Star Wars: Revan's War IC

By Rabobankrider, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

"Certainly, Master Jedi. I shall escort her to the meditation gardens personally." Since I suspect she has no clue where they might be. "This way." Kai-wan invites, not at all expecting her to actually follow. "If you will not be needing me, Mistress, I think I will just switch off for a while."

"The bar on the 23rd level Wan. You can sit in a booth till we need to do.... Something or other. I don't think I have a full tab there yet."

"An excellent venue for you to re-centre yourself, Mistress, I am sure."

"Probably just gonna get blind pished and.... Disable your sarcasm chip and get moving."

As Zoroku enters the green and golden room, he would see it almost entirely empty. In peace time there was little to hurt a jedi on Corouscant. As he takes a seat in the large pillared room, he would be approached by a robed miralukan. She would smile at the chiss and bow her head slowly in greeting. "I don't recall seeing you in here before, padawan" she would say in a cheerful voice as she notes the padwan's braid. "Now, what seems to be the problem?"

As Kataddik searches for his master, he finds him strangely absent from his ususal haunts of the temple. Eventually he is able to track the jedi master down to his sleeping quarters. As the wookie slides the door open he can hear the sound of music and the smell of what could possibly be tea wafting out of the entrance. Stat cross legged is a middle aged human with a long, pointed beard and rich brown and white robes. He smiles up at his padawan as he approaches. "Ah, you're still alive" the man would say with a chuckle. "Sit down, pour yourself a drink".

Outside of the temple, the journey to the 23rd level made by Oola and Kai is not a long one. The pair still had access to the speeder that had been used in their investigation, speeding up their travel. Quickly they left the serene sight of the temple, and were engulfed by the bright neon of the city.

As they reach the bar, they find the street it is on quiet as late evening becomes early morning. The jedi had been awake all day, working tirelessly to find the traitor, they were so close now to finding him. Catching Karath could stop something far worse from happening, whatever he had planned had to be stopped.

As the pair try to make their way into the bar a large aqualish goes to block Kai from entering the bar. "No droids" he would spit in his native tongue. However the bouncer beside the aqualish notices the lightsaber hanging from Oola's belt, and ushers him to one side, allowing the pair to pass.

The bar is mostly deserted with the exception of a few early risers or long nighters. An eyebrow is raised as the pair enter, but Oola is served all the same. Chances are someone would be looking for her soon, this wasn't exactly expected of padawan's.

Back in the temple a temple guard approaches Zalen's cell. They pause for a moment before a woman's voice emanates from the helmet. "I want you to know, I think that master Kavar is wrong to trust you, mandalorian. Nothing good will come from you". With that the guard leans forward to deactivate the cell entrance. "You'll find your equipment on the table, you are to get ready to aid the other jedi".

Zalen smirked as he stared the temple guard down.

Oh dear Jedi, I do hope you know that I do not care about what you think about me. Unlike you, I’m not soft enough to be hurt when someone says they don’t like me.

He grinned wolfishly before he began to gear up, checking his equipment to make sure all of it was in good condition and hadn’t been sabotaged.

Zoroku would nod greetings to the Miraluka, " In capturing a few criminals I took some heavy blaster fire to my abdomen." Zoroku says approaching the healer " The Order will be sending me out again soon to apprehend an admiral suspected for treason, I must be ready for a fight if need be. Thus I need your healing expertise to get me ready for going out on this arrest." He says taking a seat on the examination table.

Not responding to the mandalorian, the temple guard returns to their post, leaving Zalen to prepare. The room was silent with the exception of a faint hum from the lights above. It looked like there would be little for the mandalorian to do till he was back in the action.

In the halls of healing, the miralukan listens, nodding along every so often as Zoroku speaks. As he talks he sets to work, and the air around the pair is filled with a soft ringing, similar to a bell chime off in the distance. A winding green light leaves the healers hands and begins to not together the chiss's wounds.

"You've had quite a time of it, so it seems" she comments in response, smiling kindly as she talks. "For the record though, you probably shouldn't tell people all of that information. Subtly is the key, and you don't want Master Vrook or the others complaining at you, now do you?"

On 8/26/2019 at 7:07 PM, Rabobankrider said:


As Kataddik searches for his master, he finds him strangely absent from his ususal haunts of the temple. Eventually he is able to track the jedi master down to his sleeping quarters. As the wookie slides the door open he can hear the sound of music and the smell of what could possibly be tea wafting out of the entrance. Stat cross legged is a middle aged human with a long, pointed beard and rich brown and white robes. He smiles up at his padawan as he approaches. "Ah, you're still alive" the man would say with a chuckle. "Sit down, pour yourself a drink".


