Star Wars: Revan's War IC

By Rabobankrider, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

Kavar would turn back to face the prisoner, a serious look on his face. "We hope to find out soon. For now, all we know is that she helped to kill a republic official, and planned to do who knows what else".

Zoroku would look to the woman as she made her remarks a=on how they should have killed the Jedi " Like I said when we were fighting you should have really aimed for the head." Zoroku's tone slightly playful yet still in his calm ymostly monotone. " We are here to confirm the story that Varn has given us, in fact after much convincing as you may have been able to hear vaguely through these walls, he is a cooperating witness to the conspiracy..." Zoroku starts to pace in front of her slowly, " He will be given a very lenient senence, now we are giving you the chance to earn a relaxed sentence all the same. IF you can give us a more solid case against Admiral Karath ." He stops near the edge of the room turns to face her and looks straight into her eyes as he tries to sell the last heated interrogation as a success. " Cooperate you could earn your freedom, fail to and..." he doesn't finish the sentence.

The woman turns sharply to glower at the wall, as if trying to burn a hole through to the other side. She tenses with anger and looks for a moment as if she is going to attack the jedi, but with a heavy sigh she relaxes. Looking down at the floor she speaks in a sullen, somewhat defeated tone. "I can't go to prison. What do you want, jedi?"

Zalen sighs as he leans against the wall.

Karath. I saw him.

he yelled.

Ignoring the screaming of the Mandalorian in the next room over Zoroku starts to address the now open to talk woman. " Let us begin with confirming who put you up to the assassination of an Admiral, Varn tells us it was Karath, can you confirm this?"

The woman stays silent for a long while, eyes darting around as if she was looking for a way out of this. Finally, she speaks. "Yes, yes it was Admiral Karath, like the mandalorian and Varn said. He approached a few of us, veterans mostly who felt let down. He got us work where he wanted us, and then here and there we would be sent jobs. It was little things at first, but then something changed. I don't know the plan, but it's in its final act now".

Kai-wan approaches the Mandalorian. "I fear we may have started off on the wrong foot, what with the untimely assassination, and have not been properly introduced. I am K-1SO, security and protocol droid. Mostly security."

The droid's subroutines are still trying to make sense of recent events, but the immunity for cooperation terms appear to be binding. "Your freedom depends upon your continued cooperation in this case, so I will request you be remitted immediately into our custody. You will be expected to assist us to the best of your limited organic capacity, until this investigation has reached its conclusion."

Zoroku nods as she reveals that indeed it was Karath who planned all this or at least was one of the conspirators who knew much more of the plan. " What do you know of the attack on thee Foerost station? Can you tell us if that attack was planned by Karath?" Zoroku continues his questioning.

Zalen rolled his eyes.

Guess your friend there doesn’t want my help. I have information. I need to know what I get for it. And I want my freedom. With no criminal record.

Towering over the Mandalorian, Kai-wan tilts his head and regards the captured assassin curiously with his white photoreceptors. "The idea of redemption is a uniquely human concept, but I like to think it is possible. If you are true to your word with us, we will be true to ours."

Oola steps from behind the droid.

"Or you could know your place and shut your trap. I haven't forgotten your interference before and mark my bloody word's you'll be getting what is coming to you for your actions."

It was hard to determine if the crackle of static was from the force or the tone of the words she spoke to the Mando.

A jedi threatening someone? Man, what is the temple teaching you all nowadays. I thought you were all noble and righteous. Guess what I saw during the war was right. Jedi keep their image for show and publicity. In actual fact, their cold, heartless and prone to anger huh? What else can I say when I see you all slaughtering others?

The mandalorian threw the jab at the female padawan.

Bet a greenie like you didn’t even participate in the war, am I right padawan?

"No, ******* you ain't right I was there with my Master. Jedi Master Lun Pyra. A great man who did great things during the war. Mostly handing you mandos backsides to yourselves. And me and the big guy here were there with him. We saw all the **** you jerks pulled. The death and the suffering. So you say I'm cold? No I'm a burning inferno and if it was up to me I'd have let Revan reduce your entire race to ash.

"Padawan, you must control your emotions. Do not let the prisoner get into your head" Kavar would say, steering Oola a couple steps away from the energy barrier. Turning to face her he would speak in a quieter voice. "I understand your frustration, your anger, but that is not the jedi way Oola. After this you should try to re-centre yourself, meditate for a while".

