Star Wars: Revan's War IC

By Rabobankrider, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

Bejo Velron, a Mirialan Padawan, turns away from sensationalist news holo reports regarding an apparent attack on the Republic. Bejo uses his Force Move power to move a wet mop into his two green-yellow hands. He reluctantly goes back to mopping the floors while feeling a bit of anger over being stuck on cleaning duty. The anger however, quickly dissipates into anxiety as his mind starts racing back and forth as he tries to reach out to the Force to gauge the situation.

Edited by Beto666

Bejo would see the jedi rushing about the temple as he worked. The padawans mostly kept to themselves, the knights seemed to be preparing for something, moving in groups as they seemed to be checking their lightsabers and armour. Something was about to happen.

Suddenly Bejo would feel a pat on the shoulder as a Padawan comes up behind him. "Hey, have you heard?" the Padawan would pant. This was Keela, a human Padawan who Bejo had been training with since they came to the temple. "Something is going on on Corouscant. There's been an attack or something, the knights are getting ready to go after them or something".


Kataddik steps forward into the cell. "Uughghhhgh aarrragghuuhw uugggh huurhhuuguughghg uughguughhhghghghhhgh!" He growls, cracking his knuckles dramatically, his huge arm muscles flexing as he does so. The inherent threat obvious to anyone who knows the power of a Wookiee's temper and strength. "Huuguughghg aaaaahnr!"

Tell us what we want to know human! Tell us NOW!"

"Padawan, that is not the jedi way" Master Kavar says sternly. He steps forwards and pulls Kataddik back by the arm as he turns the Padawan to face him. "We do not resort to threats of violence, you know this. You need to control your anger if you are to be a part of this".

"What?! We gotta do something!" C'mon, let's go find my master, she'll know what to do!" They both head out in search of Bejo's Master.

Kataddik says nothing; impassive, neither defiant, nor conciliatory, he simply waits, looking to see what the effect he had on the prisoner. He's faced thugs like this before. It often paid to use the "reputation" wookiees have for violence when they needed answers in their investigations against pirates and slavers.

Varn shrink back against the wall, the look of anger still on his face, though it wavers for a moment. "I have answered the question your blue friend asked! I have complied with this farce of an arrest, aright? Just keep that animal away from me, I'll answer what I can".

As Bejo and Keela rush to find Bejo's master, they find her in the healing chambers, a tall umbaran speaking to a young twi'lek, Oola.

"I am glad you came to see me Padawan, the council insisted that someone check you over after your time with your kidnappers more fully". Looking up with a puzzled look on her face she turns to speak to Bejo. "Can I help you two?"

"Hnnnhrrhhh huuguughghg," the big Wookiee whispers to the Jedi Master and rest of the party, with a satisfied grin before stepping back and leaning against the wall opposite Varn, his arms crossed over his chest and resuming his "persona", eyeing the prisoner.

All yours.

Kavar would continue to fit the wookie with a stern look. "Your actions are not something to be proud of, padawan. The jedi do not work through threats or intimidation. I had hoped your master would have taught you that. You need to learn control, or you will need to focus more on your training instead of these missions. You understand, yes?"

Kattadik grunts in acknowledgement, but otherwise says nothing, and continues his vigil. Now was not the time for discussion, disagreements, or disrespect. It was never time for disrespect.

Edited by Tramp Graphics

These organic mystics mean well.. sort of.. in their way.. but they are going about this all wrong.

Kai-wan joins Varn, sits next to him in his cell, and adjusts his volume to a conspiratorial tone: " You are not wrong, you know. It is too late for this movement to be stopped. But the time for the Jedi to confront your master has come. Surely you can see this must come to pass. You are mistaken if you think he has not prepared for such a contingency. It is time for all true patriots to emerge from the shadows. This late in the game, providing his identity is not a betrayal, but rather your next service to him."

The security droid falls silent, but continues to sit with the prisoner.

Edited by Edgehawk

"Hey, do you mind I was fu.... having a Private conversation with the Master here."

Oola looked stressed and worn. Was it from her ordeals or was it from all the self censoership?

Varn would seem to listen to the droid for a moment, be a sneer comes over his face. "I will never betray the heroes of the republic, droid. You can't trick me into it so easily!"

Kavar sighs a little as he listens to the interrogation, shaking his head a little. "This is proving harder than I had hoped. Fortunately this is not our only source of information.". Turning to face the prisoner directly, Kavar would speak in a low tone. "You were recognised when your were interned here, and we have been looking into your past. Soon we will know who you served with in the war, perhaps that will tell us who you work for". Varn visibly tenses at this, but say nothing to the master.