"Raaaaaahhgh aaaaahnr aaahnruh wuuh?" Kataddik scolds. "Huurh huurh uuh raaaaaahhgh aaaaahnr raaaaaahhgh huuguughghg uughguughhhghghghhhgh aaaaahnr uughguughhhghghghhhgh aarrragghuuhw?"

Kataddik sits down across from Master Kitanai Rōjin. "Aarrragghuuhw raaaaaahhgh huuguughghg aaahnruh raaaaaahhgh hnnnhrrhhh." he says grumpily.

Drunk again, Master? Or did you add some other "additives" to your "tea" this time? And, of course I'm still alive.

Kitanai would turn his smile into a frown. "Well, if you're going to be like that and act miserable, you don't get any tea he would declare, pulling the steaming pot towards him. "You know, serenity and calm are qualities to be sought after by a jedi. I know that our lot have a reputation of a sanctimonious bunch, but you do know you can buck the trend right, padawan?"

He would take a long sip from his cup, letting out a contented sigh as he does. "Anyway, what do you want, padawan? You don't seem to check in very often unless you want something".

On 8/28/2019 at 7:54 PM, Rabobankrider said:

In the halls of healing, the miralukan listens, nodding along every so often as Zoroku speaks. As he talks she sets to work, and the air around the pair is filled with a soft ringing, similar to a bell chime off in the distance. A winding green light leaves the healers hands and begins to not together the chiss's wounds.

"You've had quite a time of it, so it seems" she comments in response, smiling kindly as she talks. "For the record though, you probably shouldn't tell people all of that information. Subtly is the key, and you don't want Master Vrook or the others complaining at you, now do you?"

" I'll keep that in mind." Zoroku says as the healer continues to tend to him. " Thank you for healing my injuries." He waits until the healer dismisses him to leave.

22 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

Kitanai would turn his smile into a frown. "Well, if you're going to be like that and act miserable, you don't get any tea he would declare, pulling the steaming pot towards him. "You know, serenity and calm are qualities to be sought after by a jedi. I know that our lot have a reputation of a sanctimonious bunch, but you do know you can buck the trend right, padawan?"

He would take a long sip from his cup, letting out a contented sigh as he does. "Anyway, what do you want, padawan? You don't seem to check in very often unless you want something".

"Aguhwwgggghhh uughguughhhghghghhhgh raaaaaahhgh aarrragghuuhw raaaaaahhgh huurh uggguh uughghhhgh," Kataddik responds irritably. "Uughghhhgh aaaaahnr huurh raaaaaahhgh raaaaaahhgh huuguughghg aaaaahnr uughguughhhghghghhhgh uggguh wrrhw hnnnhrrhhh uugggh uughghhhgh..." he lets the statement trail off. His master did live up to his name, that's for sure. Kataddik takes a deep breath to calm himself.

"Huuguughghg hnnnhrrhhh uggguh uughghhhgh uughghhhgh," the big wookiee continues. "Raaaaaahhgh huurh aaahnruh uughguughhhghghghhhgh uughghhhgh awwgggghhh."

That's because you're hardly ever around. If you spent more time training me and less peeping on the females' baths... We've found the traitor. Now we just need to take him down.

Edited by Tramp Graphics

Kitanai raises an eyebrow in response to his padawans words. "Would I ever do something like that? Besides, you have never seemed particularly interested in what I have to teach. I assume you have neglected your meditation practices to focus on combat, yes?"

He falls quiet at the mention of the traitor. "Well, that is good progress, I suppose. Do you know what it will take to complete this task? If it is one of the admirals, you will have a hard time ahead of you. Of course they will have loyalists guarding them, infiltrators or enemies of the republic, but what of the others? Those the traitor has deceived. How do you plan to deal with them? How will you sperate the enemy from the misinformed?"

In the healing halls, the miralukan would laugh again. "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone". Straightening up, she would dust her hands off before examining her work with a satisfied smile. "Now, look after yourself, padawan. I don't want to see you back in here for a while".

" I hope so. Thank you again." Zoroku says as he gets up from where he was being healed. He walks out of the room returning to Xira to await the others before they were to arrest Karath.

Oola takes a booth, and at first orders something fruity and light hoping it would lift her mood a little. After the 5th one of those however she moved on to the harder stuff trying to bully her emotions into behaving. She wasn't sure how long she'd been face first on the table when a gentle prodding of probably a droid appendage woke her.

"If you have not yet found this center of yours, Mistress, I do not believe further libations are going to aid you in this endeavor." The tall droid effortlessly eases her to her feet. "I am sure you will be pleased to hear that I am feeling considerably better. That's it, lean on me. We have an Admiral to visit."

Kai-wan, ever the designated driver, steers their way back to rejoin the Jedi task force. His skills behind the stick make the return trip marginally safer than it would have been with inebriated humanoid at the helm.

