Star Wars: Revan's War IC

By Rabobankrider, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

Don’t touch me.

Zalen said as he stared up.

Are all jedi this disrespectful...? No wonder the Republic army doesn’t like you.

Gaze stares at the killer, slowly blinking his eyes in disbelief. His tone, dripping with sarcasm and barely contained disgust. "Oh..yes, forgive us for being disrespectful to a paid killer who just murdered a woman in an alley! " He looks back and forth between his companions. "Where are our manners?!" His hands held to his chest in mock dismay. He makes a show of clearing off some random debris from a spot nearby the assassin. "Here, perhaps you would prefer to recline over here good person? Perish the thought of your clothing being soiled in this alley. Would you like some refreshment? A backrub perhaps?" He visibly takes a moment to unwind himself from the tirade that was building. With a heavy sigh, and a sneer of pure disgust at the person, he just shakes his head and walks away, moving to the side of the engagement. Close enough to still hear, but clearly not planning on directly engaging the person at this time.

" I will reiterate, I suggest you cooperate so we can recommend Leniency, any deals will be made once we can turn you in to Republic hands, as they deal punishment and we keep peace. Since you have interfered with our investigation you need to answer our questions before we can let you go. For you seem to have the information pertinent to us" Zoroku says matter of factly in reply to the Mandalorian keeping the blade trained at him ready to defend himself and his friends if need be. " I ask again, Who hired you?"

Stepping forward, Kataddik grunts in agreement, cracking his huge, hairy knuckles one by one...

Edited by Tramp Graphics

Zalen quietly laughed under his helmet.

Oh dear, looks like you are abit emotional. Would you like to sit down and cool off oh supposed emotionless peacekeeper?

he smirked under his helmet before he faced Zoroku.

As I said earlier, I will tell you. But I want to shift to somewhere where you are sure we won’t be listened on. Who’s to say there are no recording devices here by whoever hired me? Or even by random people? Don’t you agree that in a place you trust, we can talk more freely without fear of being eavesdropped on? What if another bounty huhter has been hired to spy on us and once I tell the info, will go assassinate your dear culprit?

"Dude, we're Jedi. JEDI. You think anything we want safe will be harmed? Check it out."

Oola's familiar purple cage of lightning springs from her splayed fingers and around the mando.

"We can even protect you from other Jedi, look"

She ignites the saber that was in her hand and attempts to flourish it in a spin. Then promptly drops in on the floor and lets out a small shriek and hops back to avoid her toes being chopped off.

"******* STUPID GLOWY PIECE OF **** "

Hmm... fancy. Even if that protects me now, if someone goes after the culprit? I have no love for them either, but I wouldn’t say I want the person dead... though I do want my 50,000 credits... tell you what. I will help you capture the culprit. I’ll draw the person in with my success and once I’m done getting my reward, I’ll help you guys get in to arrest him.

The male bargained.

"You are obviously having a hard time grasping the situation. Cooperate fully. Immediately. Unconditionally. You have been apprehended, and confessed to murdering an Admiral, in front of witnesses. You will never see your payment, but you will cooperate."

Kai-wan activates his Morgukai staff, and the fiery plasma blade flickers menacingly to life.

"I do not operate under the same moral constraints as my Jedi companions. I will end you, killer."

End me and you lose all the evidence you have and your one chance of catching the culprit.

The male said coldly.

Don’t think I’m scared by threats of death, droid. With my help, I can help you not only catch the culprit, but secure evidence that he was behind it. That way wouldn’t you have unrefutable proof of who was behind it?

" K1, we need him alive for questioning." Zoroku says to the droid calmly getting him back down "if you want a neutral location I can suggest the Jedi Temple it will be safe enough for you, until we turn you in to proper authority. Now how are we supposed to trust your testimony if you are so readily wanting to give up your employer?" Zorku questions the Mandalorian.

Zalen smiled.

Why don’t you probe me with your force powers? I’ve seen it being done before...

The male said, his tone holding slight anger.

Will you believe me then? You think I like the Republic? Or rather, do you think I want to be an assassin?

As he said this, he looked directly at the male.

" Forcing Interrogation is not the way of the Jedi." Zoroku would retort 'Interesting character this one, obstinate for sure and has a deep hate for the republic, likely why he took the job to kill a Republic Admiral.' Zoroku keeps his blade pointed at the Mandalorian, Looking him straight in the eye. " I gave you a Location, is the Jedi Temple acceptable to you as a neutral ground."

Is it forced if I allow it?

Zalen replied.

The Jedi Temple is fine... I’ll trust you...

It wasn't long after the confrontation that Zalen was able to get hold of the contact who had brought him to the scene. The conversation would be brief, blunt even. "The job done? Honestly didn't think you'd pull it off. Meet me at these coordinates". With that the talk over the com ended, and the mandalorian received the location for the meet. It was still in the lower levels, not far from here. In the speeders it would only be a few minutes travel.

In the mean time, Muu and Oola volunteer to rush back to the temple to update the council on what had happened. It was crucial that they knew what was happening, maybe they could help. Nodding to their friends, and wishing the force be with them, the Padawans turns and dashes towards the road.

As the speeders close on the coordinates, they can see where it is they are meant to meet. It looks like a speeder park, empty beyond a few beaten up speeders. There were no buildings near by, meaning when someone moves into the park it would be difficult to remain hidden. A strategy would be needed to keep the jedi hidden so as to not spook the contact. Too close and they would be seen, too far, and they risk leaving Zalen vulnerable.

Edited by Rabobankrider

Hmmm... maybe you can hide in the speeders...

Zalen muttered as he looked around from where their speeder was a short distance away.

