Star Wars: Revan's War IC

By Rabobankrider, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

Just as Sarrus takes half a step forward, the two weequay bust into the diner. "Boss! You got a message!" one would say, holding a com and ear bud out. He rushes fowards past where Muu was seated and passes it to the faleen.

"Can this not wait?" he would mutter as he listens to something. The com looks like something the military use, the bud perhaps extracted from a helmet for this more civilian use. He listens in silence for a few minutes before trying to speak. "Yeah but they-, I understand that but I can't just-, this isn't-" Eventually he sighs and looks up, right at Kai. "Looks like you've been busy" he'd grumble as he tosses the com to the droid. Without another word he shoves his hands into his pocket and turns to stomp towards the door of the cantina.

As Kai-wan listens to the com, he would instant recognise the voice of Admiral Ratchar Stewth. "I just spoke to my secretary, and the moron says he told you about Sarrus, right? Look, I know this looks bad, but I can explain it, all of it. I think I know who your traitor is. Just, meet me at these coordinated I'm sending you now. Bring your jedi friends. I'll be unarmed as a sign of faith. Tell no one else about this meeting, not until you hear me out". With that the com would cut short, leaving Kai-wan to pass this new information onto the others.

"Muu, I think the others should know about this, but quietly. We'll go meet the Admiral, you go to the others and try to get to us ASAP. This seems fishyer than a Mon Calamari all day buffet."

Sliding out of his seat, Muu nonchalantly follows both Weequay from behind as they approached Sarrus. Looking over their shoulders as Oola speaks, he pauses for a brief moment using his species precognition. Not seeing any immediate danger, the Iktotchi calmly replies " Understood. Go with the Force friends " while nodding to both before rushing to the vehicle.

Hopping inside, Muu instantly opens a holochannel with Gaze assuming the Sentinels were still interrogating the admiralty. " Gaze, this is padawan Muu Wusun. During our field investigations an admiral has privately reached out to our group hinting intel which could identify the traitor. The admiral wishes to confidentially have us meet her at these coordinates. If you could excuse the other padawans from their present questioning, I'm currently returning to pick the rest of the party up as we speak " he shares, driving towards padawans.

Edited by Vergence

Gaze opens his eyes from his meditations on the Force, and they open even wider when he hears that group actually found something potentially productive. "The Force works in mysterious ways." He says to himself in surprise. He unfolds himself from his lotus position, and responds to Muu. --"Okie doke, I'll go track them down. I'll just head for the sound of infuriated military officials saying things like 'How dare you!' and 'Get out of my office!' shall I? That will probably be them."-- He proceeds down the hall and wanders around a bit looking for the rest of the Padawans.

Kai-wan acknowledges the Admiral with a curt nod. "Thank you for your extraordinary assistance in this matter. We shall be on our way at once."

The droid ends the communication, excuses them from Sarrus, then deadpans to Oola. "Well this does not sound like a trap at all."

Making his way back to the speeder, he plugs in the coordinates, and they proceed to their unknown destination posthaste.

Zalen stirs, his eyes opening slightly. Looking up, he would stare at the guards, waiting for them to bring his visitor, not even bothering to reply.

The officer the officer glances behind him for a moment before reaching out to deactivate the orange barrier that closed off Zalen's cell. He would turn his back to the door and nod to someone out of view. There are heavy footsteps and a second law enforcer appears. This one seems to be wearing an old modified soldiers helm which covered his face entirely. However when he looks at the mandalorian there is a gleam of red through the black visor, maybe a cybernetic or some kind of scanner. In the officers hand there is a heavy metal case that he lets drop to the ground of the cell with a thud. Reaching into a pocket he produces a holo-projector and chucks it towards Zalen. It skids across the cell floor and comes to rest by his feet.