On 9/1/2019 at 4:58 PM, Rabobankrider said:

Kitanai raises an eyebrow in response to his padawans words. "Would I ever do something like that? Besides, you have never seemed particularly interested in what I have to teach. I assume you have neglected your meditation practices to focus on combat, yes?"

He falls quiet at the mention of the traitor. "Well, that is good progress, I suppose. Do you know what it will take to complete this task? If it is one of the admirals, you will have a hard time ahead of you. Of course they will have loyalists guarding them, infiltrators or enemies of the republic, but what of the others? Those the traitor has deceived. How do you plan to deal with them? How will you sperate the enemy from the misinformed?"

In the healing halls, the miralukan would laugh again. "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone". Straightening up, she would dust her hands off before examining her work with a satisfied smile. "Now, look after yourself, padawan. I don't want to see you back in here for a while".

"Aarrragghuuhw wuuh raaaaaahhgh huuguughghgaaahnruh awwgggghhh?" Kataddik responds. "Uugggh uughghhhgh uughghhhgh huurhaarrragghuuhw aguhwwgggghhh aarrragghuuhwraaaaaahhgh huuguughghg uughguughhhghghghhhghhuuguughghg wuuh aaaaahnr aarrragghuuhw raaaaaahhghhnnnhrrhhh uughguughhhghghghhhgh huurh huurh.

"Uughghhhgh aarrragghuuhw," he continues, getting up. "Wrrhwrwwhw huuguughghg aaahnruh aaaaahnrhuurh uughguughhhghghghhhgh huurh uughghhhghaarrragghuuhw aarrragghuuhw uughguughhhghghghhhghuughghhhgh aaaaahnr huurh raaaaaahhgh aguhwwgggghhhaarrragghuuhw awwgggghhh. Uughghhhgh uughghhhgh huuguughghguughguughhhghghghhhgh uugggh aarrragghuuhwwrrhwrwwhw."

Do you want me to count them? And, remember, most of your training has been to take down pirates and slavers, not so much use of the Force. Master, Another Padawan's master had to teach me the basics of sensing others because you weren't around to do so yourself. I need proper training in the Force.

Edited by Tramp Graphics

As the padawan and master talk, the others begin to prepare for the final push against Admiral Karath. As Zoroku leaves the healing halls, he sees twenty of so jedi knights gathered near the entrance to the temple. The majority of them seemed to be guardians who had specialised in combat. Some were donning armour, and others appeared to be changing out their lightsaber for training lightsabers as non-lethal options. Stood at the head of the group were two members of the jedi high council, Vrook and Vash.

They look up expectantly as the padawan arrives. "Ah, good to see you are prepared" Master Vash would say in a serious tone. "We are waiting for confirmation for Master Ell that the senate is supporting us, and then we will be heading out".

"We don't know if we will be facing Karath's loyalists or guards just doing their duty, so we cannot cause any casualties" Vrook would state in his gravelly tone. "If you are unsure of your ability, I recommend takeing a training saber for this mission. Better to impose self-restraints than cost the lives of the innocent".

In the lower levels of the temple, the urbo-lift door hisses open, and a temple guard walks out, gesturing to Zalen. "Mandalorian, it's time". Without another word, Zalen is escorted out of the dark and up into the main halls of the temple. He sees the gathering of jedi, a larger group than he had ever seen before. He could only imagine what his brothers would say if they saw him now. He can see that the jedi present are watching him very cautiously, unsure of his loyalties and his abilities.

Finally, the speeder delivering Kai and Oola back to the temple arrives. As they arrive they can see that the gathering of jedi as they move up the steps to the temple entrance. As they approach, Vrook rushes out of the temple with a look of anger on his face (though that could easily be his usual expression). "Where have you been? You were supposed to be in the meditation chambers, I-" as he continues with his rant he sniffs the air, taking a couple of steps back in shock. "Have you been drinking? Before a dangerous mission like this? This is unacceptable". Jabbing a finger towards Oola he snaps at her in a harsh tone. "You are to go to your chambers, and remain there, under guard if necessary. And you, droid, you have failed in your duties to watch over your charge, yet again. Perhaps it is time that your programming is reset. Escort the padawan to her room, and wait with her". He would sigh heavily, shaking his head. "I will deal with this when I return".

"I'll deal with -hic- your face, old man!"

Giggles or attempts at them tried to escape Oola.

Zalen’s head looked forward quietly, his eyes behind his helmet roaming about as he looked around, assessing his chances of escape and his other options.

He silently cursed to himself in mandalorian, sighing.

"Come, Mistress." Kai-wan gently steers his inebriated companion away from the group of Jedi, who mostly seem preoccupied with their own preparations. We have come too far to be sidelined now.