On 7/21/2019 at 9:48 PM, Rabobankrider said:

Varn shrink back against the wall, the look of anger still on his face, though it wavers for a moment. "I have answered the question your blue friend asked! I have complied with this farce of an arrest, aright? Just keep that animal away from me, I'll answer what I can". 

As Bejo and Keela rush to find Bejo's master, they find her in the healing chambers, a tall umbaran speaking to a young twi'lek, Oola.

"I am glad you came to see me Padawan, the council insisted that someone check you over after your time with your kidnappers more fully". Looking up with a puzzled look on her face she turns to speak to Bejo. "Can I help you two?"

"Master, what is going on? Are we under some sort of attack? Do you need our help?"

"What? No no, don't be so dramatic padawan" the umbaran would snap. "We are not under attack, though something troubling has indeed happened. The republic has been betrayed it would seem. This padawan here," she would pause to refer to Oola before continuing, "has been helping to investigate this".

The jedi master would go to give Oola a small datapad. "Now, as you have passed your check up, I believe you are meant to re-join your party. I need you to take this to Master Kavar, I believe it will shed some light on the investigation". Turning to her own padawan, an idea would come to the master. "In fact, Bejo, you go with her, I am sure you can find a way to make yourself useful. Quickly now".

The two padawans are able to take the lift down to the lower levels, a place that of the two, only Oola had seen during her return from the mandalorian wars. As they arrive, the two masters would turn to face the newcomers, watching them as if excepting something.

"Master Kavar, we were sent by my Master to give you this datapad." Bejo nods to Oola.

Edited by Beto666

"Ah, excellent" the master would say as he approaches. He would give the pair a small smile as he takes the pad, turning back to examine the contents. "Hm, it would seem that our friend here served as a naval marine in the mandalorian wars. If this is correct, he served on the same ship as Admiral Karath on a number of occasions". He would look to Xia and then to the padawans. "I doubt this is a coincidence. It is not enough evidence on it's own to act yet, but this could be the break we have been looking for".

Zoroku turns to see the newcomers and recognizes the Twilek. " Ah Oola it is good to see you again." A hint of happiness in his voice., then he turns to the new padawan and nods, " Hello< i am Kazz'Oro'Kuruozo, you may call me Zoroku." He then turns to master Kavar as he reveals the information that the datapad held and takes a pensive stance, " We can certainly pay Karath another visit, however i think it best we finish our interrogations here, let us try the woman that was with Varn, see if she has any new light to shed on this investigation."

"What in the fu..... What's a Varn? And You?! WHY IS YOUR CHASSIS ALL DENTED?! WHAT IN THE ******* **** HAVE YOU BEEN UP TO?!"

Scorn of untold proportion began to emit from Oola as she steadily move towards the droid.

" The man we just finished interrogating." Shaking his head with a small smirk on his face as Oola started t cuss out the droid, 'Back to her old self it seems as well.' Zoroku thinks as the smirk disappears from his face just as quickly as it arrived. " Oola, youll need to be debriefed on what has progressed in our investigation, what was the last thing you remember?" Zoroku says getting straight to business.

"It is unseemly for you to be paying such attention to my chassis, mistress. But thank you for noticing." The gangling security droid closes the distance separating them with a single stride of his long gait, and places a hand gently on Oola's shoulder. "Your own chassis is a sight for impaired optics.. It is good to see you."

Withdrawing his extremity, the droid continues to address her, but tilts his head to better observe the other padawan. "Who's the guy?"

"I remember hoping you would have worked that stick out" Oola throws the quip over her shoulder.

Kavar winces as he hears Oola's frustration with her friend. "Padawan, please contain yourself" he would say in a quiet voice.

One of the temple guards deactivates the cell door to the woman. She watches the jedi and droid closely, like a cornered animal. "Jedi scum" she would growl, spitting on the floor of the cell. "You're lucky we didn't kill you back in the city".

A Mirialan teenager, Bejo does his best to not act as bewildered as he feels. "H-h-hi, I am Bejo Velron. My Master tasked me to offer my assistance." He clears his throat and gains a semblance of composure, "I am at your service." He turns to look in consternation at the newly freed woman and mutters, "Who is that?"

Zalen then looks up, hearing the familiar name.

Hmmm... Karath...

he hums to himself.

If you want... I can tell you who hired me.

He then called out.

Edited by Von3679