Clan Mon Design

By GhostSanta, in Legend of the Five Rings Roleplaying Game Beta

This may be controversial, but I for one would like to see an updated (or maybe more accurately antiquated) design for the clan mon.
Something a little bit less messy and ink scrawled, and maybe something a bit more typical of the style (as shown in the picture attached.)
The current ones are neat, but any time I try to imagine a self-respecting Crane clan samurai wearing a perfectly crafted gorgeous silk kimono - smeared with a radical scratchy ink mon - it screws up my inner-eye. My players that are more in tune with Japanese culture have had a couple of giggles over the otherwise stunning artwork in the 4th ed books trying to incorporate the ink-scrawl mon.

I know the current ones are traditional at this point, but it would be nice to get some enriched ideas for the RPG world.

Just spit-ballin'. This seems to be the place for such a suggestion.


My three-year campaign is in an AU of Rokugan, and I had an artist friend redesign the clan mons to fit the traditional look, on the grounds that in an alternate version of the Empire, they might have an alternate aesthetic. :-)

On 08/10/2017 at 3:49 AM, Kinzen said:

I had an artist friend redesign the clan mons to fit the traditional look

I would love to see these if your friend is OK with you sharing them.

Or better yet, get them to put them up on Diviantart and share the link once they’re up. ??