Reactive Armour

By udat, in Imperial Assault Rules Questions

Hi guys,

I have a couple of questions about Reactive Armour, because I think I have seen conflicting advice in various forums.

As a reminder, the card text states: While defending, if you roll an [Evade] result on a black die, apply +2 Block to the defense results.

In the thread below regarding Create Opening the consensus seems to be that Verena's ability to remove an evade "cancels" Reactive Armour. Effectively changing what was rolled into a blank result before Reactive Armour can trigger. This is because attacker abilities resolve before defender abilities.

However, in this BGG thread regarding Reactive Armour and Jet Troopers the consensus is that you cannot use "Agility" to turn a rolled block into an Evade, to then trigger Reactive Armour.

I don't understand why these are different. Instinctively, I agree with the Jet Troopers interpretation, but it seems to contradict with the Create Opening one. If the Create Opening interpretation is correct it feels like a Jet Trooper should be able to, e.g. roll two blocks, use Agility to change that result to 1 block and one evade (effectively making that the rolled result), and then trigger Reactive Armour to add two blocks (because the IP chooses which order defensive abilities resolve).

My initial interpretation of Create Opening was that it would cancel the evade, but Reactive Armour would still add two blocks. That would mean the final result is two blocks and no evade, so Create Opening still "works" and benefits Verena, but it doesn't completely cancel a 3XP class card.

1 hour ago, udat said:

In the thread below regarding Create Opening the consensus seems to be that Verena's ability to remove an evade "cancels" Reactive Armour. Effectively changing what was rolled into a blank result before Reactive Armour can trigger. This is because attacker abilities resolve before defender abilities

It seems I have not actually given my opinion on that thread, just that Create Opening is an attacker ability and about timing.

So, I can with good concience suggest that the cases are not different. Reactive Armor looks at the symbol on the dice rolled, not what is in the attack/defense results. (And that the consensus might have been wrong.)

Edit: my interpretation about the timing of Reactive Armor might also be wrong. "If you rolled" could be interpreted as explicit timing, and the applying of +2 blocks happens immediately after rerolls.

Edited by a1bert

Have FFG made any noises about it? Are there other abilities that relate to the actual rolled dice, rather than the "result" of the roll?

If it was "the result" then Reactive Armour would be a half-decent card. As it is, for 3xp it seems weak. +2 health and a 1/6 chance of extra block is weak sauce compared to Assault Armor for 2xp.

There's zero doubt in my mind that Reactive Armor means that a result of {evade] on the black die becomes a result of {evade}{block}{block} - then you can start removing symbols afterwards.

Does the effect also apply to all dice rolled? For example, reactive armor on an AT-ST and two evades rolled...would that sum to 4 blocks? Or does the effect only apply once?

As the empire, I said it applied to both, my friend as the rebels said it just applied once.

We punched each other in the face over it then lit the game on fire.

1 hour ago, Darth Luap said:

Does the effect also apply to all dice rolled? For example, reactive armor on an AT-ST and two evades rolled...would that sum to 4 blocks? Or does the effect only apply once?

Each ability can only be used once per opportunity. If at least one evade was rolled, you apply +2 blocks to the defense results.


We both apologized and are friends again now.