, and it looks like they are about to fall back until the woman shouts at them. "Stand your ground! He's only one!" she roars at the others. As they begin to move back, they hold on her order. With their free hands the attackers grab for metal truncheons stuffed roughly into their belts or pockets. Kataddik feels one of the attackers leap onto his back, the attacker using the baton to secure herself around his neck. The others rush the jedi, circling him as they take great swings at his arms and legs as they try to beat him to the floor.

"The rest of you, deal with the droid!" the woman continues to shout as she faces off against Zoroku. The rest of the attackers group together, surprisingly forming a rough form of firing rangks at they shoot at Kai. The blaster fire pummels into armoured plating of the droid as the attackers continue to fire, with no intention of stopping till he falls.

Unknown Attackers 1 Combat Check : 2eP+1eA+2eD+2eS 3 successes, 1 threat

p--.png p-s-a.png a-s-s.png d-th.png d-th.png s--.png s--.png Spends 1 maneuver to draw battons, does 7 base damage to Kataddik, threat spent to suffer 1 strain.

Unknown Attackers 2 Combat Check : 3eP+1eB+1eD+1eS 5 successes, 1 threat
p-s.png p-s-s.png p-s-s.png b-s.png d-f.png s-th.png Spends manoeuvre to aim, does 12 base damage to Kai-wan, threat spent to suffer 1 strain.

Zalen aims and fires at the group attacking the Wookie, but the violent movement of the Wookie caused him to jerk his rifle at the last minute, preventing the Wookie from getting hit. The shot, thus flew wide, hitting no one.

Dang Wookie...

The male would murmur before he started to aim again. However, the shot had caused several members of the attackers to become frightened and panicked, making them easier to hit.

Kai-wan spins and engages his attackers with a vengeance, causing them to scatter, but not landing any telling blows.

Suddenly the droid's photoreceptors dim, and the gangling droid teeters a bit, before dropping to the ground and lying perfectly still.

(Failed attack w/aim. 2nd maneuver to drop prone, dramatically feigning droid death).

Edited by Edgehawk

As the fight rages on the woman continues to fire round after round at Zoroku. "You shouldn't be here jedi! We just want the mandalorian!" she shouts through the face cover. As she fires she moves backwards, heading for the back of the park, the direction that the attackers had come from. The aim is true as she shows her expertise in combat. As she shoots she shifts her stance, ready for the inevitable assault of the team.

Unknown Woman Combat Check : 2eP+2eA+2eD 1 success, 3 advantage

p-a.png p-s-s.png a-a-a.png a-s.png d--.png d-f-f.png Moves to medium range, does 8 base damage to Zoroku, spends advantage to gain 1 melee defence till the end of their next turn.

Kataddik dances and slashes at his foes, not causing any damage, but forcing them to drop their weapons.

As the wookies ferocious attacks send the weapons clattering from his foes hands, they begin to back away slowly. "Forget this!" one of them shouts to the others. "Grab the boss, let's get out of here!" The group turn and sprint away from their attacker, passing by Zoroku as they skid to a halt. Two of them go to hoist up the fallen stranger by his arms while the other two turn their backs to him, ready to face any attackers that may try and stop them.

As they go, one of them turns to the others. "Stop that wookie!" Nodding, the others turn their blasters on the jedi, striking at him from a different angle. Firing frantically as they go, the attackers backpedal away from the lethal reach of the droid. "We need to get out of here, now!" It is clear from their actions that they were not prepared for a full assault against jedi. They must have expected it to only be the mandalorian.

Unknown attackers move to engaged range of Zoroku, and spend action picking up Masked Figure.

Unknown Attackers 2 Combat Check : 3eP+1eD 3 successes, 2 advantage
p-s-a.png p-s-a.png p-s-s.png d-f.png Does 10 base damage to Kataddik, spends advantage to fall back to short rant of Kai-wan

20 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

As the wookies ferocious attacks send the weapons clattering from his foes hands, they begin to back away slowly. "Forget this!" one of them shouts to the others. "Grab the boss, let's get out of here!" The group turn and sprint away from their attacker, passing by Zoroku as they skid to a halt. Two of them go to hoist up the fallen stranger by his arms while the other two turn their backs to him, ready to face any attackers that may try and stop them.

As they go, one of them turns to the others. "Stop that wookie!" Nodding, the others turn their blasters on the jedi, striking at him from a different angle. Firing frantically as they go, the attackers backpedal away from the lethal reach of the droid. "We need to get out of here, now!" It is clear from their actions that they were not prepared for a full assault against jedi. They must have expected it to only be the mandalorian.

Unknown attackers move to engaged range of Zoroku, and spend action picking up Masked Figure.

