Question about rules: cycling a weapon between marines

By maamets, in Doom


In one of my games the marines found BFG and used it against the end figh in scenario 1. Their plan was to cycle the BFG through all the marines in this way:

  1. Marine A uses advance action: shoots BFG and gives it to Marine B during movement
  2. Marine B uses advance action: shoots BFG and gives it to Marine C during movement
  3. Marine C uses unload action: shoots BFG twice

As I did not remember any rules that would restrict such a behavior I allowed it and of course they pulverisez the whole room before invaders got to act.

So my question is if this is legal. It is possible to give an item during movement to an adjacent player for the cost of one movement so it kinda seem legal but on the other hand it was a real overkill. Did I miss some rules about cycling a weapon that was just used by another marine?

If you have the movement points, perfectly legit. In a campaign mode, I wouldn't really want to pull that off, 4 shots means 4 chances to break the BFG AND 4 chances to lose ammo. Ammo issue might also come into play in your scenario, giving weapon + ammo would take 2 movement points, so the Marines would have to be in very close proximity (cue Cacodemon demonio.gif ).

Thanks for the clarification.

But what is this about breaking a weapon? I think I missed this rule somewhere.

Only used in campaign mode, if you roll X with any die (Red and Yellow only have, doesn't affect Fist, Pistol or Grenade), then before any rerolls you roll the die again, if it comes X again, weapon breaks. It's on the front page of the scenario booklet.

maamets said:

So my question is if this is legal. It is possible to give an item during movement to an adjacent player for the cost of one movement so it kinda seem legal but on the other hand it was a real overkill. Did I miss some rules about cycling a weapon that was just used by another marine?

I agree with Dam, this is perfectly legal as long as the marines have enough MPs to pull it off. I am curious about where the marines got enough plasma that they thought this was a good idea, or were they actually trying 4 shots with just 1 unit of ammo? It has been quite a while since I played this game, but I don't remember there being all that much plasma ammo lying around the first map.

Fully Loaded mod? I think in the first map there's 3 plasma ammo laying around.

And it's a BAD idea with the BFG due to 1) ammo usage and 2) misses. The BFG rolls all the dice, which means it rolls the Red and Yellow dice which both have the Miss "X" icon. So you have a much greater chance of missing than with any other weapon. Also, since all the dice are rolled, you have a very high chance of an ammo icon being rolled. You should *never* shoot the BFG without Aiming.

Having said that, a similar tactic with the Chainsaw isn't a bad idea :)



We were playing with the oficially easiest difficulty setting which means they had plenty of plasma ammo. As we were not really plaing campaing then we did not know about the weapon breaking rule also.

Been using a houserule that says you can´t hand off a weapon you already fired the same round to fix this.

Seeing as combat is supposed to be fluent and marines don´t really "stand still" in time waiting for everyone else to take their turn this seems like the most in-the-spirit of the game thing to do.

I prefer not to get too stuck up on the excact wording of the rules but go with my gut feeling cool.gif