Custom Campaign - The ascension of Margath - Third Version

By rugal, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

EDIT : Dropbox link may be easier to use

For the ones who wants to play it, here are some rules :

1 - DRAGON SHARDS AND RUNES : If the heroes lose, they gain of them. They are used either to reduce Margath's life or force the Overlord to cancel the Margath's fury roll rule.

2 - MARGATH'S FURY : After each quest of the Act 2, the Overlord will roll 1 Brown defense die and may reroll that die once if he lost the previous quest and he must accept the last roll. If the die result show at least 1 shield, the Overlord may choose 1 unplayed quest of the Act 2 and Burn it down. Note it on the quest log on the lower right. When a quest is burned down, the Overlord receives the reward listed on the quest as if he win it and only the win section. The Overlord may only burn a quest on the line 1 after having played one of the first Act 2 quest, 1 Quest of the line 2 after having played one of them, and only 1 quest of the line 3 after having played one of them. The heroes may discard a Dragon shard to cancel that roll.

3 - ALTERNATE MONSTERS : Promoted monsters are alternate version of Monsters the Overlord may win during some quests. When he receives one of them, the Overlord place it on his play area. When the Overlord is said to use the Dark priest of if the chooses as an Open group, he may uses the Margath's dark priest instead. This choice must be made before placing monsters on the map and if he chooses the Margath's dark priest, the "regular" dark priest cannot be used during that quest. All of the Alternate Monsters and Lieutenant's have the Margath's icon between monster's name and artwork.

4 - EXPANSIONS NEEDED : This campaign need Lair of the Wyrm expansion and Guardians of Deephal Heroes and Monsters boxes to be played. Uses Valyndra's miniature or token as High Lord Margath. During this campaign, you cannot use "summon - Valyndra" from Dragon's greed Plot deck. Same applies to "Summon - Belthir" from Hybrid loyalty. Keep in mind that this campaign was created using all expansions and may reveal his potential using the most expansions you have.

Let me know about bugs, typo or other stuff (since i'm French and English not my native language ) and I hope you will like it !

Edited by rugal

you could pitch me the files and i could have a look at it. I designed alot of descent content and the silken threads campaign so I am probably able to help.

How should I do it, Master Morthai ?

I would like to help, but since i'm French, i'm not sure to be able to play at the same time as you, guys ! :wacko:

1 hour ago, rugal said:

I would like to help, but since i'm French, i'm not sure to be able to play at the same time as you, guys ! :wacko:

We've got quite a bit of time difference already- it's a move by post system, so we don't need to be online at the same time at all.

@rugal: write me an email:

I've bought and played Runebound V3, and immediately, I feel sad that Margath was not inside Descent, so I made up my campaign using him.

It is not fully finished, need some quests in act 2, and needs balance.

Is there people here who wants to play it and help me balance it ?

My campaign needs Lair of the Wyrn and Guardians of Deephall to be played. Made with the Quest vault

Edited by rugal


This looks great. As a note, you can put alternate text over the URL using the link box above.

22 hours ago, Zaltyre said:


This looks great. As a note, you can put alternate text over the URL using the link box above.

Done !

Belthir Act II backside monster card has some issues with his abilities, he has cry havroc instead of fire champion on its backside.

Corrected Quest Log, Rules, Belthir act 2 and changed the artwork of Margath's dark priests

Edited by rugal

Rugal, I am doing a solo play through of your campaign. I am on the second quest titled Cults Origin. I am at encounter 2. I have two questions:

1 - How does the OL gain Hero tokens?

2 - What are the OL reinforcements?

I do not see these in the quest guide.


Dan Howell

Might give this a try but I too am quite involved with my own project.

Love the custom cards. And your backstory idea for how Belthir came to be.

Some nice ideas in the campaigns so even if playtests mean you need to tweak them I like some of the ideas you've incorporated- my questline has young dragons in it so I like that you too have a liking for eggs and young dragons being part of the setting- these don't seem to feature that often so it's a neat element to include. And makes you wonder what if they mature or where are the parents? Are they friendly or hostile? (in my quest line not all dragons are enemies!)


Re the end twist- it's cool that the heroes really end heroes- but maybe soften it a bit- leave that cliffhanger, is this it or will they be saved by something or someone?

Edited by Watercolour Dragon
On 17/02/2018 at 12:36 AM, rdh174 said:

Rugal, I am doing a solo play through of your campaign. I am on the second quest titled Cults Origin. I am at encounter 2. I have two questions:

1 - How does the OL gain Hero tokens?

2 - What are the OL reinforcements?

I do not see these in the quest guide.


Dan Howell

I'm so sorry !

Should be "each time a hero is knocked out, the Overlord takes of his hero token if he does not already have it"

"Reinforcement - At the start of the Overlord's turn, place 1 Dark Priest on the altar, respecting group's limit"

I have some time to play this evening so your reply is very timely.

Thanks for the campaign.

Dan Howell

Amazing work Rugal!

A quick question on the monsters card: fire dragons and sentries elite.

I assume that there is a typo for the number of monsters we use for a 3 and 4 players game?


Rugal, I am getting ready to play Rise of Margath. Are there any reinforcements in the quest?

Dan Howell

Should be "each time a hero is knocked out, the Overlord takes of his hero token if he does not already have it"

"Reinforcement - At the start of the Overlord's turn, place 1 Dark Priest on the altar, respecting group's limit"

Yes, there is a typo !

Thanks, it tooks me hard time for sure !

Rugal, I was referring to the interlude quest Rise of Margath. I have finished the earlier quest we were discussing.


Dan Howell

1 monster from 1 open group at the start of the Overlord's turn, on the entrance, respecting group's limit

Thanks again

I'm been sick so I had to left this campaign aside.

Now, a new version is ready, i'm still balancing it, tough

The hostingpics images are timing out before they load - so not able to load your graphics at the moment

The rar file has downloaded and opened ok- so should have all the bits now (will check individually soon, checked a few files and all seems in order- looking good too!)

ps - if anyone needs a rar opener Microsoft's RAR opener from the Microsoft app store does the job, or anything that can open rar files (a type of zipped (compressed) folder)

I feel like I should growl a dragony RAAAR at this moment in time!

Edited by Watercolour Dragon