The projector activates and creates the flickering blue image of a middle aged man in a republic officers uniform. He was a tall figure with excellent posture, and looked like he was used to command. Zalen had never seen him before, but could tell he was important. "Ah, greetings mandalorian. I am sorry to hear about your predicament. It seems that you were wrongly arrested, a mistake on the laws part, I am sure. Please, you must allow me to help you here". He would gesture to the case that had been set down behind him. "We are returning your equipment, and will be letting you out of the cells today. All you have to do is a simple job for us".

As he says this his image is replaced with the still image of an alien woman, a faleen dressed in the same attire he was. "This woman is an enemy of the republic, and a worthy target of someone of your skills. I need her, the republic needs her dead. If you, a great mandalorian can do this, you will be free to go, I promise. Now, do we have a deal?"

Meanwhile, the walk for the droid and jedi would not take too long. In fact the meeting point that had been set was on the same city level as the diner. The walk through the bustling streets of Coruscant, passing all manner of people on the way. Corouscant was a melting pot of all manner of cultures. You could travel the planet for months and still only just scratch the surface of what it had to offer.

Eventually they reached their destination, a strange divide between a poor residential area, and a factory quarter. On the one side, tall towers strained with soot from the factories. Here and there lights glinted from windows as people were home. These most likely housed the workers of the area, making it easy for them to Crossing the road they were faced with huge warehouses and factories, stretching far off into the distance on either side. The coordinates seemed to lead them towards a dusty looking alley next to one of the warehouses opposite the towers. This must be where they were meant to meet the admiral.

The other jedi would be with them shortly, with the speeders they would be able to traverse the levels quickly. Soon the party would be reunited, and able to put an end to this investigation, with hope.

"Well, Mistress. We could not have wished for a more unimaginative.. uninspired locale, for an ambush."

Scanning their industrial environs, the droid speaks into the shadowy corridor of the alleyway: "I had anticipated better from you, Admiral.. This is just.. lazy. Scan complete, he continues: "If you truly have this evidence you spoke of.. now would be the time to come forth with it."

Kai-wan is on edge, if such an attribute might be ascribed to a droid. And part of his processing is almost.. hoping for a fight? It is what he knows, and he is good at it. His time with the Jedi has tempered his original programming to some extent, but K-1 is ready to respond to whatever comes their way...

" Zip it, Wan. We're on the clock now" Some little nagging feeling was burning in the back of Oola's mind. Something was wrong. But was it the situation at hand or was it with her? She felt anger banging to seethe deep down in her stomach. She didn't think it would help much but she drew her Lightsaber. The hum of the blade pulsed through the alleyway as she ignited it. Showering the area in a pink-purple glow. " HEY! YOU DRAG US DOWN TO THIS SHITHOLE THEN KEEP US WAITING?! LETS GET THIS PARTY STARTED SHALL WE?! "

Zalen tilted his head as he stared at the image.


He said simply.

But I’ll need my gear... and maybe extra. Someone with a rank like that will not be cheap.

The male said simply.

Gaze, having found the other Padawan's and informed them of the information Muu provided them, made his way to the nearby motor pool. With a short conversation with the attendant droid, commissioned a speeder of sufficient size to carry all of them to the location. He started up the machine and let it sit there, humming gently as it hovered a few feet off the ground. Idly he flipped through the holo-cast channels and found a music projection from one of the local channels. He turned it on low and closed his eyes, letting the background music blend into his meditations. He had been contemplating the Living Force for a significant amount of time recently, mulling over his own internal conflicts about their recent activities, and his place in them. The music sort of blended into the tone he had experienced while meditating. A blending of tones of loss and nostalgia, but with an undercurrent of perseverance against the trials of being alive. He'd never been a fan of nuevo-jazz/blues fusion, but whoever this band was, it spoke to his soul in a way he'd never really considered before. He found himself smiling gently at the idea of finding lessons on the Force, in the life around him, and the way that others find an expression of their own existence. It was a song about life, made by the living, for the living. To take the knocks that come your way, and keep going. He could get behind that. "Living Force indeed." He said to himself, opening his eyes gently, looking around for the rest of the Padawans who had yet to show up at the transport.

