Star Wars: Revan's War IC

By Rabobankrider, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

Seeing her droid companion take down a group of the troops Oola shouts


She runs towards another group of them and in a swift motion raises a hand pulling on the Force and in turn on the group of men. They fly into the air and then for a split second float, before falling and landing in a heap. Two of the men sit motionless after the impact the others reeling.

"BRING IT YOU SET OF *******!"

The sheer relish in the voice of his mistress is contagious, and Kai-wan lays into those security troops foolish enough to still stand in their way. The gangling droid is quite graceful in the flow of combat, and his photoreceptors flash brightly as the flickering tip of his staff strikes into them. “Yes! Bring it you farkling karfwagons!”

Zoroku attacks the remaining soldiers still standing that were fighting for Karath. Unable to take either of them down with his punches and strikes it seemed that these men were hardier or at least better trained in hand to hand combat.

While working with computer, Armatta notices that the activity in the system is increasing. It quickly becomes obvious that someone else is also on the building's network, and that whoever it is seems to be trying to lock her out of the terminal. Deciding to mess with the wires, Armatta spoofs her presence onto another terminal, <insert technobabble>, and tries to regain her system access. It could work, and I'm getting desperate here ...


The terminal shows a cascading series of network errors, then bluescreens itself into oblivion with an accusatory "ping" as its last communication.

That's it - I need to take care of my wounds properly before trying any more of this half-assed slicing and hotwiring. Blood on the keyboard is obviously too much of a distraction.

Armatta uses a stimpack on herself, jabbing herself harder than necessary out of frustration.

Original difficulty is set at: 3eC+1eD+1eS. Gearhead 1 talent removes the Setback. Armatta's skill pool is 3eP. Flip a LS Destiny Point to upgrade it by adding +1eA.

Adding Flow power to regain Strain.

Here goes nothing ...

Mechanics w. Dest.Pt to stymie sys.admin., Gearhead 1, plus Flow power : 3eP+1eA+3eC+1eD+2eF 1 advantage, 1 Despair, 3 Dark Side
p-s-a.png p-s-s.png p-a-a.png a-s-a.png c-d.png c-th-th.png c-f-f.png d-f-th.png f-ds-ds.png f-ds.png

Flow result: no Strain regained.

Mechanics result: ... 1 Advantage, 1 Despair.

Did I just crash the system? :o

Manoeuvre: use a stimpack to heal 5 wounds (back at full health now).

Edited by Bellona
Forgot to add the stimpack manoeuvre.

As the jedi is very thoroughly locked out of the buildings system, it seems for a moment as if the efforts are wasted. However as they listen to the chaos of the battle outside, Armatta hears the sound of the turbo-lift. Had it worked after all? The whir of the lift slows, and stops as the large curved door at the end of the reception slides open. Unfortunately it does not seem that it was Armatta's efforts that were responsible for the lift arriving.

Lumbering out from the metal cylinder was a large combat droid, hopping forwards with its two front legs as a bright blue phot-receptor surveys the scene. Rumbling in what sounds like binary the droid advances before hunkering down. Raising its arms it open fires on Armatta. The blaster barrels turn red as the droid fires with terrifying speed, however what it has in rapid fire it lacks in accuracy. Only a few of the shots collide with the jedi, the others smashing into the near by console and the wall behind.

Secuirty Droid Combat Check : 2eP+1eA+2eS 2 successes, 1 threat

p-s.png p-s.png a-s.png s-th.png s-f.png Does 8 base damage to Armatta, disadvantage spent to inflict 1 strain

Armatta yelps in surprise, cursing herself mentally for not thinking to have her 'sabre ready to reflect enemy fire.

Assuming that Reflect is not an option ...

8 damage - 5 soak = 3 wounds (that makes 3 wounds taken in total)

1 strain (that makes 4 strain suffered in total)


The bolt that was let out of Oola's hand was nothing like her usual. I wasn't the vibrant pink/purple it was more towards red with an outlying hint of the purple at the edges. But the intent was also different. The was no use of it to protect. The bolt was pure malice. It was created to kill. And it did just that. The hapless man on the receiving end was disintegrated nearly whole as if shot by a disruptor.

"Don't cross me"

The words were said quietly as if to herself, but were intended for the whole galaxy.

More blaster bolts are fired at Jemech from the Naval Security. One of the bolts manages to nick his shoulder and cause a 1st degree burn. Another stray shot causes falling debris to come straight for Jemech's head. Feeling the force around him, Jemech taps into his enhance power and manages to perform horizontal roll on the ground avoiding the falling debris with ease.

