Honor/Glory/Status Ranks

By Mirith, in Rules Questions

Starting on page 22:

Given the following:


It is always hard to go against one’s own personal feelings, even when following
the orders of a superior or adhering to an inflexible code. When
a player wishes to have their character defy their ninjō, the character suffers
strife equal to their honor rank (or more, at the player’s discretion).
If it represents a significant sacrifice on the character’s part, setting aside
their ninjō for honorable reasons can also result in an honor reward, as
described in Increasing Honor, Glory, and Status, on page 21.

What exactly constitutes an honor rank, and where do they begin? I'm assuming that each row in the Honor column is an honor rank? If so, is 0 Honor Rank 1 or a 0? Might help to add a column to the table indicate this value.

(Edit): Same with glory, since Giri effects it the same way?

Edited by Mirith

Value and Rank

A character’s honor, glory, and status attributes have a value from 0 to 100.
When an effect calls for a character’s honor, glory, or status rank, use
the tens digit of the character’s honor attribute (or 10, if the value is 100).

Rank is the 10s digit of the value, so 0 value would be 0 rank.

5 hours ago, deraforia said:

Rank is the 10s digit of the value, so 0 value would be 0 rank.

Thank you! While skimming some parts I missed that and couldn't find it.