Reusing Space ICE adv. counters

By erasurehead, in Android: Netrunner Rules Questions


If you advance, for example, an Asteroid Belt, and rez it at a discount, do you then have to remove the advancement counters after you rez it, or can you rez and still leave the counters on it for later use with, for example, Red Planet Couriers? It doesn‘t say that you have to remove the adv. counters when you rez...

(As an aside, and just for confirmation, tho I‘m sure I‘m right about this: is it correct that you cannot use a Dedication Cermony to place more counters on a scored Project Atlas?)



Don't do more than the card tells you. You aren't instructed to remove the advancement tokens, so don't. If the ICE is derezzed, you'll be glad they were there. Alternatively, you might use them with Trick of Light or Constellation Protocol, or, as you mentioned, RPC.

You cannot use Dedication Ceremony on a scored Atlas, as scored cards are not installed. Even if you could, you wouldn't be triggering the "when scored" ability again.

Edited by CommissarFeesh