Edited by KungFuFerret

' Ovitom is the least likely to be our culprit, far too relaxed and disorganized.' He thought to himself as he started his review of the Admirals in his head. Zoroku would arrive shortly after Gaze his hand on his chin and his face clearly showing he was thinking deeply. When he spotted Gaze he would nod in greetings. He would stand next to Gaze while they waited for Raithe and Kattadik to arrive, " Unfortunately, K-1SO and Oola managed to get us all thrown out of Admiral Stweth's office to have to have any inkling of where I might place her in all the events ."

Edited by Shlambate

Gaze let's out a grunt, clearly not surprised by the statement about K-1S0 and Oola. "That sounds about right. I'm sure all will be made clear in time though." His tone very relaxed and serene as he simply looks around them.

He looks to Gaze " They are quite disruptive, however I believe they meant well. Simply over eager to apprehend the Traitor." Zoroku says while they continue to wait. " I wonder if what they have found will shed a light on this investigation."

Raithe recounts the recent events inside her head as she makes her way to the rendezvous point. Obviously, the investigations didn't go as planned. At the motor pool, she finds Zoroku and Gaze already patiently waiting and makes her way towards them.

"Any sign of the others yet?" Raithe asks to no one in particular.

Edited by AdvocatXD

From out of the back of the alley a hooded figure emerges. Though they are largely obscured, the green hands and lower half of their face identifies them as the admiral. She certainly seems to be alone, though the large cloak makes it difficult to tell if she is armed. She glances behind her before approaching, stopping near the centre of the alley. She hurriedly gestures the pair to come forwards, still looking around as she does. As they draw near she hisses at Oola. "Are you trying to turn us into a beacon, turn that thing off! I am here because I want to help you and clear myself from this cursed investigation, not start a fight with you". She leans to one side to look past Kai and turns back to them with concern on her face. "Where are the others? You should all be here to hear this".

Meanwhile the two jedi speeders had made good progress winding their way through the traffic of the city. They would not be long before reaching the meeting point. The transition from the wealthy upper levels to the darker lower levels was marked and dramatic, the war had only made the divide worse as credits were tight all over. People were mostly getting buy, but it was tougher, no doubt.

That feeling in Oola's head was pulsing. No it was pushing. Pushing her. Pushing her to do ..... Something. Pain suddenly burst in her brain. She grabbed her head dropping the Lightsaber, and letting out a scream. The pain brought her to her knees, and she continued to let out her howl of pain. It was then that she let go. She let the pain push past. She let it take over. And it stopped. The scream. And the pain. And in its place. Lightning began to crackle.

On 3/21/2019 at 9:47 AM, AdvocatXD said:

Raithe recounts the recent events inside her head as she makes her way to the rendezvous point. Obviously, the investigations didn't go as planned. At the motor pool, she finds Zoroku and Gaze already patiently waiting and makes her way towards them.

"Any sign of the others yet?" Raithe asks to no one in particular.

Zoroku looks to the voice of Raithe nods a greeting and replies, " We are waiting for Kattadik, Gaze and I are waiting by the speeder that will take us over to the rest of our compatriots, I am sure they will update us with what they have found out on their end."

Kai-wan stands entirely motionless for a moment, which is unusual for the active droid, but only the audible whirring of his processors betrays the turmoil inside...

Then his head snaps down in the smallest of movements. "Mistress?!!"

Another abrupt movement, and he is again facing the Admiral, indeed reaching for her with his long arm. "Stop!! What are you doing to her!! Stop Now!!"

18 hours ago, Shlambate said:

Zoroku looks to the voice of Raithe nods a greeting and replies, " We are waiting for Kattadik, Gaze and I are waiting by the speeder that will take us over to the rest of our compatriots, I am sure they will update us with what they have found out on their end."