Turning to face Zalen, Kavar would raise his voice to the normal decibel. "You may have information mandalorian, but if needed, we will be able to manage without you. Your 'freedom'; as you put it, is out of the question. You single handedly assassinated an official of the republic. No amount of information could buy your freedom. However, you could still be of use to the jedi and the senate. If you help us, then a case could be made to reduce your sentence. We may be able to have you released into jedi custody".

In the other cell, the woman would shake her head a little in response to the question. "I only know a little. I was never included in the plot, but after you all started investigating, I took a look at the data collected from the admiral databases. Karath didn't plan the attack, but he provided the codes to let the attackers bypass the early warning system. How much more he is involved, I don't know".

" Varn told us the same, however he wasn't willing to testify in front of the Senate against the Admiral. Would you be willing to do so?" Zoroku crosses his arms behind his back as he asks the woman hoping she would say yes as it would make getting a warrant for the Admiral's arrest much easier if they could get evidence in front of the Republic Senate.

"Maybe then the Jedi need to learn new ways Master Kavar. Lun knew that. And the sooner all the Jedi do the better this galaxy may be."

Zalen narrowed his eyes.

What can you offer. What does jedi custody have that here does not...?

Narrowing his eyes a little, Kavar's jaw visibly tenses as he faces Oola. "This is not a conversation we are having padawan. Your former master is not someone you should try to emulate". His voice was sterner than usual, almost mimicking master Vrook than his usual calm self.

Turning back to the mandalorian, Kavar would gesture to the cell as if to explain his point. "Jedi custody does not have walls or an energy barrier. It gives you an opportunity to serve at least a portion of your sentence out in the galaxy, helping the jedi on their missions. If you prove yourself, it may mean that you never see the prison that I am sure the senate would have you locked in for what remains of your life. Of course, the choice is yours".

In the other cell, the woman seems to grow a little more pale at the suggestion. "You must be crazy! I'd be dead before I could reach the stand. Even if you capture Karath, he has agents everywhere. If you could route then out, ensure my safety, then maybe I can help you with that. But until then, there's nothing I can do".

L ooking at the woman as she grows pale and listening to what she says Zoroku comes up with another question, " Varn refused for the same reasons but was unwilling to name names or factions I assume you may have the same reservations , Thus I offer you to testify on camera with your face and voice hidden so that none may track you. Would that be amenable?" Zoroku looks to her trying his bes5t to put on a comforting smile.

Edited by Shlambate

"Perhaps" the woman responds to Zoroku after a long pause. "But I will not do anything until you have Karath in custody. After that, then we can talk about that kind of stuff. Until then, I think we are done here". Despite the agreement, the animosity in the air was still palpable. These prisoners still had no love for the jedi it would seem.

" That can be arranged." Zoroku says as he proceeds to walk out of the room, as soon as he is far enough to not be heard by the prisoner he whispers to his Master Xira, " I hate using Deception to get testimony, but sometimes you just need to pull the wool over their eyes."

Zalen glares before he shrugs.

Fine. Not like I have any better option anyway...

Xira would nod in response to Zoroku, though she does have a pensive look on her face. "Indeed, but it is not a thing to make a habit of Zoro" she would say in a quiet voice, surprisingly informal. "Even with the best will in the world such things can lead to a dangerous path".

Meanwhile Kavar continues to talk to Zalen."You are most likely correct there mandalorian. When we are ready to make our next move against Karath, you will be released from your cell". Finishing this terse explanation, Karath returns to the centre of the room, gesturing for the other padawans to gather around, while Xia stands by his side.

"You have all done well padawans. We may not have been able to save Admiral Stewth, but we can see that the traitor behind this is brought to justice. With your work, it has become evident that it is Karath behind this, and we must move fast to apprehend him. However even with the evidence gathered, his title protects him. Xia and I will speak to the council and the senate to see what we can do. In the mean time I recommend that you take this time to rest, recover and prepare yourself for your next mission. You will be a part of the team that will be arresting Karath, after all it seems appropriate as you discovered his treachery. Make no mistake though, even if we can route out his followers, there will be many who will no believe us. This will not be an easy task. Go now, you will be summoned when we are ready".

As the others begin to file out, Karath would reach out to halt Kai and Oola. "Droid, please see that padawan Seena takes some time to meditate and re-centre herself".

Edited by Rabobankrider

Zoroku as soon as he was dismissed would make his way to the healing chambrs in the jedi temple as he was still not feeling wholly well from the encounter where Varn and the woman were captured, knowing that Karath may turn to violence when they would go to arrest him amd it would be best not to be injured should a fight nreak out.

Kataddik too heads out, to spend some time meditating and resting to recuperate in his chambers before checking in with his own Master to see what kind of mischief the old letch was getting into now.