Starting netrunner

By starrius, in Android: Netrunner The Card Game

So I've been looking at net runner for a while as it's intrigued me. With the advertisement of the 2.0 code in now really considering starting.

Is it worth waiting for the new core and if so what additional things should be bought with it or is it better to just splurg with the old cores and buy more?

In your situation, I would wait for the revised core set.

The Terminal Directive expansion would be my next buy after core, but that's a personal preference. A campaign expansion is not for everyone. It does come with fun identities and cards.

The newest cycle, Kitara, is also just beginning, so the first pack Sovereign Sight is also a logical first buy.

Yep, in general, work backwards. Revised Core set, and whatever current packs are coming out. Look up what cards there are in other sets and you only need to buy what interests you.

Another way to go would be Revised Core then Deluxe Expansions (Creation and ?Control, Honor and Profit, Order and Chaos and Data and Destiny). It's not card count crazy and you get good stuff.

When is the new core set supposed to be out by the way?

It's on the boat right now. Maybe end of November, give or take a couple of weeks?

Thank you for your help guys

Netrunner is a huge buy in. Your best bet would be to look for a used collection on ebay or the such then file in the wholes around that collection.

3 hours ago, Mep said:

Netrunner is a huge buy in. Your best bet would be to look for a used collection on ebay or the such then file in the wholes around that collection.

Mep is dead wrong. Netrunner is not a huge buy-in, because you don't need to purchase the entire catalog at once. The advice given above is sound.

If you are playing a very limited format like then sure, Grimwalker is correct, you only need to buy four products. BTW, nearly no one plays that. Having started this game about 7 months ago with a limited catalog, I can tell you as a matter of fact, you won't be competitive at your local game night, without a good size catalog to pull cards from. You won't need the entire catalog but their should be no expectation that you can buy 1 core and terminal directive and have the card pool to do another other than lose games. I will say however, the campaign mode is fun actually and worth playing and only requires those two products. If you wish to play beyond that, expect to dish out some real money for a bunch of cards. Netrunner is an older game with a large library. It is however worth it. You simply need to be realistic and be given realistic advice.

When I bought into Game of Thrones, there were seven cycles in print the eighth pack had just released and six deluxe sets: hey look, right about where Netrunner is now, and not even the blessing of rotation to keep things in check.

So I know what I’m talking about, and I know what’s good advice and bad advice.

Bad advice is to get obsessed over the large size of the card pool and to pressure yourself to thinking that a large card pool is necessary for its own sake.

Good advice is to learn the game, have fun with the game, and while yes, you may be at an overall disadvantage early, I went to my first Regional with one Core, the Stark/Targaryen Deluxes, and maybe three chapter packs. I did okay, not great, but had fun.

I n ever owned the whole card pool. Instead, I kept up with new releases, and only felt the need to buy products from the back catalog for specific decks, and usually only after playing with proxies. Moreover, since I wasn’t interested in all the factions, I was able to identify a large swath of product that was very low priority.

In Netrunner, there are decks that win premiere tournaments that, if you actually look at them, only utilize 6-8 actual products. If you’re willing to proxy cards you don’t own, and borrow cards from friends (we haven’t even gotten onto the subject of LCG Communism, which is a tremendous money saver) then you’ll be just fine growing your collection at a pace you’re comfortable with.

Right now the Chicago Netrunner scene is growing again and this is the advice we’re giving to half a dozen new players, and it’s working out great. Those of us who are longtime players are more than willing to lend cards at need, and these newer players are getting really sharp, really fast.

You could go to and check out some decks you might like and chech which packs you need to buy.

Attempting to buy everything out there is madness if you’ve never played before.

It was kind of unfortunate that FFG didnt have the new Core ready to sell when they announced the revised set. Nobody will buy the old one (which I imagine will be sitting in LGS shelves until it will go on fire sale), but the buzz of the reset might have have passed once the new core arrives. Maybe FFG will have something up its sleeve when the new core hits stores, but I have a feeling they are focusing on L5R these days...

The focus on L5R is why the Revised Core was delayed. They can only print so many core sets at once and they had a new game to get launched.

It's on the boat though. I'll get here.

I bit the bullet and found a core plus 3 out of the 4 deluxe (terminal directive missing) and the 1st 4 cycles on eBay to start me off

Going to sort through the cards and make a 2.0 core and remove old cards and then I can learn to play


That's the way to do. That actually sets you up really good. There will be plenty sales during the holiday season to round out your collection but now you really need to learn the game and figure out what you want next.

So far been through cards I have now 3x revised cores and lunar cycle plus sansan cycle. Got my first game on Thursday using the basic 1 core cards to make a runner and Corp deck to get the basics down

Does anyone have an idea of the total number of currently legal cards per faction so I can figure out storage?

Storage is an issue. The box they sell you in the cores is probably worth more than the cards and is actually a nice box. Go7gaming has storage solutions for both the core box and the terminal directive box. I have two core boxes and terminal directive and they are fair full at this point. Other than standard card storage something like this could work as well

As to card count around 1200 to 1400 although you'll want to divide things up a lot, so probably more space than that.