Unknown Attackers 2 Combat Check : 3eP+1eD 3 successes, 2 advantage
p-s-a.png p-s-a.png p-s-s.png d-f.png Does 10 base damage to Kataddik, spends advantage to fall back to short rant of Kai-wan

The results in a total of 2 wounds after Reflect and Soak .

Zalen once again aimed, speezing off a shot, hitting the assailants successfully.

There you go...

Well.. this particular tactic will probably not work a second time...

Kai-wan abruptly snaps back into motion, gaining his feet and lunging into the attackers who had previously targeted him.

. Attack unknown attackers 2 : 1eA+2eP+1eB+2eD 2 successes

a-s.png p-s.png p--.png b--.png d--.png d--.png (maneuver to stand from prone, extended reach (suffers 1 Strain for melee attack from Short range); inflicts 10 wounds (breach 1).

Zoroku quickly picks up the lightsaber that was blasted out of his hands. Blaster bolts catching him in the shoulder as he went to grab his Jedi Weapon. He jumps back into action dodging and weaving between hid enemies and striking down three of the goons in front of him.

As the attackers are cut down by the blades of the jedi, only two of the masked figures remained. Glancing at each other the two figures begin to back away. "Let's get out of here!" one of them would shout. In unison the two turn and make a dash back in the direction that they had come from. Vaulting the barrier that marks the perimeter of the park, they fire behind them as they rush away. The wild shots splinter the ground and whizz past the jedi, but a few strike their targets, glancing blows against arms and legs. The two seemed to prioritise their survival over their loyalty to whoever the woman and the helmeted figure was. They seemed to be the only two survivors amongst the bodies of the other attackers.

Unknown Attackers 1 : 3eA+2eD 1 success

a-a.png a-a.png a-s-a.png d-th.png d-th-th.png Does 8 base damage to Kataddik.

Unknown Attackers 2 : 3eA+2eD 1 success, 1 threat
a-s-s.png a--.png a-s.png d-th.png d-f-f.png Does 8 base damage to Kai-wan, disadvantage spend to pass setback dice to next ally.

Zoroku disengages his Lightsaber as the last of the attackers start to flee the battlefield he takes a seat on a nearby crate and takes deep breaths tending to the wounds he had just suffered and not paying as much attention as a=he would like on the new prisoners they had acquired.

Aiming, Zalen once again fires, his shot burying itself into the fleeing enemies. Then turned to his next target, ready to fire again as he watched the battle from his vantage point up above.

As the chaos of battle dies down, the jedi, droid and mandalorian are left surrounded by the dead and injured. The single remaining attacker continues to dash down the street, ducking into an ally soon after. He =has no intention of risking his life against this group. Most of the attackers have died from their injuries, but both the masked figure who had employed Zalen and the woman leading the attackers are alive, if unconscious Somewhere here was the final clue to the investigation, of that the party could be certain..


Zalen mutters a mandalorian curse word as he lands, looking around.

Want me to grab him...?

He turns to the jedi and asks.

Zoroku looks to Zalen stands and heads over to him, he responds pained and grasping at some of the several blaster wounds that he had suffered. "Bind the limbs... of the survivors together with some rope, so that when they wake they won't try to escape or..." He pauses briefly as speaking hurts immensely, when he collects himself he continues, " Attack us." He then pulls out a datapad and sends a text message over to his Master, ' Xira, We have captured men and women related to the admiral issue who were hiring assassins, I am badly injured and could use help interrogating our captives.'

Zalen shrugs.

I don’t have any rope. Do you?

13 minutes ago, Von3679 said:

Zalen shrugs.

I don’t have any rope. Do you?

“uggguhawwgggghhh wrrhw,” Kataddik replies.

Use your belts.

There would be a long moment of silence before the jedi master responds. "Alright Padawan, good work, very good. I will be there soon and I will bring a medical team with me. Stay right there, don't move". With that the com would go silent.

It would take ten minutes or so for the hum of engines to be heard above the jedi, giving them a little time to recover and finish off any tasks they had left to do. Before long though, a jedi shuttle begins to lower down towards them. It turns slowly as the rear loading ramp opens, revealing Xia, three nights draped in robes and a fourth jedi, clearly a healer.

The healer rushes forwards to the fallen attackers. With a green glow emanating from their hands, they would set about healing the injuries inflicted by the party. The other jedi move to stand over them, lightsabers drawn in case they try to flee or attack.

Xai walk forwards, carefully placing a hand on Zoroku's shoulder. "You have done well Padawan. We will get them back to the temple where we can interrogate them". She would pause before looking down at her Padawan with a slight smile. "I think you and the others should lead the interrogation, you know more of the case than I do". She would however frown a little as she looks across to Zalen. "Who is this?"

Zalen looks at the wookie, the tilt of his head expressing a “Are you serious?” look.


He said simply, before turning to the Jed Master.

You can ignore me. I’d like to head on my way. Don’t bother me and I won’t bother you.