"Come Mistress. We shall be the advance team. Lively now." The droid lowers his speaking volume, for her ears only. Once he is sure their movements are not being observed, he leads their way to the admiralty building. Oola's condition, and resultant pace, effectively ensure they will not arrive in advance of anything.

Edited by Edgehawk

" I believe I can handle not harming the Admiral with a standard lightsaber. " Zoroku responds after he looks to Oola coming back to the temple heavily drunk. ' I didn't think she would have taken the death of admiral Stewth so hard. She was there when the mandalorian Zalen killed her... curious.' Zoroku thinks to himself as he watches her and K1SO walk back into the temple and out of sight.

Edited by Shlambate

Kai-wan assists his Jedi charge in slipping off unseen, but upon arriving at the pool speeder, he finds his driving privileges have been temporarily suspended. Following a stream of expletives that would make a pit droid blush, he practically carries the slight Twi-lek to the Admiralty building, taking the fastest route that would not draw undue attention. It is a credit to Oola's stomach that she endures the long gait and erratic movements, and the short journey serves to sober her, if only a little.

"Well. Advance team , we are not. But perhaps not too late to be of use? Forward! No, this way Mistress."

Oola was thankful the droid had no moisture sensors on his back. She'd clean the sick up herself, but it would have to wait.

As Oola and Kai (mostly Kai) are able to manoeuvre their way past the temple guardians, they are able to rush down the steps of the temple, and back out onto the street. It is a long way to the admiralty without the transport that the jedi had provided, but it was possible. The pair would get more than a few strange looks as they make their way through the upper levels. When they finally do have the admiralty building in sight, they can see that something has already begun.

As Zoroku speaks, Vash would nod in response. "If you are confident enough in your abilities, then we will trust you, padawan. Just be sure that no one dies. With a lightsaber, death can come too easily". She would turn to fix Zalen with a stern look. "The same goes to you, mandalorian. No one is to die at your hands if you wish for this agreement to survive, understand?"

With that, the jedi begin to move out of the temple entrance. Outside, a transport shuttle is waiting for them outside. Usually it would be used to transport jedi about their business, but even for jedi, this was something of a rare event. As they move up the loading ramp, Vash produces a holo-messenger. The small flickering image projected was of Master Ell, looking up at the council leader.

"I have spoken to the senator for Corouscant, he has said that we can move against Karath, but we must be fast. We don't know who in the senate Karath has sway over, he could very easily turn this situation against us.

"Good work" Vash would respond as she looks down at the messenger. "This should not take long. Stay at the senate building for the moment, we may need your help in the future".

As she finishes the message the door to the shuttle hisses shut, and begins to rise off of the ground. The journey for the team was short, and after a few minutes, they feel the shuttle thump down onto the ground. As the ramp lowers and the sunlight shines in, the jedi begin to make their way down to the entrance of the admiralty building. The sight they see before them is not what most would hope for.

Outside of the building, some kind of barricade had been erected, and there were about sixty or so republic soldiers and officers behind the barrier, all with weapons at the ready. As the jedi emerge they see most of the pistols and carbines held turned against them. Vash and Vrook stand at the head of the jedi force, and exchange a quick look with eachother.

As the two sides face of against each other, a large holo-projector flickers on. As it does, the image of Admiral Karath, smirking a little as the oversized image looks down at jedi. "Ah, Master Vash, and Master Vrook. I am surprised to see you emerge from your temple, should I feel honoured?"

Quickly recovering from the shock, Vash steps forwards, determined to take charge of the situation. Vash raises her voice to be sure that those defending the building could hear. "Admiral Saul Karath, you are under arrest for treason, for betraying the Fornost shipyard, and causing the hundreds of deaths from the attack. I am here on behalf of the senate, to demand you leave this building and surrender yourselves to the jedi".

"It seems that you are confused jedi, the investigation into that attack has shown that the jedi were responsible". Vash opens her mouth to respond, but the admiral talks over her. "It was the jedi who were conveniently at Fornost during the attack. Not only that, but there is footage of your jedi assassinating Admiral Stewth, and then killing a number of members of the investigation team when they tried to stop you. I see that you have even taken to working with mandalorians, a people responsible for countless atrocities against the republic you claim to defend. No, Master Vash, I believe that it is you, and your order who will be taken into custody".

Both Vash and Vrook watch the holo-image of Karath, speechless at his words. How could they respond? It suddenly became clear, he had manipulated this entire situation, this entire investigation from day one. The assassination of Admiral Stewth, the battle with Varn and the others, it was all to try and frame the jedi, make them look guilty. For the first time since Zoroku had met the members of the high council, they did not know what to do.