He pops up like Sonic the Hedgehog from a roll and winks at Armatta , "Don't worry Belle, 'ake much more den dat to hurt Jemech. "

Jemech takes time to access the situation. Outside in the courtyard the buzzes of lightsabers incapacitating guards could be heard. It is the same lightsaber as well. "Hmmmmm....whomeve' is wielding dat saber is good."

Kai-Wan brutalizing guards brought a smile to Jemech's face.

Then the sound of a force bolt came from outside as well. "De only one' dat I know who can cause dat is..Malak/Squint. He can' be here."

"Uh-oh!" came from Armatta.

That's usually not a good sign. Moments later a one legged security droid emerges from a large curved door and immediately opens fire on Armatta. Jemech swings around to face the combat droid with shoto-guard lightsaber humming towards it.

"Merdi. Don' you know dat its improper to hurt a lady?"

Ataru Strikers are known for their flash. Their substance and style. Jemech was no exception to that. In fact he took pride in being flashier than most. Jemech leaps towards the droid and executes a one handed sprining cartwheel to the side of the combat droid. In the same motion, Jemech brings his orange bladed lightsaber in a strike. Missed. Jemech landed to the side of the droid with ease. He let out a smile. This new opponent brought about a boost of energy.

"'bout time Jemech gets to 'ave some fun."

1st Attack on Security Droid w/Aim : 1eP+3eA+1eB+1eD+1eS+1eC 1 failure, 2 advantage
p-a.png a--.png a-a.png a-s-s.png b-a.png d-f-f.png s-th.png c-f.png

As the Corouscant officer is torn asunder with a howling scream, the will of the other soldiers and guards begin to falter. They are falling back, scattering into the streets and towards near by buildings as the jedi pursue them to prevent their escape. As this happens a narrow gap forms, giving a brief chance to break for the door using the chaos as cover. The jedi have not been unscathed during this, no less than four of them have been killed by gunfire and vibro-weaponry. Still, the main force is slowed by the few remaining soldiers as they try to show restraint in their combat.

As she picks up an opponent with the force, Master Vash gestures towards the door as the turns to shout at the party. "Go, press on! Stop Karath from escaping, whatever you do! He cannot be allowed to get off world!"

Meanwhile as Oola feels the icy cold tendrils of the dark side seep deep into her skin from the use of her power, she hears a shout from near by. Master Vrook is struggling through the crowd to try and reach her, but is partially halted by the throng of bodies. "Padawan!" he tries again to reach her but again is halted. Gritting his teeth he looks back up at her, frustration evident in his eyes. "We will be discussing this after, mark my words!"

"The sod we will old man! I've had it with you and all your rules!"

Oola unhooks her Light saber from her belt, and throws it in the direction of the angered master. It falls far short of her intended target of smack in his face and lands unceremoniously on the pavement.

" I'm going in and bringing this jackass to justice. Then I'm done with you and your whole Order. I should have went with Lun all a long. Revan was right."

I thought Jedi were meant to be calm and composed...

Zalen sighed, listening in from his vantage point in the sky. Spotting Karath’s office window, he then zooms in and smashes through the window, entering the room.

Vrook stares silently as he watches Oola rush ahead, mouth agape in shock. There is something else in his eyes, hurt, perhaps? He makes no attempt to stop her, and is instead dragged back into the dying combat of the assault on the admiralty.

Hurtling up through the sky, the proud warrior of clan Vizla round the huge building that housed his target. It does not take long to spot the infamous Saul Karath through the full sized glass window. The reflection and the light of the mid-day sun hides much of the room, but Zalen can see Karath, sat at his desk as if nothing was happening. A pair of guards dressed in grey robes can be seen stood on either side of him. They were stood to attention, carrying long silver spears in their hands, and their heads were hidden by domed helmets.

Throwing himself forwards, the mandalorian shatters the pain with little issue. Razor sharp shards of glass are scattered everywhere as he skids to a halt a short way away from Karath. The admiral throws his hands over his head as he ducks towards the desk to protect himself, shouting in shock. As soon as the glass breaks, the guards snap around and aim their spears at Zalen's neck. As Zalen sees around the room he spots another three guards stood by the door. Karath looks around to face the mandalorian as he pushes himself out of his chair. His expression is one of surprise as he sees Zalen.

"Now, this was unexpected. I assumed when the fighting broke out you would try to escape your jedi captors. Have you strayed so far from your code? What would clan Vizla say if they saw you now, Zalen?" The admirals words are calm, levelled as he insults Zalen. "You are here for violence, vengeance against my efforts to wipe you under the rug" Karath states. "You can try mandalorian, but even with your skills, you are outclassed. You will be dead before I leave". He gestures to his men with a single arm. "Kill him, quickly".