What can you jedi do anyway... in terms of hiding. Any force illusion...?

Just don’t mess up.

The mandalorian said as he got out, walking towards the admiral.

I’m here. You saw the death. My reward.

Kai-wan is clinging to the undercarriage of the vehicle when they arrive at the rendezvous. There is no room for the looming droid inside, and his own frame actually blends quite well with the chassis. It would seem that his presence has gone undetected, but he does bang his knee-joint with a loud clang as the craft comes to a stop.

Avg stealth w/boost : 1eA+1eP+1eB+2eD 2 successes, 1 threat

a-s.png p-s.png b-a.png d-th.png d-th.png

As Zalen enters the eerie quiet of the speeder park, he sees a figure duck out from behind a speeder near the back of the park. It is the officer from before, still wearing the old combat helmet. He takes a few steps forward as he begins to walk towards the mandalorian. His bootsteps echo a little off of the buildings as he approaches. "You alone mandalorian?" he asks, his voice still altered by the helmet.

No one else. Unless you brought people with you.

The mandalorian said as he held his rifle, a show that he was not defenceless.

Give me the creds and we can all go along out way.

The masked man begins towards Zalen. As he stomps across he produces a credit stick from his pocket, holding it out to the mandalorian. As he nears, Zalen looks around and sees a number of figures hidden in the shadows, beyond the perimeter of the speeder park. They are dressed in heavy jackets and seem to be watching the pair closely. Too late does Zalen realise something is off.

"Alright mandalorian, here's your reward" the metallic voice would say slowly. Just as the cred stick is about to be passed to Zalen, the masked figure lets it drop from his hand towards the floor. At the same time a wicked looking blade slides free from a hidden mechanism on his wrist. With one hand the man grabs Zalen's wrist and yanks him forward while lunging out with the blade.

The weapon sinks into Zalen's side through a gap in in his armour. "No hard feelings kid, but this was always the plan. Don't worry, I'll be dealing with your friends after" the figure would growl as he leaps back from Zalen, preparing another attack.

Masked Figure Combat Check : 3eP+2eA 3 successes, 2 advantage

p-s.png p-s.png p-s.png a-a-a.png a--.png Does 7 base damage to Zalen, advantage spent to take free manoeuvre

Zalen cursed as the blade sank in, gasping as the blade then got pulled out.

**** you...

When Zoroku sees Zalen being stabbed he rushes out of the speeder he was in to aid their new found friend in apprehending those who hired him. Seeing some rubble on the floor he picks some up and dashes in, Throwing the rocks just past the attackers face. Zoroku readied his lightsaber for battle after he failed to hit his target.

The masked figure steps back in surprise as the chunk of rock smashes into the ground at his feet. He looks at the rock, back up at the jedi, and at the rock again. "Not exactly a jedi tactic is it" he shouts at the chiss. Reaching for his belt he yanks his pistol from its holster and twist around to fire. "I've killed plenty of mandalorians in my time, one jedi shouldn't be too difficult!"

The blue blaster bolts are shot with surprising precision, a few punching into the jedi. One of them catches him in the knee, almost dropping him to the floor with the shot.

As the fight begins, one of the people Zalen had seen watching dashes forwards. Vaulting the low barrio that marks the edge of the park, her coat flaps open to reveal a pistol that had been concealed from view. "Boss!" she shouts as she rushes forwards. Skidding to a halt she raises the gun and attacks the jedi as well.

The rapid fire from the pistol is truly ferocious, a number of the shots catch Zoroku roughly in the torso, as well as whizzing past him, smashing into the buildings behind.

Masked Figure Combat Check : 2eP+2eA+1eD 3 successes, 2 advantage, 1 Triumph

p-s-a.png p-tr.png a-a.png a-s-s.png d-f.png Does 10 base damage to Zoroku, advantage spent to add setback Zoroku's next check, triumph spent to activate critical hit.

Critical Hit : 1d100 5 Activates minor nick critical inflicts 1 strain

Unknown Woman Combat Check : 2eP+2eA+2eD 7 successes, 2 threat
p-s-s.png p-s-s.png a-s-s.png a-s.png d-th.png d-th.png Moves to engaged range of Zalen (short range of does 14 base damage to Zoroku (sorry Zoroku), threat spent to give Zoroku a free maneuver.

Edited by Rabobankrider

Quickly following in the footsteps of the woman, a number of other masked figured begin to rush forwards, leaping the barrier and rushing into the park. They are dressed very similar to the woman, either in long coats or heavy leather jackets. Cloths or visors are used to cover their faces, and as they rush into the park they raise pistols that they were carrying with them.

As the terrifying visage of the wookie appears alongside the chiss, the strangers take aim and open fire. More blue bolts streak through the air, forcing Kataddik to duck out of the way to avoid being struck. As he does however he leaves himself open to the others attacking. The other group of attackers are able to find their mark, plasma searing into the flesh of the jedi, the smell of furning flesh and fur filling the air around him.

Unknown attackers 1 Combat Check : 2eP+1eA+2eD 0 successes, 2 advantage

p-a-a.png p-s.png a-s.png d-f.png d-f.png Spent advantage to pass boost dice to next squad.

Unknown Attackers 2 Combat Check : 3eP+1eB+2eD 2 successes
p-s.png p-s-a.png p-s.png b-a-a.png d-f-th.png d-th-th.png Does 9 base damage to Kataddik.

Photoreceptors flashing in the near-dark of the mostly deserted speeder park, Kai-wan leaps from the speeder and bounds toward the masked man with the blade. He lunges, the plasma blade of his staff flickering as it slips through the man's defenses and sears into him.

Edited by Edgehawk