Astronomy vs. Astrology

By Renat123, in Sid Meier's Civilization: A New Dawn

Hello. Sorry for my English. I have a question on the Astrology card. The Astrology card states that it refers to science and gives scientific bonuses "Advance your tech dial a number of space to this slots". But Astrology is not science! This is a pseudoscientific discipline. Maybe the creators of the game confused it with Astronomy?
Astronomy is a science. Astrology is not.
What do you think about it?

Excellent point! I suppose just for the sake of argument, Astrology seems to be an early era tech card, a time of human history when the sciences weren't as well defined as they are today. For example, Physics was known as Natural Philosophy during the life of Isaac Newton, and Astronomy wasn't much of a science at all until our buddy Galileo proved the Earth wasn't the center of the universe and brought the field some credibility. Point being, maybe the pseudoscientific aspect was exactly was the creators were going for, as it is a tech representing early human history, when man was swayed by mysticism more than evidence. Still, bravo on the distinction, you are absolutely right!

It may be called a pseudo-science now but way back in earlier times I think we can say it was a science relative to the knowledge of civilizations then, naming star patterns and recognizing that they occur in the same place and then using that knowledge for direction finding when travelling. But, yes, astronomy is more accurate.

This in almost certainly in error. From Ancient Greece to the Middle Ages, the foundation of education were the Artes Liberales:

"Grammar , logic , and rhetoric were the core liberal arts, while arithmetic , geometry , the theory of music , and astronomy also played a (somewhat lesser) part in education"

(quoted from the wikipedia article: )

Astrology has no part in this. It's just one of the countless methods of divinination, like Augury or Haruspicy (see: ).

Also, one should bear in mind that astrology is concidered pseudo-science by todays standards. And quite possibly back in ancient Greece too.

However, even further back in the tribal, and most likely shamanistic, hunter-gatherer tribes of the Stone Age, Astrology, or something close to it, could very well have been the most cutting edge technology that humanity had. And I wouldn't be surprised if it was the foundation for certain other technological advances either. Say that the Shaman saw that "Ooh. The patterns of the ancestral sky fires are once again in the same places they were last time the tribe had that successful hunting expedition. I wonder if we can repeat that success." and lo and behold, the same large heard was in roughly the same place again and voilà: a rudimentary calendar was born.

Edited by Fnoffen
for elaboration

The wikipedia links from the OP mention astrology's early beginnings and how it was considered scholarly and scientific at the time. If nothing else, it involved the study and observation of the stars and other celestial objects, activities that certainly led to proper science. In a broad historical sense I don't mind it being used in this way in a game that covers that time period.

In Civilization 6 the computer game both Astrology and Astronomy are “techologies” that can be researched. Astrology is researched in the Ancient Era of ones Civ and Astronomy in the Renaissance Era. Seeing how all the cards are named after Tech and Culture advancements in Civ6, it seems deliberate they named it Astrology in A New Dawn. Historically acurate? Probably not, but it is true to the source material.

Yeah, I took it as deliberate - indicative of the level of logical thought going on at that time.