For a moment that felt like it stretched, it was silent in the Karath's office, and then the action began. As Karath leaps over his desk to try and escape from Zalen's reach, the guard to his left lunges forwards. He jabs for Zalen's throat with his pike, but the mandalorian is able to just avoid the attack. However he was still trapped between two guards with little room to manoeuvre. Raising his pike high, the guard plunges it into the ground, no less than an inch from Zalen's face. Tugging the weapon back, the pike smashes into the mandalorian's rifle, ripping it from his grasp.

As this happens Karath tumbles to his feet and twists around, pistol in hand. "I would say I am sorry for your situation mandalorian, but then, you really brought this on yourself. Truthfully, I would give up a lot to see one more of your kind killed".

Reappropriate Check : 2eP+1eA+1eD 3 successes, 2 advantage

p-s-a.png p-s-a.png a-s.png d--.png Uses reapropriate ability to disarm Zalen.

Karath moves to short range and draws pistol.

Almost as quickly as the Droid had appeared Zoroku jumps into action, he rushes to aid his fellow padawans a new group of them so it seems but it didn't matter they were pinned by the droid's fire and it wasn't focusing on him. Leaping into the air just before reaching the mechanical terror he raised his saber over his head for a great slice. Bzzzzzt the lightsaber would sound as it cut the droid in two with one slice of his Jedi weapon. Before the door could close the top half of the droid fell in in between the doors keeping the lift open. Zoroku jogs up to the lift then spots where Jemech and Armata were pinned down by the droid. " Let us get to the Admiral Quickly." He says pointing to the lift that was opening and closing as the doors tried to close but couldn't because of the droid. " Everyone get in we have no time to waste, Karath cannot be let to escape."

Edited by Shlambate

Kai-wan swoops in and snatches up the lightsaber his mistress had so carelessly discarded. Always wanted one of these!

The security droid dashes for the door, in leaps and bounds, stepping on the fallen droid’s head as he enters. “Thank you, brother. Rest in peace.” Turning back, he calls out to his companion. “Mistress Oola! Come on! Justice for the jackass!”

"Thanks for taking care of that droid!" Armatta vaults over the intervening desks and enters the turbolift. "I did manage to shut down the security turrets on the admiral's floor, so at least we won't be running a gauntlet of fire from the 'lift to his door."

She pauses inside the 'lift. "By the way, what're your names? My master kept me more or less forever out on the Outer Rim due to his Watchman position, so I really don't know any of the Temple padawans. 'Course, I do know Jemech here." She smiles at the mirialan.

" I am Kazz'Oro'Kuruozo" Zoroku introduces himself to Armatta and Jemech as he stands by the lift buttons waiting for everyone to enter said lift. " But you may call me Zoroku." He said and looked to Oola and K1SO " That is Padawan Oola, and her Droid companion K1SO."

“Indeed. I am K-1SO. My friends call me Kai-wan. But you may call me K-1SO.” The padawan is tall for a human female, but the gangling droid must still look down to focus his photoreceptors on this new addition to their team. “Do try to keep up. And why am I always the ‘droid companion?’ Maybe she’s my human companion? Ever think of that? Of course not.”

Zoroku looks at Oola then to K-1SO then back to Oola " Because she is clearly a Twi'lek" He responds matter of factly. " She cannot be your Human companion because of this."

Armatta keeps a straight face, but with some difficulty.

"I'm Armatta Tano'bi, padawan to Master Seltash, Jedi Watchman. The only reason why I'm on Coruscant at the moment is that my master had some dispatches which needed to be hand-delivered to the Temple."

Dammit! “Touché. Obviously my organic companionship has not been a positive influence on my processors, regardless of species.”

"Either that, or you've been watching too many holodramas starring feisty droids and human sidekicks."

"Are you all ****** done?! Or should we chit chat some more about the past? Wanna know about the first boy I kissed? Only if you tell first zooky."

Armatta blinks in surprise at Oola's outburst, then shrugs.

"By all means, let us focus on bringing the traitor to justice. Has anyone met the admiral before, or any insight into his potential defences?"

Armatta has been inside the building's lobby for most of the fight (focused on the computer systems, etc.) so she hasn't noticed the carnage left outside nor who caused various parts of it.

“Ah yes. BD-33. Fluent in every protocol. And I mean evvvvery protocol. Programmed with twenty-seven secondary functions, if you know what I mean?” Seeing that the conversation has taken a turn for the more pertinent, he spares his team further details. “Ahem. He will have a few trusted guards with him, but is quite capable of defending himself, need be.”