"Uughguughhhghghghhhgh huurh huurhaarrragghuuhw," Kataddik growls behind Zoroku. "Uughghhhgh uugggh huurh huuguughghghuuguughghg."

"I'm right behind you. I can't be that hard to see. "

As Zalen makes his request the helmeted officer steps forwards. Before Zalen can speak again he feels something like brick connect with the side of his head, knocking him to the floor. "Criminal scum" he growls as he brings his boot up, but is called to halt by the hologram.

"Captain! That will do. Zalen here was simply trying to survive, same as everyone. Besides, that kind of audacity is what makes him perfect for this job. How about this mandalorian. If you kill the target, I will see to it that you recieve 50,000 credits. If you kill them, no shortcuts. Now, the captain here will return your armour and escort you to the site".

Now fully tooled up Zalen was rushed into the back of one of the police panther vehicles. It tore through the sky lanes of Corouscant haphazardly, making liberal use of sirens to get through. The speeder is brought to a skidding halt outside of a large tower block somewhere in the lower levels of the city.

The officer leans across to push the door open before jabbing a finger up to point at one of the tower block floors. "You'll find an abandoned apartment up there. Set up, you'll see the target somewhere down near the factories. Now get out". Shoving the mandalorian out of the speeder it spins around and rockets off down the street, spraying durt and dust over anyone stood too close to the road as it goes.

The climb up to the floor indicated was exhausting, but eventually Zalen found the door to the apartment. It looked like it had been completely gutted, with only a few large cloths here and there, stained yellow with age. Looking through the smudged window, using the scope on the rifle Zalen can just about make out a hooded figure emerging from an alley.

However they are not alone, they seem to be meeting two people, and one has a lightsaber. What are jedi doing here? Suddenly the jedi collapses, crackling energy forming around them as the other figure advances on the cloaked person. They stumble back, their hood falling away to confirm her identity as the target in the hologram.

On the ground the admiral steps back away from Kai, fear quickly gripping her face as her hood falls back. "What? I'm not doing anything? What's going on? This, this is a set up!"

Reaching underneath the cloak she produces a pistol and aims it at the droid. Her hand trembles slightly as her eyes dart around frantically. "Stay back! I am not going to be killed here!"

Police Brutality : 2eP+1eA+2eD 4 successes, 1 threat

p-s.png p-s-s.png a-s.png d--.png d-th.png Does 7 base damage to Zalen, minus only 3 soak due to not having armour

Aiming calmly, the mandalorian tilted his head, completrly quiet and still. Once he lined his sights with the target, he quietly muttered a prayer for the female in mandalorian, before squeezing the trigger, the slug shooting forward, and hitting the female admiral right in the face, killing her immediately.

Edited by player3333902
On 3/27/2019 at 9:06 PM, Rabobankrider said:

"Stay back! I am n  ot  going to be killed here!" 

The Admiral's face promptly explodes, but Kai-wan does not have time to hang about and admire her unfounded optimism.

A eulogy can wait. . Given the relatively narrow confines of this alley, and the known trajectory.. that tower, yes!

The security droid is off, bounding off of walls and leaping over any obstacles that might slow his pursuit. When he reaches the stairwell leading up, he is certain he hears the assassin descending towards him, as he leaps his way up to the first landing.

Gaze loads into the speeder with the others when they show up and they all head to the location. He doesn't say much of anything as they travel, busying himself with watching the city flow by outside the window.

When they get to the location, they stop a short distance from the two people he sees, the unstable Padawan and her malfunctioning droid. He gets out of the vehicle and takes several steps towards them, noticing Oola on the ground, and now spotting another prone form on the ground, with the droid standing over them. "What is going on?!" His tone alarmed at the scene before him.

The assassin still manages to get the drop on the security droid.

A Mandalorian!

" You should have used the jet pack, murderer ." The droid lifts his head just a bit, motioning toward the stairs behind. "I'm going to crack that fancy armor open and tear you apart, like a Gungan eating a lobster!"

Edited by Edgehawk