Character sheet suggestions

By bsmith23, in Proofreading

On the Conflict side, I personally could use a box for my Initiative Count near the Focus/Vigilance boxes. A box next to the stances to remind which you are using might be helpful, too.

Oh, a spot on the paper you could put a bead or token to show your stance (since it would change often) might be nice - or an ancillary dial / token which you can set to an element (like a 6 sided element die) might be useful.

Ya know what - I bought 3 cores, so I guess I have 2 sets of element tokens... that might help run a game if ppl don't overlap too much lol.

Edited by shosuko

Darn, seems another reason to buy more cores... :)


I have the old Second City stance cards. Wonder if I should put them in sleeves with the new effects

57 minutes ago, bsmith23 said:


l5r lcg game core set - you have to buy 3 to have a playset of all of the cards from the core set (this is standard for lcg model) so I have 3 sets of the tokens / dials / and such. You only need 1 set for 2 ppl to play, so I have plenty of these extra. Might be nice to have a way of noting which stance a character is in - for any scene type.

I may be blind or something and just can't find it in the rules, but on the conflict mode section of the sheet, what are the circle spaces next to each stance for as the stances don't have stats?

5 hours ago, Mirumoto Seiichiro said:

I may be blind or something and just can't find it in the rules, but on the conflict mode section of the sheet, what are the circle spaces next to each stance for as the stances don't have stats?

What I assumed was that you write your Ring in the circle, because that's how many ring dice you'll use while in that stance. It emans that you don't have to keep flipping from one side of the sheet to the other.

I was also puzzled about what went in the stance spaces, and like @Tonbo Karasu settled on copying the Ring values from the narrative-mode sheet. I do hope the final rules include a sample filled-out sheet showing what goes where; that's always a good teaching tool.

I used them as a place to put a marker of which ring was used...

I'd rather have a "Stance Die" - 5 faces showing the elements, one showing the rosette of all 5. I am, however, too cheap to make one.

On 10/8/2017 at 9:17 PM, bsmith23 said:

On the Conflict side, I personally could use a box for my Initiative Count near the Focus/Vigilance boxes. A box next to the stances to remind which you are using might be helpful, too.

Especially since it can vary mid-conflict with fire opportunities.

On 10/11/2017 at 2:59 AM, Mirumoto Seiichiro said:

I may be blind or something and just can't find it in the rules, but on the conflict mode section of the sheet, what are the circle spaces next to each stance for as the stances don't have stats?

Agreed. but if you use those stance rings to place a marker over the stance you're in, you obscure precisely the one stat you need at any one time.

I tried to make an intitiative wheel to put in the middle of a table where all the PCs and NPCs can indicate what thier current initiative and stance is with a little token - so it's easier to see the order people are going in.