Wolf on ebay sales

By hetfighter, in Tannhauser

A great Wolf figure is on Ebay sales (n° 130275686204)

international shipping

Someone must have bought it, I'm not seeing it...

Let's see hetfighter has one post here in the forums and the auction just started (that's why TSK couldn't see the auction, he came in too fast). Just be honest and say "I have put up my Wolf for Sale on eBay". Honesty is a much better path ...

Here's the correct Link ... http://cgi.ebay.com/Tannhauser-Wolf-special-edition-figure-LE-Fantasy-fligh_W0QQitemZ130275686204

BTW #1 - What the heck is with a sale in Euros if you are in Florida ?!? Is that so you don't have to list the shipping at the actual $12.00 USD?

BTW #2 - The auction states " ONLY the figure is included in the official box." What happened to the Tokens and Rulebook?!?

Something smells really, really funny here ... BUYER BEWARE!

By the sounds of it, the auction only includes the mini, no tokens or booklet, but does include a CDROM with rules, most likely your PDF up on BGG Mal.

You can still order Wolf from the TOY site if you live in France. I don't get why FFG is being so tight with him...


when i scrape up some money im just going to order mine from france and then print off Mals translation of the rulebook

Doc Savage said:

I don't get why FFG is being so tight with him...

I have that answer.

FFG said that he was a limited promotional miniature for those who pre-order Tannhuaser before its release, the believe by allowing him for purchace would ruin any future promotions by the company.

I think what will hurt them even more is lack of products to support a game, not a mini people fork over 40, 50 even 60 bucks for. Nice to know FFG really knows how to run a company. partido_risa.gif

Except that they sold it at Gencon... So they are not opposed to selling it.


FFG should just sell it on their web page. I preordered at a brick and Mortar retailer and got Wolf then. It has been a year. That is a big enough window for an exclusive freebie with purchase. Just sell it already and save your customers the international shipping costs. That will earn customer support, not sending your customers to European distributors.

FFG - Give us a little support here. Tell us why it takes so long to translate the components and print them. Give us real schedules you can stick to. There are 2 new products out for Tannhauser and more on the way for the first quarter 2009. When will we see those? Summer 2010? I certainly feel that FFG doesn't want to support this game. Maybe they should let Asmodee handle it.

