Daqan - Putting the Tools Together

By Bhelliom, in Runewars List Building

With Scouts and Crossbows previewed, we have an idea of the sort of list building options that will be available to us in the coming months. This is my attempt to put them together in a cohesive fashion:

Kari Wraithstalker x1 [32]
--Artifact: Fortunas Dice [6]
----------Total Unit Cost: 38

Outland Scouts x4 [32]
--Champion: Uncontrolled Geomancer [6]
--Training: Piercing Strike [3]
----------Total Unit Cost: 41

Spearmen x6 [40]
--Champion: Forged In Battle [4]
--Equipment: Visored Helms [7]
--Heraldry: Eagle-Banner Bearer [4]
----------Total Unit Cost: 55

Oathsworn Cavalry x2 [20]
--Equipment: Tempered Steel [3]
--Training: Rank Discipline [4]
----------Total Unit Cost: 27

Heavy Crossbowmen x3 [27]
--Equipment: Tempered Steel [3]
--Music: Rallying Cornicen [4]
--Training: Rank Discipline [4]
----------Total Unit Cost: 38

The Scouts provide a serious threat against large blocks, and piercing strike ups their stock against tougher targets too. The Oathsworn are just a little opportunistic unit, idea being to jump in and support the Scouts or exploit an opening that they provide. The Spearmen make a decent combat block, and want to sit back and rally a couple times. Into the midgame, they have pretty good output against all kinds of targets. Kari and the Crossbowmen provide ranged support.

The list has pretty good answers to big units and high defense units (mainly thinking of Reanimates and Carrion Lancers here), and pretty good damage and utility all around. It might suffer some against Uthuk's low-defense high-wound stats, but I haven't given them much thought.

What do you think?

Might be alright, but an answer for everything is also often not an answer to anything. I feel you've done literally nothing to give you an edge, so you aren't really good at anything there.

Generally speaking it is what you leave out to get your edhe that'll make this interesting.

Edited by Darthain

I feel like a list of scouts without Kari figure upgrade in them is going to just be silly.

My thought would be with no real focus on points or knowledge of daqan list building, but great knowledge on Daqan's power killing Waiqar.

Lord Hawthorne

4 tray of scouts with kari unit upgrade

4x1 oath sworn

9 tray spear with flrg

and hopefully enough room for a 3x1 of crossbowmen. If not maybe drop the spear star to a 3x2 but I think the 3x3 w/ flrg is just such a huge tarpit.

9 hours ago, Curlycross said:

I feel like a list of scouts without Kari figure upgrade in them is going to just be silly.

My thought would be with no real focus on points or knowledge of daqan list building, but great knowledge on Daqan's power killing Waiqar.

Lord Hawthorne

4 tray of scouts with kari unit upgrade

4x1 oath sworn

9 tray spear with flrg

and hopefully enough room for a 3x1 of crossbowmen. If not maybe drop the spear star to a 3x2 but I think the 3x3 w/ flrg is just such a huge tarpit.

True Kari makes the scouts fun. But there is an even more insidious combo! One that is going to be quite fun to run. Able to strike and disengage in a single turn!